While I was reading this poem I initially thought it was the boy’s mother talking to his girlfriend but then I came to the realization that it is the boy's father talking. It's hard to tell exactly how he is feeling because he comes across many emotions throughout the poem, but the main emotion I caught onto was him being unsure if this girl deserves to be with his son. He is questioning if she will love him the way his parents do, the way he deserves to be loved. For example when he says, "I can't deny being jealous, not so much reluctant to share or relinquish him as resolved to remind you that he's been around longer than your love, under construction if you will, and that each cute trait or whatever occurs to you when you hear his name I feel proprietary about." I feel he is telling her not to be shallow, that the cute face she likes to look at is much more than just a cute face and that he hopes she will see that and treat his son the way he deserves to be treated. Emma Corbett (period 5)
As I was reading this poem I kept recalling a friend of mine who seems to be going through a similar thing with his own father, at the moment. I think most people go through this with their parents at some point. And all parents go through it with their children, as it's written from a Father's point of view. I believe that Michael Milburn captures the emotions of letting go of a child to let him/her be with the one they love, no matter how worried you are that they may get hurt. He writes out in words the fear that comes to mind when he thinks of giving his son, his "handiwork," to the world to be loved and judged openly. He just wants the best for his son, and therefore questions the ability of the girlfriend to love him so. Just as coming of age is nerve wracking for a youth, it is terrifying for a parent to see their child's fleeting innocence as they join the rest of the world. This is just one of those famous coming of age moments.
At first glance,I though the speaker of the poem is the mother. Because the line “It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do” sounds like a mother is saying the line as she is afraid that no one will be able to cherish her son like she have been doing, loving and caring but after reading few more line it was clear that the speaker is the father. It was hard to change my mentality and thinking about the poem from feminine aspect into masculine tone. I’m wondering how close a son could be with his dad? I have seen the relationship between a father and a son but have never been able to understand one; it makes me curious-is the father and son relationship similar to mother and daughter relationship or is it totally different (guy) thing? I extremely liked the last four lines of the poem-“like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth”. I think these lines are beautifully created, it’s impressive how the poet have used the artist and his love of his art piece and compared the father and his loos of a closest person his son. These lines express a father’s soft emotions in a manly way, by talking about the carpentry. Over all I really like this poem. Shila Rajbahak Per 1
This poem was a lot easier to understand compared to "The One Girl at the Boys Party". The part where the author wrote, “possessing him in a way that only his mother and I have ever possessed him” clearly states that the “I” in the poem is the son’s father. This poem simply shows a case of a dad not wanting to let his son leave his care. Parents always seem to find it hard to let go of their grown-up children who they have loved since the children were born. The author suggests that the father will be lonely once his son leaves by writing, “Although you probably see the good that I see I wonder if you realize how much he is my handiwork, or which of the qualities you daydream about…are the ones that I take pride in.” This reminds me of the book "Kisses from Katie". Katie took care of and adopted a girl from Uganda named Jane who she had nursed back to health. One day, a social worker and Jane’s biological mother who Katie wasn’t able to find before showed up at Katie’s door. The mother wanted Jane back. So Katie went to court, but the biological mother won and Jane left with her. Katie was devastated to know that a child she had loved with all her heart was no longer in her care. Even though Katie still had her other thirteen adopted girls, she felt heartbroken. Milburn said, “I'm tempted to ask what you see in him.” The dad was questioning whether the son’s girlfriend was as good of a caretaker as he was. And lastly, I like how Milburn added the comparison when he wrote, “or whatever occurs to you when you hear his name I feel proprietary about, like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth.” It basically sums up the poem by saying the dad wants his son to live his own life, but at the same time, doesn’t want to let his son leave.
When I was reading this poem I thought of how a lot of parents go through this with their own kids if it means there kids going off to school or find someone else they care about more than they do you. You make them good at school you mold them make the good traits noticeable and while you do that you make them in to the person you know everyone would like but at the same time you don’t want anyone to see what you have created because your too proud of it and you become attached in the process. For example this is what I think he is trying to say in this quote. ” I feel proprietary about, like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth.”
After reading this poem, I realized that the author really took pride in his son’s personality and how he raised him to be as good as he is now. “I feel proprietary about, like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth.” Michael compares how much he loves his kid to a wood workers table. This is a good comparison for something someone loves because a wood worker has a passion to make wood the best he can, and puts a lot of time into everyone. But when he sells it, he feels that the person who bought it won’t appreciate it like he does. Michael just wants the girl to not hurt his son’s feelings if something is too happen. Many adults feel this way when their sons or daughters start dating. They can almost feel like they are being replaced.
Like everyone else, I was surprised to read that it was the boys father who was talking. It is still hard for me to picture that. But it makes the poem even more touching because theres something about the bond between a father and son that’s different than the one between mother and son. The last line that says he feels like a woodcarver "who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth” surprised me. I understand the father’s feeling of jealousy, but, seeing as how he doesn’t have much control over his son anymore, I wonder why he doesn’t wish for his girlfriend to appreciate him fully. I think it’s clear the father is having a hard time letting go of his son. He talks about molding him and knowing all of the little quirks about him and I can only imagine that it is a disconcerting feeling to have to suddenly share this with someone else. I wonder if fathers actually think about these things. Kaity R Period 4
After reading this poem i realized that the author really took pride in how he raised his son and he describes the struggle of letting him go to a girlfriend. I do think that the father needs to let go and let the kid grow up instead of trying to hold on to him forever and embarress him by writing poems about his girlfriend. Marc Canzanella period 7
Similarly to Kaity, I was surprised that this poem was a father talking about his son. It's easier for a person to imagine a mother talking this way about her child because mothers have such a great attachment to their kids. In the poem the author states "It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do". This quote shows just how much this parent really cares about his child. He loves his boy with so much that he can't imagine another person possibly having that much love for him as well. The father sees all the good that is within his son and has tremendous pride in him, however, he can't really come to terms with the fact that others may see the same thigs he does. At the end of the poem he compares himself to a woodworker and his son to a table. Basically, he wants to express that he is so proud of his "handy work", but hopes that others wont notice because he doesn't want it to be taken away from him. The amount of love a parent has for a child is highly unique and special. Therefore, it's only natural that the father doesn't want to loose the bond he has with his son as he comes of age, gets a girl firend, and grows up. Jessica Teulings Period 4
I think that this poem is about letting go of a child so they can live their own life and experience love. It is expressing the hardships of letting someone else love your child. To Milburn having someone else love his son is hard to deal with. He is trying to let go of his son so he can live his life with people he loves but he also still wants the little boy he's known for his entire life.
I think this poem is a summary of what every parent goes through in their life. Having someone else love your child is hard to deal with and you may never think anyone cn love you hild as much as you. But you need to allow them to live their own lives and let them love whot hey want to love. He loves his son and wants the best for him. Letting go of him is hard but he also knows it is what is best for him and his life.
While reading this poem, I thought about a few things. For instance, is the speaker the mother? Why the speaker cares so much how she feels about the son? And was the speaker worried of losing the son? After finishing the poem, I realized the speaker was the father; he seemed concerned and worried as if the girlfriend would take the son away from them. But that’s just parents being protective. The speaker wants the girlfriend to realize how great of a boy he is. “It’s uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do, possessing him in a way that only his mother and I have ever possessed him.” This line made me think he is insecure that his son won’t love them as much. Maybe this is their only child and it’s the first time he had a real relationship that he had to learn to let go.
When I read this poem I get the feeling that the father is exceptionally proud of his son, and doesnt only think of his son as his kid but also his creation. He wants to know what qualities she admires that they might share together. It seems that this guy is finding it hard to get used to having someone else loving his son. He feels that it isnt possible to have someone admire his handiwork to the extent that he does. I can tellhe is having a hard time getting used to it and needed to express it in this poem. Matt O'Neill Period 7
A father wrote this poem about his son and his son's girlfriend. He talks about how he can't imagine someone else can love his son the way he loves him. The first few sentences of the poem made me think he was going to question why a girl would love his son, but it turned out being the opposite. It's understandable that he feels the way he does because he has taught his son everythnig he knows and has watched him grow.
