Monday, September 08, 2014

Period 5- GOW- Chapters 12-18- Post 2 questions here,


  1. Why do the Joad's hardly consider all of the warnings the receive about going West?

    Do you think the Joad's except the label placed upon them as "migrant men"?

    Remi S.

  2. Do you agree with Casy when he says "'If he needs a million acres to make him feel rich, seems to be he needs it 'cause he feels awful poor inside hisself...'"(207)? Does this quote match your beliefs on wealth? If not, why do you think Casy is wrong?

    Why is it that "...when property accumulates in too few hands it is taken away"(238)? Why does this happen? And can it be prevented?

    Katey Y.

  3. Casy noticed that, "It's like a whole country is movin',"(173) west. The Joads are also told by multiple people that they were not going to just enter California and magically get a better life. Yet, the Joads continue to head west. Do you think that they are scared to return home and realize that there is nothing left for them?

    Ma Joad didn't tell the rest of the family that Grandma was dead until they had crossed the desert, because she knew that, "The fambly had ta get acrost...We couldn' stop in the desert." (228) What do you think would have happened if Ma Joad told the rest of the family right away when Grandma died? Do you think that the Joad's would have made it across the desert?

    Ellie B.

  4. What do you think the significance/ symbolism is in Grandpa's death?

    Why do you think Ma has a different view than the rest of the family on how life is going to be in California? Do you think she was pessimistic or realistic?


  5. In chapter 14, Steinbeck discusses a lot of the confusion the farming families felt about the growing mechanization and materialism of the country. Do you think this was specific to the area or did it apply to the entire nation?

    Do you think the family went west to California because they thought a better life awaited them or because they had no other choice?

  6. What is Ma's philosophy of "holdin' on"?

    What does it reveal about the Joads when they befriend the Wilsons?

  7. What does the Joads' steadfastness in moving say about their personalities, or even all of the "migrant" families? What comment could Steinbeck be making about human nature?

    What role does Ma play in the success of the family as whole? Why might Steinbeck have created her so that she was different than she was when Tom was younger? Did the experiences make her a more tough person, with the death of Granpa and Granma?

    Cleo K P5

  8. What is the significance of the Joads' friendship with the Wilsons? What does this say about the changing values of family and community? Does this friendship benefit the Joads, the Wilsons, or both?

    Why and how does the family gradually lose members as the novel progresses? How does the family react to these losses? Is this how your family would react? Are the Joads' reactions to the losses of Granpa, Granma, and Noah affected by their situation?

  9. Do you think Ma was the sole reason the family persevered through the Journey? If she was not here, how do you think the family would have handled the hardships?

    Why do you think the author decided to have grandpa die? What would have changed I he had still been alive?

  10. How does past experience and suffering play a role in heightening expectations for the future?

    Would the Joad's have been better off staying in Oklahoma? Was the horrific journey to California really worth it?

  11. Throughout Chapter 12, many families have either been told or have told other families that the land in California is not sufficient enough, and there will be no work and no prosperity. Why do you think the Joad family still persevered even with having people try to convince them to go back to their homes, and would you travel to California despite being told otherwise, or would you return home?

    Why do you think Steinbeck included Chapter 15 in Grapes of Wrath?

  12. Why were the citizens of western states frightened by the large number of migrant farmers moving in? What do the westerners fear the farmers will do if they unite?

    Even though the Joads' were short on money, space, and supplies, why were they willing to travel to CA with the Wilsons? What does this say about the Joads' family and their human nature?

    Carolyn C. period 5

  13. Sairy Wilson comments that she and her husband have been "nothing but trouble" to the Joads. Do you agree with her statement, or do you believe that the Joads benefited from their company?

    Is Steinbeck trying to comment on the role of women in society by making Ma the backbone of the family, when normally that would be considered a man's job?

  14. What are Jim Casy's thoughts on why people keep moving?

    Why did Granma take Grampa's death so well?
    Abby Atkinson

  15. In chapter 15, Mae, the waitress, sells some candy to a migrant father at a discounted price. Though this is after she tells two truckers that she heard the Okies are thieves. Why do you think she did that? Do you believe pity had a role to play in her actions?

    Chapter 17 describes how the migrants gather on roadsides and forge their own community for a night. What does this tell you about people's capacity to come together, especially in harsh times?

    Meredith J. Period 5

  16. How do you think grandpa Joads death united the family?

    Dp you think that the car sales man was scamming people because he was also facing debt?
    Jessie O

  17. How does the death of a pet or family member affect the rest of the family?

    What makes it so hard for people to understand an event that is not directly related to them, why don't they show compassion in this case?
    Stas B.

  18. Do you think it would be harder to pack up everything and leave like the Joads or to watch the days and your wealth tick away like the gas station owner?

    Is death just different for callous, tough people like the Joads? Or do you think they're blocking out their emotions to stay strong for the journey?

  19. Do you think the death of the dog foreshadowed the long journey that would come?

    Do you believe that the kindness shown by the store worker was a sign that most human beings were still good or was it just a freak incident of kindness?

    -Owen B, P5
