Friday, September 21, 2012

Depression Era Photographs Assignment- Due Monday (Honors)

Guiding Question: What can be learned from the photographs of the Dust Bowl Era?


Choose a photo from the Dust Bowl Era. Include a link to the photo. Write about what you think the image conveys. You may use the following questions to help guide your response:

*Why would the artist have taken the photo?

*Who do you see in the photograph?

*Where do you think they are?

*What can you tell about the people based on the photograph?

*How do you think they feel in this picture? How can you tell?

*What techniques does the photographer use to draw you into the subject matter or to draw an emotion from you?



    I picked this photo because it explains the migration period. I think the photagrapher also noticed this and thats why that person took the picture. All you can see in the photo is a car, kids, and household suppliles connected to the back. Just like in the book we read, this photo represents how one day your family would just pack up and leave. The kids facial expressions look broken hearted. They look broken and sad which is completly acceptable knowing they have to leave their home in hopes of finding a better one.

    Conor Smith
    Period 2


    The photo I chose was of a tractor on a farm in the dust bowl era. I see the farm as being pretty much infertile. It doesn’t seem like much is growing, if at all. The artist probably took the photo to show how difficult it must have been to live on a farm and try to work on it when nothing wants to grow. Also, it was still a fairly recent development to have tractors on farms, and the photographer probably wanted to feature it. People are almost always interested in things that are new. The men in this photo probably feel upset about the land, having been used to crops growing better in the past. Reading The Grapes of Wrath helped me with determining how they must be feeling because the Joad family was so dependent on their land, along with the other people they met along the way. The men on the tractor probably also feel guilty about taking the job on the tractor because it drives the families off of the land who were depending on it before the owners got tractors. They would be betraying their neighbors, families, and friends in order to keep themselves alive.
    -Amy B Period 1


    I chose this photo because I believe it signifies the hardships of the dust bowl era. The artist might have captured this moment for many reasons. This photo displays what the people of this time went through. The amount of shelter this family has is very scarce especially for the amount of people, on the left side of this photo I see many empty bottles, which might display there is no more to eat or drink. In this photo, depicted is a mother with her kids. The mother’s face looks in complete distress, and the kids do not seem elated to be in this predicament. The older boy in the front looks as though he is very tired and just wants to rest his head on something substantial. In the back close to the mother are the two younger boys with the infant in the Mom’s lap. Also, what I noticed was the structure of how the family is placed. The oldest boy is the farthest out which may mean he would be the first encounter if anything were to happen to there shelter. The oldest boy may take care of the family seeing as there is no older male figure.

    Isabella S. Period 2


    The picture that I picked portrays the irony of America’s economics during the time of the collapse. Just several years before the depression, the Americans were celebrating their high standards of living. However, by the time of the depression, Americans no longer had the money to enjoy their freedom as Americans. The reason this picture stood out to me was because the starving Americans were lined up like slaves waiting for food. Although most of people on the breadline were capable laborers, the lack of employment opportunities made them unable to make any production and forced them to wait in a crowded line for most of the day. I felt like the ad that stood above these Americans mocked them. It was so ironic that a few years earlier the Americans could afford the luxury of having a car, but now they can't even pay for basic necesities like food and shelter.

    Cassidy M P2

  5. Link:

    This picture shows the struggles of a family during the Dust Bowl Era. The central position of the mother, the absence of the father, and the direction of the mother's glance all add to the emotional pain and suffering that the photograph embodies. The mother seems to be looking into the distance, conveying a sense of future outlook. The placement of the mother's hand on her chin shows the deep thinking and pondering that is going on in her head. The two children have turned their heads away from the photographer, perhaps out of shame or shyness. This photo also portrays the strong unity of the family, and how important family was in that era. The photographer uses the mother as the central image in the photograph, because all emotions and feelings are apparent in her facial expressions. As soon as I saw the photo, I could immediately feel the mother's pain, and it soon became my own. The mother's piercing eyes also added to the photo, as they were intently staring off into the distance, perhaps thinking about what the future holds for her and her children.