Reading this the father comes across as a very dotting parent, overly protective and sheltering. It seems that this is their oly or oldest chile who is in his first real relatonship where the father must learn todeal with the idea of shareing his son.
“To My Son’s Girlfriend” by Michael Milburn took me by surprise at first glance. Like some of my other classmates probably think, during the first part of the poem, I assumed the point of view was from a mother. The words like “cordiality” and “love of silliness” were qualities I put towards a motherly instinct. So when I got to the line “It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do, possessing him in a way that only his mother and I have ever possessed him” I was a bit thrown off that this was the father’s point of view. The more I thought about the fact that it surprised me, the more I realized that it should not have surprised me. This poem is showing the love that this father has for his son, and as his son grows, the father is coming to realize that soon he will not have his son all to himself anymore, but that one day his son will be in the position he is in now. Rachel H P5
This poem, To My Son's Girlfriend by Michael Milburn, is about how difficult it is for parents to let go of their children. The father admits to being jealous of the girl because he wants all of his son's love but isn't ready to let it go. I liked the ending where he compares his parenting to a woodworker who makes a table saying that while he is ,"intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth". Just like a woodworker, the father hopes to mold his son into a good man, but doesn't want anyone else to see his "worth" and take him away. It's difficult for parents to let go of their kids, but they need to let them live the rest of their lives on their own. Marisa Kaplita Period 4
"To My Son's Girlfriend" by Michael Milburn is a poem about a fathers strong relationship with his son and how he hopes that his son's significant other can see the love and care he had given him. The narrator is proud of his son, and takes pride in him and his traits. He wonders if his son's girlfriend will notice the things about him that he notices, and then quickly answers his own question in the following line. "I'm tempted to ask what you see in him. Although you probably see the good that I see" ... To me, the the line that says the most is "It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do, possessing him in a way that only his mother and I have ever possessed him." I say this because I would imagine it's how any parent feels when they see their kids grown up and ready to start their own lives, especially when a son or daughter is getting married.
This poem portrays the common fear that parents have of their children growing up. Specifically, in this poem, a father is sad that his son is growing up, and now has a girlfriend who is almost taking the spot of the father in the sense that his son now has someone else that loves him (i.e. his new girlfriend.) I am actually kind of surprised that the father is jealous of his girlfriend because the way she loves him and the way he loves him are totally different. I just think that he is jealous of her because this may be the turning point for his son in which he may be on the border of claiming his independence from his parents. Also, him having girlfriend will also result in his son spending more time with his girlfriend and her family than with his own, which may be upsetting, and saddening for the father. I like when he compares his son and how he has such pride and feelings of propietary like a woodworker and his work. But, in conclusion, the father has feelings of sadness, as a result of his son growing up. But, I think he needs to get used to this, as a result of it being an inevitible part of life.
"To My Son's Girlfriend" by Michael Milburn Response
Before discussing the written work, "To My Son's Girlfriend", it is essential to analyze the message and context of what Michael Milburn, the author, is trying to convey to the reader. It is important to first take into account the title of the work before indulging oneself into the body of a poem. When analyzing the title "To My Son's Girlfriend" the reader immediately feels a sensation of raw tension as to what the work may entail. Furthermore, the title serves as a formal address to either an enlightenment or concern. It is evident from the title alone that the speaker of the poem is that of a parent wishing to express their feeling in a formal and conventional way that lacks spontaneous thought and opinion. The first lines of the poem, "I'm tempted to ask what you see in him." demonstrate a real purpose, a purpose that lacks answers and figuratively represents a poem that seeks to find the solution. "To My Son's Girlfriend" is a progression of thought that is supported by reason and the desire for answers and desire for the truth to come to the foreground. The reader also learns early in the first stanza that the speaker of this poem is indeed a male, the father of the son. This circumstance adds an additional dynamic to the poem and allows the reader to draw further conclusions about the relationship the two men share. The father speaks of his son in a very light and loving tone almost as if he has lost face with him and is speaking from the outside perspective, reflecting inwardly. The admiration of the son by the father is shown in the qualities that the girlfriend may dream about, the "ones that [the father] takes pride in". From this line it clear that the father thinks highly of his son and in a way sees himself embodied in his being. The father seems to have a heavy influence on which his son has grown into being as a human and the ideals and values he has been instilled with. It is within this instance that one is forced to question societal opinion on the relationship between father and son. Within society, the role of father and child is commonly perceived as secondary to that of mother and child because of the lack of exposure to the womb and the action of giving birth and in effect life. I disagree with this proposition for if it were not for the father planting his seed no life could have been created. This is not to say that one parent takes precedence over another in his or her life-giving capabilities, however, it does prove that both father and mother have the potential and ability to create a strong bond with their offspring. This bond is infringed upon by the girlfriend of the son. As a result, the father is made uncomfortable "think[ing] of loving him the way [he] does." The intended receiver of this poem is in fact the girlfriend and within the contents of this writing the father wishes to express his emotional sentiment on her influence on his son. He states his jealousy and even challenges the girlfriend claiming that "he has been around longer than [her] love." In its entirety, the poem reflects on the unknown worth of the son to his father and functions to describe the loosening bond between father and son.
This poem reflects the transitioning period in the father’s life. He has to learn to accept that his son is growing up and going to spend time with his girlfriend. I can really understand the love and affection that the father has for his son. It’s a deep bond that not many parents would normally admit so personally out loud in such a sensitive manner. As the father is adjusting to the new stage in his life, the same thing could be said about the son. The son has to deal with the fact that he won’t be spending as much time with his parents as he progresses into loving and caring about someone else. Although we don’t know the son’s perspective, it’s easy to assume that both he and his father are coming to terms with the present and remembering the past as a distant and fond memory. This poem acts as a way for the father to express his thoughts about the change through a heartfelt message to the girlfriend. I liked knowing that this poem was from a father’s perspective because it shows a different side that’s not normally expressed aloud amongst men.
This poem is about the coming of age of a father and his son. The father is unable to cope with the changes he sees his son go through. The father might have trouble with understanding the fact that his son is not a two year old boy anymore and that he has a girlfriend and has other people who he loves now. The father, like any other parent, has a special relationship with his son and doesn’t want to let him go. He is afraid his son will get hurt or taken advantage of. There is a sense of jealousy in the father because he is kind of being replaced by his son’s girlfriend. It might be upsetting to the father because he has to deal with the fact that his son and him might not be as close anymore and they might drift apart very fast and very far. It is hard to relate to this poem because I am not in the position but I imagine it to fearful.
From the poem To My Son's Girlfriend one could tell that the boy is the only child or only son to his parents and that they treasure him very much. I don't think the poem is mean to show how much it was hurting the father to let his son go rather demonstrate how special his son was to him. From this lines," I feel proprietary about, like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth." he was telling the girl that his son was one of a Kind and that when treating him she should keep in mind the love he has for his son; indirectly asking her to take special care of his son for him. sandrine Amin period 4
This poem expresses the concerns of a parent who is allowing his son to date. The poet explains that his son was his in the making ever since before he met his girlfriend. “…he is my handiwork,” the poet describes, “…each cute trait…I feel proprietary about…” These lines seem to suggest possessiveness over his son. He mentions, however, that his concerns are not so much focused on letting his son go or sharing him with his girlfriend, but it seems that as a father, the poet worries about his son’s life onwards. He uses the metaphor of a table, crafted by a woodworker. The table was crafted so finely with so much work put into it that the woodworker kind of hopes no one picks it up and takes it away. The concern may be the ruining of the table. Like the table, the poet may be concerned about the ruining of his son’s life. The girlfriend could break his son’s heart and leave a scar that could never be cured and he wouldn’t be there to prevent that in time.
This poem has a good explanation of a parent's point of view about there child having a significant other. The author describes how much of a struggle it is for them to let go of their son. He finally found someone he has feelings for, and now its time to let go a little and have him experience love. His father wants to let go, but also, he still wants the little boy that he knows.
This poem made me think of another poem my father has had posted on his bulletin board for all I can remember. That poem talks about how the entirety of raising children is to raise them higher and higher like a kite. And then once the child floats as far from the ground as the parent can get them it is time to cut them loose. Much like this "Kite" poem, "To My Son's Girlfriend" is about accepting that the years of late night fights and early morning forgiveness have all been to cut him loose and give not only the world to him but him to the world. You raise him so that he can experience our breathtaking world and appreciate its beauty and complexity. The father in Micheal Milburn’s poem wants the girlfriend to understand that the son has been “under construction” for far longer than her love for him. Whatever cute qualities the girlfriend sees in him is a result of the summation of his past. His current entity is a direct result of the father’s love. To see that go unrecognized is to not understand the son’s past and therefore not love him as the father does. The combination of this poem and the “Kite” poem have helped me realize that a parent's only job is to selflessly support, raise, and influence their child; However all with the ultimatum to not be there to experience him at his peak. It's the epitome of bittersweet. Stephen Perrotti Period 4
This poem is about a father and a son. when the son gets a girlfriend the father thinks to himself if someone can love him and charish him as much as he did. also, this poem explains how hard it is to let his son go after all the years he was with him. The father doesnt want to let his son go becuase he doesnt want him to get hurt or taken advantage of. There is a little bit of jealousy with the father and the girlfriend because he feels that he is being replaced with his sons girlfriend. like every parent they are just being protective and want to make sure his son is treated like they treated him.
I think this is a very touching poem. To me, it seems like it's a father writing about his son and having to accept that he is growing up; he isn't the child he once knew. He feels that besides his wife, he is the only one who understands his son, and he isn't used to the idea of someone else being very close to him in his life. The father has to learn to let go of his son and watch him go off on his own.
The line "I wonder if you realize how much he is my handiwork" is very emotional. It's sad that the father is questioning whether or not his son's girlfriend really knows how special her boyfriend is. He doesn't want to let his son go (or share him with anyone else).
When reading this poem one can sense the immense amount of pride and joy the father has invested in his son. I can imagine this is how almost every father or mother feels about their own son or daughter. Like Kaity Robbins said, it was interesting that this poem was written by a father about his son. Without knowing what the title was, I would have suspected it would be written about a daughter. I think it almost makes it better that it was about a boy because it shows how its not only the girls boyfriend that the parents almost question their morals. This poem was a lot simplistic than the last one and the meaning was straight forward. Eternal love is what comes to my mind about this poem because it is what every parent has for their child and it is clearly presented in this story. I never really thought about how it would be hard to share your child with another person who loves them a great deal as well.
I thought this poem was a fathers attempt to describe the feeling of having his son grow up. By doing this he is also expressing the feelings that any parent has as their kids grow up and either move away or fall in love with another person. It's clear from the title and the way it is written that the author is wrtiting to his son's girlfriend. He is not trying to persuade her to leave but rather try to make her understand how much he means to him. He has loved him for alot longer than she has and, in his opinion, his love will last longer too. The metephore at the end of the poem about the wooden table and the wood worker. Eventually the woodworker has to sell the masterpiece and it will move on. That is the way it is. However, that does not stop the woodworker from digressing over that fact. This relates to the farther and his sadness over the growing up of his son. Yet he knows that he will be happy and that in a way ameliorates his lonely feelings.
I believe that this poem describes what a father goes through when a girlfriend comes into his son’s life and takes him away from him. This poem describes how the father realized that his son is coming of age and starting to spread his wings and fly out of the nest. In this poem you can tell how proud and happy the father is when talking about his son. I feel sad when I think about how the father says, “It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do.” I feel this way because you are able to realize how much the father does not want to just give up his son to any woman that comes along. This poem is very relatable because I can only imagine what my father will go through when the time comes that I get married. My father and I have a close knit relationship just like this father and his son, so I can relate to this poem.
I think that this poem is based from a mothers point of view on her son towards his girlfriend. The mother figure question why the girl would be so serious about being with her son. The mother is also is talking about how she doesn't want to loose her son to anouther girl. She doesnt think that anyone could love him asmuch as she his mother does. It's almost to the point where she is jellous that there is anouther girl in her sons life but she cant control it. At the end she realises that someone will one day see her son how she sees him. How great he is and how she views him.
In response to the poem, "To My Son's Girlfriend" by Michael Milburn, I already know that the person speaking in the poem is the father speaking towards his son's girlfriend. He is curious to see if this girl is good enough to deserve his son. The father is still getting used to having someone else love his son as much as he and his wife do. It shows how much the father loves his son, and wants to protect him as much as he can protect himself. This love that the father has for his son, should be the same for every parent, because their children should be their pride and joy. Sadly, not everyone is like this with their kids. It's nice to see that this particular person wants only the best for his son.
i think this poem is trying to state that its hard for him to think about his son growing up. But every parent has to eventually have this feeling so he has to learn to deal with it.
I believe this article is definitely a father son relationship problem. In this poem, it shows how the father has spent so much time watching his son grow up and sharing so many moments with him. Now, that the son has a girlfriend the father doesn’t want to miss out on still having those moments and good times with his son. I feel as if the father is now alone, and maybe that was his only child, and he doesn’t have any other sons and kids to spend those times with. You can see the love the father has for his son and he doesn’t want to give that up. “It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do.” As you can see the father is very unsure of the fact that this girl loves him. He isn’t clear to him how she can love him as much as the father, who has been there for his son’s whole life, loves him. I know that from my own experience I have had so many father son times with my father doing things that fathers, or sons can do with anyone else. So I can see where that father may be coming from, missing his son so much.
I like this poem alot. I think it's cute how the mom is talking to her son's girlfriend and how it shows the similarities a mom and a girlfriend could feel for a boy.
Reading this the father comes across as a very dotting parent, overly protective and sheltering. It seems that this is their only or oldest chile who is in his first real relatonship where the father must learn todeal with the idea of shareing his son. he also is very proud of his son and his achivements , but almost seems to be trying to take them on as his own. Tom Gingras Per.7
I really enjoyed this poem. I believe it’s a mom talking about her son. Its her sons first girlfriend and its hard for her to let him go. She talks about how she has known him longer then the girl friend has loved him. She also talks about how she loves him much more than she does. She also expresses her sadness of having to share him and having to lose him. To me its just a poem showing a love a mother has for a son. And how people grow up and start to leave their parents and find who they are.
These are the words of a father who is scared to let this son go on with his life. He loves his son so much and knows he has a great girl by his side. He doesnt like watching him grow up as fast as he is, but knows his sons girlfriend loves and cares for his son with all she has.Deep down in his heart he knows the love might not last. Love is something that you may have to wait for or if your lucky, comes to you quicker than you think. Loving someone is a totally different thing than BEING in love with someone. Parents are happy to see that their child is in love, but they'll always love them more than ayone else could ever. Parents give you your life and should always be respected and apprecitaed. It's hard to let your child go, let them start their own life, move on....but everyones gotta go through it.
At first I tought it was the mother talking because a mother is always caring and says these loving words to her son. But after it said "his mother and I" that's when I tought the father is the one who is actually saying these words. The father and son must have had a close relationship because the father doesn't want anyone to hurt his son. His son is growing up and found someone who loves him. He doesn't want to share his son with no one else, that is why is hard for the father to let go of his him. Parents will have to let go one day and no one will ever love their child as much as they do. Parents will always be there them.