    Lianne Y, Per. 5


      I picked this photograph because it displays how difficult it was to find a employment during the depression. Many Americans at the time were struggling to find jobs at the time and this is proof. As you can see this picture shows a woman who is seeking a job, such as taking pictures of the Dust Bowl, from the government. I think this woman is somewhere near Oklahoma where she can take pictures of the Dust storms. I can tell this woman is poor because her sign says she'll take pictures for food. Based on the sign and her facial expressions, the woman looks desperate, like she needs help. She looks like she feels helpless and shes just searching for a job. The photographer uses her sign and the camera in her hand to draw you in. Also, her facials expressions that appear desperate draw you in and make you want to help her somehow.

      Anna A. Period 1


    I picked this photograph because it displays how difficult it was to find a employment during the depression. Many Americans at the time were struggling to find jobs at the time and this is proof. As you can see this picture shows a woman who is seeking a job, such as taking pictures of the Dust Bowl, from the government. I think this woman is somewhere near Oklahoma where she can take pictures of the Dust storms. I can tell this woman is poor because her sign says she'll take pictures for food. Based on the sign and her facial expressions, the woman looks desperate, like she needs help. She looks like she feels helpless and shes just searching for a job. The photographer uses her sign and the camera in her hand to draw you in. Also, her facials expressions that appear desperate draw you in and make you want to help her somehow.

    Anna A. Period 1

    In this photograph it looks like a family has had to pack up their belongings and try to find a new home. It is so sad to think how families were forced to leave where they called home in order to survive the dust bowl era. The woman in this picture looks lost. Not lost as if she doesn’t know which road to turn down but lost as if she doesn’t know what to do. She is dramatically looking off into the distance at the bumpy journey ahead of her. The image shows such raw emotion. The artist probably took this picture to show the long and rough journey that many families embarked on during this time period.
    Eden W.


    This seems like a picture of a mother and her child during the Dust Bowl Era. Though this picture seems simple, it portrays a lot. The despaired look on both, the woman and child's face is extremely saddening. Both of them look like they are looking into the distance, far ahead, seeking hope. The mother is holding on tight to the child. They are sticking together because in tough times, each other's love,company and support is all they have. Also, the child looks very dirty and hungry. It seems that the child is covered in dirt. They look like they are in a car, on a journey. Perhaps, they are looking for food and shelter. Both of them probably feel distraught and have lost all hope. I think the artist took this picture to portray the desperation and suffering that people had to go through during the Dust Bowl era.
    Ayeshra A. Period 1


    This is a picture that i remember studying last year in APUSH. This photo is contradicting because the billboard shows a happy white family driving in a beautiful convertible, while in reality there is a line of poor African Americans waiting for food because they are starving. By this photograph i can tell the people in it are most likely waiting for food, and they are all African American. I believe the photographer took it because of the irony between the billboard and the people. This photo shows the struggles that African Americans had to go through, not just white people. The people's face expressions in the picture look sad and lost, like they dont know whats coming in their future.
    Julia W. P 2


    In this photograph, a young boy covers his face to protect his lungs from the dust. Because of the dusty and desolate environment, I predict that this photo was taken in a state affected by the Dust Bowl, such as Kansas or Oklahoma. The boy seems lost in the barren “dust-land” and is probably confused because a child would not understand why his family doesn’t have food or has to leave their home. He would only see what was happening not why. Aside from confused, the boy probably feels sad and tired because he appears hunched over. The author probably took the photo because the lonely landscape mirrors the sad and lonely mindset of a migrant farmer. To do this the photographer allows the boy to be the focal point of the photo while the dry landscape is in the background.

    Griffin S. Period 5


    When looking at a photograph from the dust bowl era you are able to put yourself in the position of the families who were strongly impacted by the Great Depression. The photographer took this picture to illustrate the lack of necessities in many households during the Great Depression and to show the impact it had on families. In this photo you see a young girl cooking dinner in a very broken down and dark room. From the picture you can tell that she is in a small part of a room probably used for cooking. The girl is using a very small stove to cook her meal and behind the stove you can see the limited amount of cooking supplies that they have, and on the floor you see some food set aside in a bowl or dish of somesort. From the picture you can tell that the depression has really affected this family and they are trying to cope with the limited resources that they have. I think this girl feels sorry for herself and her family and is sad and maybe confused about what is going on. I can draw this conclusion by looking at the expression on her face and her over-all body language. This picture is sad and depressing to look at. I think the photographer really captured how they lived by just showing the girl, her body language, and what scarse supplies they have. The girl looks worried and scared for what is coming.