I found this poem to be very interesting. I believe that this poem is about a father talking to his sons boyfriend. I thought it was his mother talking until it said “mother and I” then I realized it was his father, which made more sense because the man the son becomes is how the father raises him like when he says “like a woodworker making a table” the father being the wood worker and the son being the table. The poem also shows how every parent dreads the day that their child moves out but when that day come they hope that they did their best as a parent so that when their child becomes a parent that they raise their child the same way they were raised. period 5 Ryan
This poem demonstrates the relationship of a father and son. This is the first time in the father's life he is forced to share his son's love, and it takes quiet a lot of adapting. The father is realizing that no one can love a child as much as his parents, and seeing his son drift away makes him almost jealous. The child's mother and father love everything about their son, and they wonder if his girlfried feels the same. It is the little things that make the parents happy, such as his silliness and cordiality. In a sense I can relate to this poem, knowing my parents become "jealous" when I continually spend time with friends, and only once in a while spend time with them.
This poem is the classic relationship between a father and son, on the surface is the perspective that they have a harsh relationship, but on the inside is how much the father actually loves the son. This poem is great because it shows just how sensitive he is getting with his own child how he can never imagine any one else loving his son they way he does. How their relationship has really become a part of who he is a father. And now when someone is about to have another significant relationship with his son, he warns her to love him and to care for him, because it will always be his one love.
The poem demonstrates a relationship between a father and a son. Watching a child grow up is one of the hardest things for a parent to do. They realize that we need them less and less and that is hard for them to handle when they have been there to take care of us our whole lives. They can't imagine anyone else loving their child as much as they do and that is what this poem is showing. The father can see that his son is growing up and has found love, but he doesn't want to let go. He becomes almost jealous in a way because he knows that he is growing up. Kelsie DePino Period: 5
In this poem, "To My Son's Girlfriend", I really liked that it was the father talking about his son. Usually fathers are talking about their daughters like that. I especially liked the line, "I feel proprietary about, like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth." because it shows how the father feels like he put so much work into his son, and now he doesn't want to give him up. I also see in this poem how sad the father is that his son is growing up so fast and leaving him and his wife. But I believe that he understands that his son has to grow up and that nothing can stop that. All and all I really enjoyed this poem.
This poem relates to the poem we were assigned to read last week. They both concern coming of age. In this poem, the father is learning to accept his son growing up. He is beginning to see that someone besides himself is able to love and care for his son the same amount, or maybe more, than him. The metaphor he refers to is so relevant to parents today. They want the whole world to meet and experience their child, and to see all the wonderful qualities their child bares, but when it is time for them to leave the nest and experience new people, parents often become very hesitant to let them go. In addition, I found it interesting that the father was speaking of his son in this way. Usually the father is not as emotional with sons, as they would be with their daughters. However, it makes this poem even more touching to see the father son bond.
This poem was wrote by a father talking about his son growing up. The dad is being very "protective" about his son like fathers usually are with their daughters. There is nothing wrong with this at all. All parents don't want to let their child go to someone that is loved by someone else other then them. The father doesn't want his son to be growing up and is jealous that he is. Michael says,"I wonder if you realize how much he is my handiwork, or which of the qualities you daydream about in class are the ones that I take pride in" This poem stood out to me the hardest in the poem and made me understand the point of the poem.
Like many others, when I first read this poem, I assumed it was the mother speaking. The bond between a father and son is completely different than the relationship between and mother and son. Fathers teach their children responsibility, strength and most importantly, how to stand up for yourself. Sometimes, especially with a son, it is hard for fathers to show their true love and awe for their children. Fathers often have a harsh, protective aspect about them that covers up the real relationship they have with their child on the inside. This poem shows the true feelings coming out about the love he has for his son. He knows no one will ever love his son the way he does but knows it is time to try to find someone. Letting go of something you love dearly is one of the hardest things a father has to do.
When i read this poem the first time i thought it was the boys mom who was talking, but then after reading it for a second time i realized that it was the boys father. The main point that i realized this poem was about was whether the father thought the girl deserved to be with his son. He wanted the girl to like his son for who he was and what he was worth and not what he looks like.
When I first read this poem, I thought it to be a mother speaking. It wasn't until the speaker says "your mother and I" that I realized it was a father. A father and a son can be close in a very interesting way. Fathers tend to try to mold their sons into what they think is the best man possible. They find the faults in themselves and try to prevent them in their son. When the speaker does not want to share his son with his girlfriend, it is the normal reaction of any parent. Parents love their children since day one. They work with them, teach them, and enjoy their company. When someone else comes into that child's life, it can be hard for a parent to accept that someone else loves them and has a right to them. I especially enjoyed the table analogy at the end. It is a clever way of getting the overall purpose of the poem across.
I enjoyed reading this poem. It was an easy read on a relatable topic. Every teenager has to deal with their parents getting involved with his/her relationship with others. Although this poem was from a father's perspective about his son, it allowed me to understand my mother's reasoning for getting involved with my relationships. I now understand that it is hard to share your child's love with a mere stranger. As explained in this poem, there are many emotions that are involved. For example, the author says "I can't deny being jealous." In the eyes of a parent, no one can love their child like they can. The words in the last stanza stood out to me the most. "I feel proprietary about,like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth." The use of a simile here made me realize how much every parent wants to hold on to their child for as long as possible.
I was quite touched by this poem because it really shows an immense amount of affection from the parent to the child. Our parents are similar to the one speaking in the poem, seeing as how they are strongly attached and very protective of their children; the speaker in this poem confesses his mild reluctance in handing over his son to the girl because of the familial bond that has formed. Parents also shape their children to become responsible, kind people that will succeed and live happily in life; this idea is clearly present in this poem, which describes the likable traits of the son that the girl would constantly think about.
This poem was actually very touching. it shows just how much this parent(s) love him. It showed how they have shaped him into the per on that he is today and the reason that his girlfriend loves him. It also shows just how much pride they take in him, how he is exactly what they wanted out of a child and they have him... almost like he is the perfect child. Also, it shows that they truly care about him being happy with someone else, his girlfriend, and that they care about her as well because SHE makes him happy and him being happy makes his parent(s) happy. ali nuzzo period 7
At first I did not know if this was coming from the mom's perspective or the dads until I got to the line "that only his mother and I have ever possessed him".This poem made me think about my life and now as I am getting older my parents are having a hard time with letting me go into the world.The one quote that really stuck with me was "you daydream about in class are the ones I take pride in". Most people in high school do probably have someone they do this about but they don't realize those are all traits the parents taught the child growing up.
I believe that this poem begins with a dad’s pride in his son. This dad can see so much of himself in his son, and this is the greatest joy that could ever overcome a father. The whole poem is centered on this father’s pride and how his own traits have descended to his son. I believe that in many cultures today, fathers take pride in their sons, and all they want is for their sons to grow up and be like their old man. I believe that this connection is seen through the women that his son has chosen to pass his time with. Maybe this father can see this girl as a reflection of his own wife, and that is what makes him so proud of his son. His son may have found a great women-just like his old man did- and that has in some way connected the two of them.
While I was reading this poem I initially thought it was the boy’s mother talking to his girlfriend but then I came to the realization that it is the boy's father talking. It's hard to tell exactly how he is feeling because he comes across many emotions throughout the poem, but the main emotion I caught onto was him being unsure if this girl deserves to be with his son. He is questioning if she will love him the way his parents do, the way he deserves to be loved. For example when he says, "I can't deny being jealous, not so much reluctant to share or relinquish him as resolved to remind you that he's been around longer than your love, under construction if you will, and that each cute trait or whatever occurs to you when you hear his name I feel proprietary about." I feel he is telling her not to be shallow, that the cute face she likes to look at is much more than just a cute face and that he hopes she will see that and treat his son the way he deserves to be treated.
ReplyDeleteEmma Corbett (period 5)
As I was reading this poem I kept recalling a friend of mine who seems to be going through a similar thing with his own father, at the moment. I think most people go through this with their parents at some point. And all parents go through it with their children, as it's written from a Father's point of view. I believe that Michael Milburn captures the emotions of letting go of a child to let him/her be with the one they love, no matter how worried you are that they may get hurt. He writes out in words the fear that comes to mind when he thinks of giving his son, his "handiwork," to the world to be loved and judged openly. He just wants the best for his son, and therefore questions the ability of the girlfriend to love him so. Just as coming of age is nerve wracking for a youth, it is terrifying for a parent to see their child's fleeting innocence as they join the rest of the world. This is just one of those famous coming of age moments.
ReplyDeleteBrianna DeNegris
Period 1
At first glance,I though the speaker of the poem is the mother. Because the line “It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do” sounds like a mother is saying the line as she is afraid that no one will be able to cherish her son like she have been doing, loving and caring but after reading few more line it was clear that the speaker is the father. It was hard to change my mentality and thinking about the poem from feminine aspect into masculine tone. I’m wondering how close a son could be with his dad? I have seen the relationship between a father and a son but have never been able to understand one; it makes me curious-is the father and son relationship similar to mother and daughter relationship or is it totally different (guy) thing? I extremely liked the last four lines of the poem-“like a woodworker who makes a table
ReplyDeleteintending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth”. I think these lines are beautifully created, it’s impressive how the poet have used the artist and his love of his art piece and compared the father and his loos of a closest person his son. These lines express a father’s soft emotions in a manly way, by talking about the carpentry. Over all I really like this poem.
Shila Rajbahak
Per 1
This poem was a lot easier to understand compared to "The One Girl at the Boys Party". The part where the author wrote, “possessing him in a way that only his mother and I have ever possessed him” clearly states that the “I” in the poem is the son’s father. This poem simply shows a case of a dad not wanting to let his son leave his care. Parents always seem to find it hard to let go of their grown-up children who they have loved since the children were born. The author suggests that the father will be lonely once his son leaves by writing, “Although you probably see the good that I see I wonder if you realize how much he is my handiwork, or which of the qualities you daydream about…are the ones that I take pride in.” This reminds me of the book "Kisses from Katie". Katie took care of and adopted a girl from Uganda named Jane who she had nursed back to health. One day, a social worker and Jane’s biological mother who Katie wasn’t able to find before showed up at Katie’s door. The mother wanted Jane back. So Katie went to court, but the biological mother won and Jane left with her. Katie was devastated to know that a child she had loved with all her heart was no longer in her care. Even though Katie still had her other thirteen adopted girls, she felt heartbroken. Milburn said, “I'm tempted to ask what you see in him.” The dad was questioning whether the son’s girlfriend was as good of a caretaker as he was. And lastly, I like how Milburn added the comparison when he wrote, “or whatever occurs to you when you hear his name I feel proprietary about, like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth.” It basically sums up the poem by saying the dad wants his son to live his own life, but at the same time, doesn’t want to let his son leave.
ReplyDeleteMeglin Bodner Period 5
When I was reading this poem I thought of how a lot of parents go through this with their own kids if it means there kids going off to school or find someone else they care about more than they do you. You make them good at school you mold them make the good traits noticeable and while you do that you make them in to the person you know everyone would like but at the same time you don’t want anyone to see what you have created because your too proud of it and you become attached in the process. For example this is what I think he is trying to say in this quote. ” I feel proprietary about, like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth.”
ReplyDeleteAustin Fries (period 7)
After reading this poem, I realized that the author really took pride in his son’s personality and how he raised him to be as good as he is now. “I feel proprietary about, like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth.” Michael compares how much he loves his kid to a wood workers table. This is a good comparison for something someone loves because a wood worker has a passion to make wood the best he can, and puts a lot of time into everyone. But when he sells it, he feels that the person who bought it won’t appreciate it like he does. Michael just wants the girl to not hurt his son’s feelings if something is too happen. Many adults feel this way when their sons or daughters start dating. They can almost feel like they are being replaced.
ReplyDelete-Zack Bortolan
period 5
Like everyone else, I was surprised to read that it was the boys father who was talking. It is still hard for me to picture that. But it makes the poem even more touching because theres something about the bond between a father and son that’s different than the one between mother and son. The last line that says he feels like a woodcarver "who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth” surprised me. I understand the father’s feeling of jealousy, but, seeing as how he doesn’t have much control over his son anymore, I wonder why he doesn’t wish for his girlfriend to appreciate him fully. I think it’s clear the father is having a hard time letting go of his son. He talks about molding him and knowing all of the little quirks about him and I can only imagine that it is a disconcerting feeling to have to suddenly share this with someone else. I wonder if fathers actually think about these things.
ReplyDeleteKaity R
Period 4
After reading this poem i realized that the author really took pride in how he raised his son and he describes the struggle of letting him go to a girlfriend. I do think that the father needs to let go and let the kid grow up instead of trying to hold on to him forever and embarress him by writing poems about his girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteMarc Canzanella period 7
Similarly to Kaity, I was surprised that this poem was a father talking about his son. It's easier for a person to imagine a mother talking this way about her child because mothers have such a great attachment to their kids. In the poem the author states "It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do". This quote shows just how much this parent really cares about his child. He loves his boy with so much that he can't imagine another person possibly having that much love for him as well. The father sees all the good that is within his son and has tremendous pride in him, however, he can't really come to terms with the fact that others may see the same thigs he does. At the end of the poem he compares himself to a woodworker and his son to a table. Basically, he wants to express that he is so proud of his "handy work", but hopes that others wont notice because he doesn't want it to be taken away from him. The amount of love a parent has for a child is highly unique and special. Therefore, it's only natural that the father doesn't want to loose the bond he has with his son as he comes of age, gets a girl firend, and grows up.
ReplyDeleteJessica Teulings
Period 4
I think that this poem is about letting go of a child so they can live their own life and experience love. It is expressing the hardships of letting someone else love your child. To Milburn having someone else love his son is hard to deal with. He is trying to let go of his son so he can live his life with people he loves but he also still wants the little boy he's known for his entire life.
per. 5
I think this poem is a summary of what every parent goes through in their life. Having someone else love your child is hard to deal with and you may never think anyone cn love you hild as much as you. But you need to allow them to live their own lives and let them love whot hey want to love. He loves his son and wants the best for him. Letting go of him is hard but he also knows it is what is best for him and his life.
ReplyDeleteLauren Atkinson
Period 5
While reading this poem, I thought about a few things. For instance, is the speaker the mother? Why the speaker cares so much how she feels about the son? And was the speaker worried of losing the son? After finishing the poem, I realized the speaker was the father; he seemed concerned and worried as if the girlfriend would take the son away from them. But that’s just parents being protective. The speaker wants the girlfriend to realize how great of a boy he is. “It’s uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do, possessing him in a way that only his mother and I have ever possessed him.” This line made me think he is insecure that his son won’t love them as much. Maybe this is their only child and it’s the first time he had a real relationship that he had to learn to let go.
ReplyDeleteBrya per. 7
When I read this poem I get the feeling that the father is exceptionally proud of his son, and doesnt only think of his son as his kid but also his creation. He wants to know what qualities she admires that they might share together. It seems that this guy is finding it hard to get used to having someone else loving his son. He feels that it isnt possible to have someone admire his handiwork to the extent that he does. I can tellhe is having a hard time getting used to it and needed to express it in this poem.
ReplyDeleteMatt O'Neill Period 7
A father wrote this poem about his son and his son's girlfriend. He talks about how he can't imagine someone else can love his son the way he loves him. The first few sentences of the poem made me think he was going to question why a girl would love his son, but it turned out being the opposite. It's understandable that he feels the way he does because he has taught his son everythnig he knows and has watched him grow.
ReplyDeletekarlie komoroski
Reading this the father comes across as a very dotting parent, overly protective and sheltering. It seems that this is their oly or oldest chile who is in his first real relatonship where the father must learn todeal with the idea of shareing his son.