    Morgan Lazowy p.2


    In this photograph, two kids are covering their faces in their mother’s clothes. These kids are probably confused about the situation and could be upset and crying. The mother is covered in dust and there is a cloud of dust in the background that was left from the aftermath of the storm. The author might have taken this photograph to show the extent to which the Dust Bowl devastated families. It not only destroyed crops but also the people’s morale. Just like in The Grapes of Wrath, the families were distraught to see the land that they had grew up on and learned to trust destroyed. The Dust Bowl had taken everything and they didn’t know where to go from there. This explains the mother’s somber expression. How can this mother feed her children? Will they have to pack up and move? Considering that this family is in the midst of the Dust Bowl, this photograph was probably taken in one of the areas affected such as Oklahoma or Colorado during the 1930s. Furthermore, the author’s focus in this photo was the suffering families. Hence, the author draws much sorrow from the viewer.

    David E Period 5


    This photograph depicts a mother squatting outside the truck that has become her home with her baby. You can see by the number of mattresses that there are at least several more members of this family, assuming the others have not died on the road. This is just one of the hundreds of thousands of families that had no choice but to pack up and leave their entire life behind in order to survive. The mother appears to be deep in thought (; she is most likely thinking about the dramatic changes that her family has gone through recently and the long journey that lies ahead. There appears to be nothing but dust all around her with mountains off in the distance. She might be thinking about whether or not they will make the journey through the mountains, or she may be mentally preparing herself for the struggles that lie ahead.
    Evan B 5


    In this photograph, it shows a woman who looks very distressed and worn down, holding a young child who seems to be sleeping. I think that this picture shows the struggle of a mother, or a mother-type figure, trying to raise children in such a difficult era when there wasn't enough resources to live a comfortable and stable life. The woman seems to look a bit defeated by the expression on her face and it makes me think that all of the difficulties of the situation have probably worn her down. However, she holds the child close to her in a protective manner and it's clear that she loves the baby and she is going to do whatever it takes to give it what it needs in order for survival, even in such tough circumstances. Though the child is asleep, he/she is holding onto the woman in a way that shows that he/she needs trusts her to take care of them.

    - Sarah C. Period 5

    In this photo two children are featured. There children are covered in filth and have these huge sad eyes that portray the misery that they have to deal with. I think that the photographer took this photo to show how the dust bowl had affected the children. The children were now caught in the consequences of the generations before them performing incorrect farming practices. The photographer captured the sadness and despair thar surrounded the children. I think that the photographer made the children stark against a blurred background to make the audience face the reality that children are being hurt in the process.


    This picture shows a mother and her child, both whom are covered in dust and dirt. There clothes are worn and filthy and their eyes show signs of sadness, struggle, and some kind of hope. I believe this photograph was taken to show just exactly what kind of people lived through the Dust Bowl Era and how they were affected by it. I also think it was taken to show how the people struggled during these hard times. The two people in the picture look like they're waiting for change, or that they can't believe what is going on in front of them. The photographer did an incredible job capturing the mother and child's feelings and portraying them according to what they were going through at the time. I think that the Dust Bowl Era affected an immense group of people and even though there are only two being shown in this picture, the looks on their faces speak for everyone who suffered during this time.

    Francesca Lupoli
    Period 1


    I chose this picture mainly because it shows a great amount of wreckage. The first thing I see in this photo is the destroyed house, pieces of wood and metal everywhere. The artist must have taken this photo to display the debris caused in the era of the Great Depression. There is one girl sitting amongst the wreck; her face and body showing sadness. My first impression of her was that she had given up, like there was too much to clean and no way of doing it. It struck me that this girl knew it wouldn’t be possible to get everything back in order, seeing the amount of damage in this photo. The most important thing I believe this photo gives is that when you only glance at it, without deciphering what is there, it looks like a pile of junk, that it was not once a house where people lived, but just wood and metal.