ReplyDelete“To My Son’s Girlfriend” by Michael Milburn took me by surprise at first glance. Like some of my other classmates probably think, during the first part of the poem, I assumed the point of view was from a mother. The words like “cordiality” and “love of silliness” were qualities I put towards a motherly instinct. So when I got to the line “It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do, possessing him in a way that only his mother and I have ever possessed him” I was a bit thrown off that this was the father’s point of view. The more I thought about the fact that it surprised me, the more I realized that it should not have surprised me. This poem is showing the love that this father has for his son, and as his son grows, the father is coming to realize that soon he will not have his son all to himself anymore, but that one day his son will be in the position he is in now.
ReplyDeleteRachel H P5
This poem, To My Son's Girlfriend by Michael Milburn, is about how difficult it is for parents to let go of their children. The father admits to being jealous of the girl because he wants all of his son's love but isn't ready to let it go. I liked the ending where he compares his parenting to a woodworker who makes a table saying that while he is ,"intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth". Just like a woodworker, the father hopes to mold his son into a good man, but doesn't want anyone else to see his "worth" and take him away. It's difficult for parents to let go of their kids, but they need to let them live the rest of their lives on their own.
ReplyDeleteMarisa Kaplita
Period 4
"To My Son's Girlfriend" by Michael Milburn is a poem about a fathers strong relationship with his son and how he hopes that his son's significant other can see the love and care he had given him. The narrator is proud of his son, and takes pride in him and his traits. He wonders if his son's girlfriend will notice the things about him that he notices, and then quickly answers his own question in the following line. "I'm tempted to ask what you see in him. Although you probably see the good that I see" ... To me, the the line that says the most is "It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do, possessing him in a way that only his mother and I have ever possessed him." I say this because I would imagine it's how any parent feels when they see their kids grown up and ready to start their own lives, especially when a son or daughter is getting married.
ReplyDeleteSummer H period 5
This poem portrays the common fear that parents have of their children growing up. Specifically, in this poem, a father is sad that his son is growing up, and now has a girlfriend who is almost taking the spot of the father in the sense that his son now has someone else that loves him (i.e. his new girlfriend.) I am actually kind of surprised that the father is jealous of his girlfriend because the way she loves him and the way he loves him are totally different. I just think that he is jealous of her because this may be the turning point for his son in which he may be on the border of claiming his independence from his parents. Also, him having girlfriend will also result in his son spending more time with his girlfriend and her family than with his own, which may be upsetting, and saddening for the father. I like when he compares his son and how he has such pride and feelings of propietary like a woodworker and his work. But, in conclusion, the father has feelings of sadness, as a result of his son growing up. But, I think he needs to get used to this, as a result of it being an inevitible part of life.
ReplyDeleteAlex Gogliettino
Per. 4
"To My Son's Girlfriend" by Michael Milburn Response
ReplyDeleteBefore discussing the written work, "To My Son's Girlfriend", it is essential to analyze the message and context of what Michael Milburn, the author, is trying to convey to the reader. It is important to first take into account the title of the work before indulging oneself into the body of a poem. When analyzing the title "To My Son's Girlfriend" the reader immediately feels a sensation of raw tension as to what the work may entail. Furthermore, the title serves as a formal address to either an enlightenment or concern. It is evident from the title alone that the speaker of the poem is that of a parent wishing to express their feeling in a formal and conventional way that lacks spontaneous thought and opinion. The first lines of the poem, "I'm tempted to ask what you see in him." demonstrate a real purpose, a purpose that lacks answers and figuratively represents a poem that seeks to find the solution. "To My Son's Girlfriend" is a progression of thought that is supported by reason and the desire for answers and desire for the truth to come to the foreground. The reader also learns early in the first stanza that the speaker of this poem is indeed a male, the father of the son. This circumstance adds an additional dynamic to the poem and allows the reader to draw further conclusions about the relationship the two men share. The father speaks of his son in a very light and loving tone almost as if he has lost face with him and is speaking from the outside perspective, reflecting inwardly. The admiration of the son by the father is shown in the qualities that the girlfriend may dream about, the "ones that [the father] takes pride in". From this line it clear that the father thinks highly of his son and in a way sees himself embodied in his being. The father seems to have a heavy influence on which his son has grown into being as a human and the ideals and values he has been instilled with. It is within this instance that one is forced to question societal opinion on the relationship between father and son. Within society, the role of father and child is commonly perceived as secondary to that of mother and child because of the lack of exposure to the womb and the action of giving birth and in effect life. I disagree with this proposition for if it were not for the father planting his seed no life could have been created. This is not to say that one parent takes precedence over another in his or her life-giving capabilities, however, it does prove that both father and mother have the potential and ability to create a strong bond with their offspring. This bond is infringed upon by the girlfriend of the son. As a result, the father is made uncomfortable "think[ing] of loving him the way [he] does." The intended receiver of this poem is in fact the girlfriend and within the contents of this writing the father wishes to express his emotional sentiment on her influence on his son. He states his jealousy and even challenges the girlfriend claiming that "he has been around longer than [her] love." In its entirety, the poem reflects on the unknown worth of the son to his father and functions to describe the loosening bond between father and son.
- Alexander Borkowski Period 1
this guy ^
ReplyDeletethis guy ^^
Deletethis guy ^^^
Deletethis guy ^^^^
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThis poem reflects the transitioning period in the father’s life. He has to learn to accept that his son is growing up and going to spend time with his girlfriend. I can really understand the love and affection that the father has for his son. It’s a deep bond that not many parents would normally admit so personally out loud in such a sensitive manner. As the father is adjusting to the new stage in his life, the same thing could be said about the son. The son has to deal with the fact that he won’t be spending as much time with his parents as he progresses into loving and caring about someone else. Although we don’t know the son’s perspective, it’s easy to assume that both he and his father are coming to terms with the present and remembering the past as a distant and fond memory. This poem acts as a way for the father to express his thoughts about the change through a heartfelt message to the girlfriend. I liked knowing that this poem was from a father’s perspective because it shows a different side that’s not normally expressed aloud amongst men.
ReplyDeleteKelly Du
Period 1
This poem is about the coming of age of a father and his son. The father is unable to cope with the changes he sees his son go through. The father might have trouble with understanding the fact that his son is not a two year old boy anymore and that he has a girlfriend and has other people who he loves now. The father, like any other parent, has a special relationship with his son and doesn’t want to let him go. He is afraid his son will get hurt or taken advantage of. There is a sense of jealousy in the father because he is kind of being replaced by his son’s girlfriend. It might be upsetting to the father because he has to deal with the fact that his son and him might not be as close anymore and they might drift apart very fast and very far. It is hard to relate to this poem because I am not in the position but I imagine it to fearful.
ReplyDeleteaisha period1
From the poem To My Son's Girlfriend one could tell that the boy is the only child or only son to his parents and that they treasure him very much. I don't think the poem is mean to show how much it was hurting the father to let his son go rather demonstrate how special his son was to him. From this lines," I feel proprietary about, like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth." he was telling the girl that his son was one of a Kind and that when treating him she should keep in mind the love he has for his son; indirectly asking her to take special care of his son for him.
ReplyDeletesandrine Amin
period 4
This poem expresses the concerns of a parent who is allowing his son to date. The poet explains that his son was his in the making ever since before he met his girlfriend. “…he is my handiwork,” the poet describes, “…each cute trait…I feel proprietary about…” These lines seem to suggest possessiveness over his son. He mentions, however, that his concerns are not so much focused on letting his son go or sharing him with his girlfriend, but it seems that as a father, the poet worries about his son’s life onwards. He uses the metaphor of a table, crafted by a woodworker. The table was crafted so finely with so much work put into it that the woodworker kind of hopes no one picks it up and takes it away. The concern may be the ruining of the table. Like the table, the poet may be concerned about the ruining of his son’s life. The girlfriend could break his son’s heart and leave a scar that could never be cured and he wouldn’t be there to prevent that in time.
Period 1
This poem has a good explanation of a parent's point of view about there child having a significant other. The author describes how much of a struggle it is for them to let go of their son. He finally found someone he has feelings for, and now its time to let go a little and have him experience love. His father wants to let go, but also, he still wants the little boy that he knows.