    Rebecca W. Period 2


    This picture shows two women and two children in a tent next to their car while one of the women makes them food. I believe that this photo was taken because it shows that even in those terrible times, people still had hope. There is almost a grin on one of the women's and child's faces, which shows that it was not always so bad to migrate west. They are travelling somewhere across country during the dust bowl and are stopped on the side of the road, maybe only for the night. One woman is sitting there knitting while the other woman is standing up making food with a sad look on her face, which could have been for many reasons. I don't think that they are all extremely happy, but they look content to be there. It seems as if they are all thankful to be sitting there together because I know many families were torn apart during that time. The photographer uses the technique of also showing the surroundings to give the person looking at it a better sense of what those people are feeling. For example, if you did not see that they were in a tent on the side of the road in the dirt, you would not understand why they looked the way that they did. I know that this was a terrible time in history, but the look on the blonde woman and older boy's faces make it look like some people had not lost hope.

    Lizzy B. Period 1


    I chose this picture because I think that it shows the children in the car looking sad and lost, probably because they were leaving there home in search of a better place to live where there are jobs. In this picture the faces of the children all squished in the car is what stands out to me the most. I can see the sadness and confusion in their expressions. I can just tell how tired, uncomfortable and scared they must have been. They all look like they have given up hope. I can tell that they must have been traveling on the road because they were in a car and because of how uncomfortable and exhausted they all look. I think the artist took this photo to show how it must have felt to get up and leave your home. And to show how it must have felt to be stuck in a car driving and driving looking for a place to rest and a job so their family could afford to eat. i think that this photo represents how it must have been for all of the other families, specifically the children, traveling on the road in search for a new place to live and survive.

    Jackie W. Per.2


    I chose this picture because in US History last year I remember a discussion we had about what came to mind and the meaning behind the picture. I think the meaning behind the artist taking this picture was to capture the sadness that was going around the whole country during this time period. In this picture I see a single mother trying to fend for her many children and herself. Because of all the dirt and dust on the woman and her children, I think that they live somewhere out west where they have to do work in the fields. Based on the picture, I can tell that they are very poor and they are barely getting by because their clothes are ratty and the women and her children have dirt on their skin. By the looks on their faces, I can tell how truly sad and depressed they are. The look on the woman's face tells more than sadness and depression, it shows her thinking which I know must be about what she must do next for her life and her children's. The way the picture is shot, it looks like the mother has no idea the photo is being taken so it made me feel bad for her because this is what she looks like on her own. Also the sadness vibe the picture sends makes you feel it in yourself too even if you aren't going through their pain.
    Brittany S. Period 5


    This picture really stood out to me compared to all the other photos. It shows that people were really starving and they would do almost anything for food. Most of the farms were ruined in the dust bowl and there was a very little amount of food. This woman says she "Will take pictures for food." She has a camera in her hand and looks prepared to take pictures for people in exchange for food at any moment. She looks homeless and desperate. I can tell that she is sad and probably very lonely as she watches many cars drive by her on the road. I can imagine that she wasn't the only other person who did thing like this.

    Miriah Ventre period 5


    I picked this picture because it makes the person looking at it feel upset to look at these kids who are affected by the depression. The person who took this photo must have wanted to show people that the depression affects the children whose parents can’t find a job. Parents who don’t have any money can’t feed their kids so they have to suffer for something that is completely not their fault. The picture shows how the innocent get hurt along with the country. It exemplifies the real desperation of families considering they have to have their children protest for them. When people see innocent children suffering, it speaks to them.
    Carlye M. Period 5

    Photographer: Walker Evans
    Evans probably took this photo to engender solidarity with and empathy for migrant workers during the Depression and Dust Bowl eras. In this image I find a hopeful individual, probably under-fed, certainly anxious about his future, but not to a debilitating extent. This is not a man who has yet surrendered to despair, but given the economic situation he was unfortunate to live through one could hardly blame him if he did.
    The photographer highlights the scraggly nature of this man’s attire, which in turn suggests a certain weariness with which any human should be able to relate.