ReplyDeleteAmanda Genovese (period 7)
This poem made me think of another poem my father has had posted on his bulletin board for all I can
ReplyDeleteremember. That poem talks about how the entirety of raising children is to raise them higher and higher like a
kite. And then once the child floats as far from the ground as the parent can get them it is time to cut them
loose. Much like this "Kite" poem, "To My Son's Girlfriend" is about accepting that the years of late night fights
and early morning forgiveness have all been to cut him loose and give not only the world to him but him to the
world. You raise him so that he can experience our breathtaking world and appreciate its beauty and
complexity. The father in Micheal Milburn’s poem wants the girlfriend to understand that the son has been
“under construction” for far longer than her love for him. Whatever cute qualities the girlfriend sees in him is
a result of the summation of his past. His current entity is a direct result of the father’s love. To see that go
unrecognized is to not understand the son’s past and therefore not love him as the father does. The
combination of this poem and the “Kite” poem have helped me realize that a parent's only job is to selflessly
support, raise, and influence their child; However all with the ultimatum to not be there to experience him at
his peak. It's the epitome of bittersweet.
Stephen Perrotti
Period 4
This poem is about a father and a son. when the son gets a girlfriend the father thinks to himself if someone can love him and charish him as much as he did. also, this poem explains how hard it is to let his son go after all the years he was with him. The father doesnt want to let his son go becuase he doesnt want him to get hurt or taken advantage of. There is a little bit of jealousy with the father and the girlfriend because he feels that he is being replaced with his sons girlfriend. like every parent they are just being protective and want to make sure his son is treated like they treated him.
ReplyDeleteErica Celentano
Period 4
I think this is a very touching poem. To me, it seems like it's a father writing about his son and having to accept that he is growing up; he isn't the child he once knew. He feels that besides his wife, he is the only one who understands his son, and he isn't used to the idea of someone else being very close to him in his life. The father has to learn to let go of his son and watch him go off on his own.
ReplyDeleteThe line "I wonder if you realize how much he is my handiwork" is very emotional. It's sad that the father is questioning whether or not his son's girlfriend really knows how special her boyfriend is. He doesn't want to let his son go (or share him with anyone else).
Alessandra M.
Per. 4
When reading this poem one can sense the immense amount of pride and joy the father has invested in his son. I can imagine this is how almost every father or mother feels about their own son or daughter. Like Kaity Robbins said, it was interesting that this poem was written by a father about his son. Without knowing what the title was, I would have suspected it would be written about a daughter. I think it almost makes it better that it was about a boy because it shows how its not only the girls boyfriend that the parents almost question their morals. This poem was a lot simplistic than the last one and the meaning was straight forward. Eternal love is what comes to my mind about this poem because it is what every parent has for their child and it is clearly presented in this story. I never really thought about how it would be hard to share your child with another person who loves them a great deal as well.
ReplyDeleteEmily McColl
period four
I thought this poem was a fathers attempt to describe the feeling of having his son grow up. By doing this he is also expressing the feelings that any parent has as their kids grow up and either move away or fall in love with another person. It's clear from the title and the way it is written that the author is wrtiting to his son's girlfriend. He is not trying to persuade her to leave but rather try to make her understand how much he means to him. He has loved him for alot longer than she has and, in his opinion, his love will last longer too. The metephore at the end of the poem about the wooden table and the wood worker. Eventually the woodworker has to sell the masterpiece and it will move on. That is the way it is. However, that does not stop the woodworker from digressing over that fact. This relates to the farther and his sadness over the growing up of his son. Yet he knows that he will be happy and that in a way ameliorates his lonely feelings.
ReplyDeleteDaniel Borrus
Period 4
I believe that this poem describes what a father goes through when a girlfriend comes into his son’s life and takes him away from him. This poem describes how the father realized that his son is coming of age and starting to spread his wings and fly out of the nest. In this poem you can tell how proud and happy the father is when talking about his son. I feel sad when I think about how the father says, “It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do.” I feel this way because you are able to realize how much the father does not want to just give up his son to any woman that comes along. This poem is very relatable because I can only imagine what my father will go through when the time comes that I get married. My father and I have a close knit relationship just like this father and his son, so I can relate to this poem.
ReplyDeleteDylan Carleton
Period 5
I think that this poem is based from a mothers point of view on her son towards his girlfriend. The mother figure question why the girl would be so serious about being with her son. The mother is also is talking about how she doesn't want to loose her son to anouther girl. She doesnt think that anyone could love him asmuch as she his mother does. It's almost to the point where she is jellous that there is anouther girl in her sons life but she cant control it. At the end she realises that someone will one day see her son how she sees him. How great he is and how she views him.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Perry
Period 5
In response to the poem, "To My Son's Girlfriend" by Michael Milburn, I already know that the person speaking in the poem is the father speaking towards his son's girlfriend. He is curious to see if this girl is good enough to deserve his son. The father is still getting used to having someone else love his son as much as he and his wife do. It shows how much the father loves his son, and wants to protect him as much as he can protect himself. This love that the father has for his son, should be the same for every parent, because their children should be their pride and joy. Sadly, not everyone is like this with their kids. It's nice to see that this particular person wants only the best for his son.
ReplyDeleteHenry Lau
Period 5
i think this poem is trying to state that its hard for him to think about his son growing up. But every parent has to eventually have this feeling so he has to learn to deal with it.
ReplyDeleteDan hilliradr
peiord 5
I believe this article is definitely a father son relationship problem. In this poem, it shows how the father has spent so much time watching his son grow up and sharing so many moments with him. Now, that the son has a girlfriend the father doesn’t want to miss out on still having those moments and good times with his son. I feel as if the father is now alone, and maybe that was his only child, and he doesn’t have any other sons and kids to spend those times with. You can see the love the father has for his son and he doesn’t want to give that up. “It's uncomfortable for me to think of anyone else loving him the way I do.” As you can see the father is very unsure of the fact that this girl loves him. He isn’t clear to him how she can love him as much as the father, who has been there for his son’s whole life, loves him. I know that from my own experience I have had so many father son times with my father doing things that fathers, or sons can do with anyone else. So I can see where that father may be coming from, missing his son so much.
ReplyDeleteJJ Carbone Period 4
I like this poem alot. I think it's cute how the mom is talking to her son's girlfriend and how it shows the similarities a mom and a girlfriend could feel for a boy.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Caron period 5
Reading this the father comes across as a very dotting parent, overly protective and sheltering. It seems that this is their only or oldest chile who is in his first real relatonship where the father must learn todeal with the idea of shareing his son. he also is very proud of his son and his achivements , but almost seems to be trying to take them on as his own.
ReplyDeleteTom Gingras Per.7
I really enjoyed this poem. I believe it’s a mom talking about her son. Its her sons first girlfriend and its hard for her to let him go. She talks about how she has known him longer then the girl friend has loved him. She also talks about how she loves him much more than she does. She also expresses her sadness of having to share him and having to lose him. To me its just a poem showing a love a mother has for a son. And how people grow up and start to leave their parents and find who they are.
ReplyDeletePierina Lopez 7
These are the words of a father who is scared to let this son go on with his life. He loves his son so much and knows he has a great girl by his side. He doesnt like watching him grow up as fast as he is, but knows his sons girlfriend loves and cares for his son with all she has.Deep down in his heart he knows the love might not last. Love is something that you may have to wait for or if your lucky, comes to you quicker than you think. Loving someone is a totally different thing than BEING in love with someone. Parents are happy to see that their child is in love, but they'll always love them more than ayone else could ever. Parents give you your life and should always be respected and apprecitaed. It's hard to let your child go, let them start their own life, move on....but everyones gotta go through it.
ReplyDelete-Hannah K
Period 7
At first I tought it was the mother talking because a mother is always caring and says these loving words to her son. But after it said "his mother and I" that's when I tought the father is the one who is actually saying these words. The father and son must have had a close relationship because the father doesn't want anyone to hurt his son. His son is growing up and found someone who loves him. He doesn't want to share his son with no one else, that is why is hard for the father to let go of his him. Parents will have to let go one day and no one will ever love their child as much as they do. Parents will always be there them.