  24. LINK-

    I chose this photo because of the visible emotion. The mother holding her two children looks completely discouraged, and you can see the loss of hope in her eyes. Drought causes hardships for all. Food and water are scarce, and people don't know how they will survive. Like in "The Grapes of Wrath", these people were forced to move from their homes, only taking what little they had. Jobs were hard to find, and there was no money source. It's hard for us to connect with difficult times like these, because most of us don't know what it's like to move in hopes of finding food. However, many people were going through the same thing, and the families were all there for each other. The support was what kept the families going, even though there was much fear.

    Cassie F-C, Period 5


    In this photo, a farmer and his two sons are pictured running from a huge dust storm. The photo was probably taken in Oklahoma, where a lot of farms were ruined by the humungous dust storms. This picture saddens me. All three of them are wearing tattered clothing. One of the boys is covering his face to try to protect his face from the dust. Also, all they have to live in is a tiny house that does not look very sturdy. The door does not look like it shuts completely, so dust could easily get into their house. Also, everything is completely engulfed by dust. They are probably hungry, because the dust ruined crops so farmers could not make money. The people in the photo probably feel very despairing and hopeless. The photographer has good techniques to draw emotion. Everything about the photo is saddening. The people running desperately to escape the terrible dust storms, the child trying to cover his face to block the dust out, their run-down tiny house that is falling apart, and their land being ruined. The photo shows how hard times were during the Dust Bowl.

    Haley K. Period 5


    This photograph shows the aftermath of a dust storm. The photograph shows some vehicles, tractors, wheelbarrows, and a few houses almost completely buried by sand and dirt. The artist probably took the photo in order to show the public the hardships that people in the Midwest were experiencing. This photo was probably taken in Oklahoma or Kansas, but definitely in the Midwest. I can tell based on the photograph that the people native to the area either died in the storm or had no choice but to evacuate to an area that wasn't affected by the Dust Bowl. I assume that the people from the area were very frustrated and feel very helpless because essentially their entire houses, their crops, and their vehicles were covered by dirt. The artist draws an emotion of sadness and sorrow from the public by showcasing the reckage and remains of families' belongings just strewn about the entire landscape.

    Justin W. Period 5


    This photograph was taken to depict the destruction that the dust bowl caused. The artsit took this picture to raise awareness about what happened and also to remember the great destruction that it caused. The are no people in this photograph because they must have fled before the destruction occurred. This photograph causes great emotions of sympathy for these people and helps to convey the distress of the people. It shows that the land and everything on it was basically destroyed and covered with dirt. It shows great sadness throughout the entire picture because everything is but a pile of wreckage.

    Morgan R. Period 1

    I chose this photograph in particular because it shows the severity of the dust bowl and how much it effected the land. In the picture, the surroundings are barren as if it were a desert which is absolutely amazing. This picture was taken in Oklahoma which is known for its farms and not desert like at all. I find it amazing that the land could be changed so much. The people basically had no option except to pack up and leave the dead land. This photograph and the changed lives of the people living through the dust bowl era evokes great sympathy within me. I could hardly imagine leaving a land I cultivated and cared for to search for the unknown.

    Fatoumata S.
    Period 2


    1. I think that the artist took this photo to show the sadness that this era brought to the world. It also shows how much the children were affected by this sadness and how involved they were with the given situation.
    2. In this photograph I see a young girl and young boy who are both pretty dirty and beat up. The little girl looks like she may be eight and the boy looks like he is seven. I believe that they are brother and sister.
    3. I know that they are in Oklahoma because it was mentioned in the article that the photograph was in.
    4. I can tell that these children are troubled. They obviously aren’t happy and are well aware that they are going through literal hell. It looks like they haven’t had fun in ages, so their parents must be working them hard when on the move. Also, they might not have been fed in a while because in The Grapes of Wrath it was clearly brought up that when families were on the move many children were nearly starving to death.
    5. These children obviously feel horrible. They look so sad and in a way bored. The children must be drained from their journey both in a mental and physical way because they look like they are about to break down and cry. The might not know exactly what is going on during this era, but it is obviously taking a toll on them.
    6. I think the photo is very simple, which is great that the photographer left it that way. These children’s facial expressions tell the entire story. When I first looked at this photo I immediately felt the sadness that these children are feeling. It makes me have a whole other view about this era. After reading The Grapes of Wrath, I had a good thought of how difficult it was to live during the great depression, but after seeing the misery on these children’s faces it made me realize that this all was real and that it was a truly horrible time.