ReplyDeleteJennyfer Jarrin
Period 5
I found this poem to be very interesting. I believe that this poem is about a father talking to his sons boyfriend. I thought it was his mother talking until it said “mother and I” then I realized it was his father, which made more sense because the man the son becomes is how the father raises him like when he says “like a woodworker making a table” the father being the wood worker and the son being the table. The poem also shows how every parent dreads the day that their child moves out but when that day come they hope that they did their best as a parent so that when their child becomes a parent that they raise their child the same way they were raised.
ReplyDeleteperiod 5
This poem demonstrates the relationship of a father and son. This is the first time in the father's life he is forced to share his son's love, and it takes quiet a lot of adapting. The father is realizing that no one can love a child as much as his parents, and seeing his son drift away makes him almost jealous. The child's mother and father love everything about their son, and they wonder if his girlfried feels the same. It is the little things that make the parents happy, such as his silliness and cordiality. In a sense I can relate to this poem, knowing my parents become "jealous" when I continually spend time with friends, and only once in a while spend time with them.
ReplyDeleteTyler King
Period 1
This poem is the classic relationship between a father and son, on the surface is the perspective that they have a harsh relationship, but on the inside is how much the father actually loves the son. This poem is great because it shows just how sensitive he is getting with his own child how he can never imagine any one else loving his son they way he does. How their relationship has really become a part of who he is a father. And now when someone is about to have another significant relationship with his son, he warns her to love him and to care for him, because it will always be his one love.
ReplyDeleteEdgar Ortiz
Period 1
The poem demonstrates a relationship between a father and a son. Watching a child grow up is one of the hardest things for a parent to do. They realize that we need them less and less and that is hard for them to handle when they have been there to take care of us our whole lives. They can't imagine anyone else loving their child as much as they do and that is what this poem is showing. The father can see that his son is growing up and has found love, but he doesn't want to let go. He becomes almost jealous in a way because he knows that he is growing up.
ReplyDeleteKelsie DePino
Period: 5
In this poem, "To My Son's Girlfriend", I really liked that it was the father talking about his son. Usually fathers are talking about their daughters like that. I especially liked the line, "I feel proprietary about, like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth." because it shows how the father feels like he put so much work into his son, and now he doesn't want to give him up. I also see in this poem how sad the father is that his son is growing up so fast and leaving him and his wife. But I believe that he understands that his son has to grow up and that nothing can stop that. All and all I really enjoyed this poem.
ReplyDeleteJulia Annicelli
Period: 4
This poem relates to the poem we were assigned to read last week. They both concern coming of age. In this poem, the father is learning to accept his son growing up. He is beginning to see that someone besides himself is able to love and care for his son the same amount, or maybe more, than him. The metaphor he refers to is so relevant to parents today. They want the whole world to meet and experience their child, and to see all the wonderful qualities their child bares, but when it is time for them to leave the nest and experience new people, parents often become very hesitant to let them go. In addition, I found it interesting that the father was speaking of his son in this way. Usually the father is not as emotional with sons, as they would be with their daughters. However, it makes this poem even more touching to see the father son bond.
ReplyDelete-Ashley Murphy
Period 4
This poem was wrote by a father talking about his son growing up. The dad is being very "protective" about his son like fathers usually are with their daughters. There is nothing wrong with this at all. All parents don't want to let their child go to someone that is loved by someone else other then them. The father doesn't want his son to be growing up and is jealous that he is. Michael says,"I wonder if you realize how much he is my handiwork, or which of the qualities you daydream about in class are the ones that I take pride in" This poem stood out to me the hardest in the poem and made me understand the point of the poem.
ReplyDeleteAshlie Forsberg
Period 5
Like many others, when I first read this poem, I assumed it was the mother speaking. The bond between a father and son is completely different than the relationship between and mother and son. Fathers teach their children responsibility, strength and most importantly, how to stand up for yourself. Sometimes, especially with a son, it is hard for fathers to show their true love and awe for their children. Fathers often have a harsh, protective aspect about them that covers up the real relationship they have with their child on the inside. This poem shows the true feelings coming out about the love he has for his son. He knows no one will ever love his son the way he does but knows it is time to try to find someone. Letting go of something you love dearly is one of the hardest things a father has to do.
ReplyDeleteKelly Smith
Period 1
When i read this poem the first time i thought it was the boys mom who was talking, but then after reading it for a second time i realized that it was the boys father. The main point that i realized this poem was about was whether the father thought the girl deserved to be with his son. He wanted the girl to like his son for who he was and what he was worth and not what he looks like.
ReplyDeletePat Day
period 4
When I first read this poem, I thought it to be a mother speaking. It wasn't until the speaker says "your mother and I" that I realized it was a father. A father and a son can be close in a very interesting way. Fathers tend to try to mold their sons into what they think is the best man possible. They find the faults in themselves and try to prevent them in their son. When the speaker does not want to share his son with his girlfriend, it is the normal reaction of any parent. Parents love their children since day one. They work with them, teach them, and enjoy their company. When someone else comes into that child's life, it can be hard for a parent to accept that someone else loves them and has a right to them. I especially enjoyed the table analogy at the end. It is a clever way of getting the overall purpose of the poem across.
ReplyDeleteChrissy Beaulac
Period 4
I enjoyed reading this poem. It was an easy read on a relatable topic. Every teenager has to deal with their parents getting involved with his/her relationship with others. Although this poem was from a father's perspective about his son, it allowed me to understand my mother's reasoning for getting involved with my relationships. I now understand that it is hard to share your child's love with a mere stranger. As explained in this poem, there are many emotions that are involved. For example, the author says "I can't deny being jealous." In the eyes of a parent, no one can love their child like they can. The words in the last stanza stood out to me the most. "I feel proprietary about,like a woodworker who makes a table intending to sell it but prays that no buyer will recognize its worth." The use of a simile here made me realize how much every parent wants to hold on to their child for as long as possible.
ReplyDeleteBryanna Willaby
I was quite touched by this poem because it really shows an immense amount of affection from the parent to the child. Our parents are similar to the one speaking in the poem, seeing as how they are strongly attached and very protective of their children; the speaker in this poem confesses his mild reluctance in handing over his son to the girl because of the familial bond that has formed. Parents also shape their children to become responsible, kind people that will succeed and live happily in life; this idea is clearly present in this poem, which describes the likable traits of the son that the girl would constantly think about.
Period 1.
This poem was actually very touching. it shows just how much this parent(s) love him. It showed how they have shaped him into the per on that he is today and the reason that his girlfriend loves him. It also shows just how much pride they take in him, how he is exactly what they wanted out of a child and they have him... almost like he is the perfect child. Also, it shows that they truly care about him being happy with someone else, his girlfriend, and that they care about her as well because SHE makes him happy and him being happy makes his parent(s) happy.
ReplyDeleteali nuzzo
period 7
At first I did not know if this was coming from the mom's perspective or the dads until I got to the line "that only his mother and I have ever possessed him".This poem made me think about my life and now as I am getting older my parents are having a hard time with letting me go into the world.The one quote that really stuck with me was "you daydream about in class are the ones I take pride in". Most people in high school do probably have someone they do this about but they don't realize those are all traits the parents taught the child growing up.
ReplyDeleteJenny Flynn
I believe that this poem begins with a dad’s pride in his son. This dad can see so much of himself in his son, and this is the greatest joy that could ever overcome a father. The whole poem is centered on this father’s pride and how his own traits have descended to his son. I believe that in many cultures today, fathers take pride in their sons, and all they want is for their sons to grow up and be like their old man. I believe that this connection is seen through the women that his son has chosen to pass his time with. Maybe this father can see this girl as a reflection of his own wife, and that is what makes him so proud of his son. His son may have found a great women-just like his old man did- and that has in some way connected the two of them.
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