    Rachel I
    Period 1

    This photographer, named Dorethea Lang, took this photo and many more to see ," people affected by the catastrophe, and show how they were pushing through the hard time with uplifting spirits". What she actually got was not what she wanted though, she received somber faces that represent the cruel face of reality in the world of poverty and hardship.
    In the photo their are two little boys who are giving the camera a very sad and depressing shot of themselves in their natural state of perpetual saddened state.
    I think they are in California or on the West Coast in general, because behind them you notice trees, something that wouldn't be alive and well if actually in the dust bowl.
    I can tell they look tired and probably worked a full either picking fruit or helping with work around a farm. Their faces were not easily swayed to do what the photographer wanted, but rather they just stared into the camera with the emotions they held with such little pride. This must have shocked Dorothea to see such a gloomy side and the harsh side to what the Dust Bowl and the Depression really did to America and its youth.

    Steve Z.
    Period 5


    This photo was taken to show what was going on during the dust bowl era. It is showing how much damage was done from it, going over people's housing and ruining many things. There are no people in this photograph unless they are in the house and you can't see them. For their sake I am hoping that they got away before the dust flew over their home. This is showing that the people living during this time had a lot to go through, they're houses and most likely everything they owned was being destroyed. In this picture you can't see people but I can tell by it that they don't feel good. No one could possibly feel good having to leave their home because it was going to get destroyed. This photographer was very good at drawing an emotion. This is because he took something that everyone could really relate to which is having your home destroyed and for anyone seeing that or having that happen to you is always upsetting.

    Jessica Beler
    Per. 1


    I think that the artist had taken this photograph because it was so ironic. It's ironic because the photo is of two men walking with their suitcases down a dirt road passing a billboard sign that's talking about how it is so much better to take the train instead of walking, like what the two men are doing. I see two men walking with what is probably all their belongings. I think that the men are somewhere in the middle of America during the dust bowl era because the land is so flat and barren, and the road seems to just go on for a very long time. I think that by looking at this picture, the men have lost their house and are walking to find somewhere else to live, and they are too poor to take a car or a train, considering that they are walking. It's hard to tell what the men are thinking or how they feel because i can't see their facial expressions and their body language doesn't show many signs of anything either. The artist was able to draw me to the billboard and the two men because the photograph itself is so simple; there is almost nothing in it. I choose this photo because of how ironic it is; most people in the dust bowl era probably saw signs like this one many times on their journeys, but couldn't do a thing about it.

    Maxine H, P2

    I chose this picture because of its irony. This picture shows who men walking down a long stretch of road with their suitcases and a billboard that says, “Next time try the train. Relax.” I thought this was amusing because these men don’t have money to take the train. Also by looking at the men, they seem to have their heads bowed showing tiredness; this is important to me because the billboard shows a man sitting down with the word “relax” next to him. It’s almost as if the billboard is posted specifically for the depression because it says “try the train” not “take the train”. I believe the photographer also felt the irony of this photo when she took it. It captures how hard times were back during the depression; people couldn’t even afford a train ticket.

    Jesse C. per 1

    I think the artist took the photo to show what the migrant farmers of America had to do to work in the rough times of the dust bowl. The photo shows exactly what the migrant farmers do in order to make a living. In the photo it is of two migrant farmers who I am guessing are husband and wife. I’m guessing these people are on a farm of a wealthy American in the west working for very cheap. These people look like they’re most likely desperate for money and probably trying to make some money for their family to survive. This photo is good because it shows these two people bent over just picking some sort of plant or planting seeds of some sort. This has a real affect on the audience because it makes the audience really imagine themselves actually bent over and doing what they’re doing for I would imagine such little pay.

    Cory W. Per 1

    I believe the artist took the photo to show and lonely a life during the depression could be. I think they are in a more remote area in a home made shack. The two people in this photograph very disheveled and they look almost bored. The little boy is trying to entertain himself with the toy car and the mother isn't doing anything at all. They look tired as well. I think they feel bored and lonely and maybe even helpless. They are just standing around not doing much of anything. The photographer uses the child to draw a sense of sympathy from you. I also think the photographer uses the lone shack represents solitude.
