Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Period 5- Due Friday

What do you think the role of government should be regarding mandatory vaccines?  What is your personal opinion? Support with quotes!

1. Choose one.  These articles contain the same content, but the reading levels differ.: (Grade 12 reading level) (Grade 9 reading level)

2. Read both of the articles below.

3. Feel free to do your own additional research on this topic.  There is a lot of good video out there as well.

4. Write your response on the blog.  Summarize the vaccine debate, and take a position as to what the role of government and lawmakers should be regarding the vaccination of children.  What is your personal opinion?  Be sure to use a minimum of two quotes in your response.


  1. Some parents choose not to vaccinate their children against viruses, such as the measles because they incorrectly believe that the vaccine could cause autism or that the disease is not being spread anymore. Such beliefs have led to an outbreak of measles in the United States after someone entered the country with measles, and spread the disease to unvaccinated American children. Many people feel that unvaccinated children should not be allowed to attend public school and one pediatrician's office even banned unvaccinated children from their facility. Some people are especially at risk for measles, as the New York Times says,” Young infants, pregnant women, children suffering from leukemia, and people with weak immune systems, among others, can’t take the vaccine and could suffer great harm from measles,including encephalitis and even death”(Reckless Rejection of the Measles Vaccine, New York Times). I believe that it is important to vaccinate all children who can take the vaccine because it is not fair to people with compromised immune systems or other health problems to be affected by the measles because some healthy children were not vaccinated. Studies have shown that the vaccine does not cause autism. The government should require all children (of proper health) to be vaccinated for diseases like the measles regardless of whether or not they attend public school. An article posted on Newsela describes the recent measles outbreak is Disneyland and what California schools have done to combat it in the past. They say, “In 1977, about 50,000 students in Los Angeles County were told to stay home from school until they could confirm that had been vaccinated or were getting the shots. Within days, most them returned to school having been vaccinated, and the measles cases dropped quickly.” (California struggles with high number of unvaccinated children, Newela). The article demonstrates that if more people are vaccinated, the disease will stop spreading so quickly. Vaccinating children is an easy way to stop the highly contagious measles virus. Lawmakers should require all children to be vaccinated.

    Katey Yale Period 5

  2. People who have valid reasons for avoiding inoculation should be allowed to live their lives as they please, but there should be far stricter regulations regarding people who choose not to vaccinate. In my opinion, most of the logic against vaccination is flawed and based in misinformation, but there are a few cases in which I think people have legitimate reason. Some people have religious regions for avoiding vaccines, and in the United States the government has a responsibility to respect this freedom of religion. Additionally, people who subscribe very rigidly to the doctrine of veganism might have moral problems with the issue: “Some vaccines for DTaP, Hep A, RV, Hib, HPV, IPV, flu, MMR, and chicken pox are made using animal products” (ProCon). These people should have the right to not vaccinate, but we must make sure they have the correct information. The connection between autism and vaccines is outdated and proven false. Additionally, as a California parent said, “[People who choose not to vaccinate are] making a decision for their child that affects other children. I personally feel that if that’s your choice you should home-school your child,” (Newsela). Simply for reasons of security, there should be more restrictions on public areas for people who are not vaccinated. If they contract diseases, they aren’t just hurting themselves. Unvaccinated babies can still get ill, and diseases can mutate into different strains against which the public might not be vaccinated.

  3. "... five Disneyland employees were diagnosed with the measles...There are now more than 70 patients across California as well as six other states and Mexico."
    Five people, without vaccines, caused the infection of 14 times as many people because of their negligence, The outbreak in California was caused by the perpetrated falsehood that a vaccine can cause autism or contains toxic chemicals inside of it. A vaccine has neither the potential to cause autism nor toxic chemicals in its makeup, just a pathogen that has had its genes altered to be inert and incapable of truly damaging a person so that the immune system can develop antibodies without any danger of an outbreak. Of course they have side effects as your immune system will still react to the intruding pathogen as it would naturally, but it will not go out of control. ( has information on vaccine safety, law,schedules, recommendations, education, and an faq)

    The current debate on vaccines is between two primary groups, those who believe in every child being vaccinated and those who believe in not vaccinating their child.
    Those who do not believe in enforcing vaccination base their arguments upon personal freedom/ civil rights, and that the diseases are eliminated or that the vaccine is unnecessary ,as Crystal McDonald said, “There is absolutely no reason to get the shot,” On the other hand, pro-vaccine argues that those who do not get vaccinated endanger the rest of the population by potentially becoming hosts and propagators of diseases that are both very dangerous and preventable.

    My take on the issue is in line with those who are pro-vaccination in that I believe everyone MUST be vaccinated. A vaccine can only be effective if it is used on the vast majority of the population as when a human is not vaccinated and contracts something like measles, mumps, or rubella. they provide that pathogen with plenty of time, heat, food and opportunity to mutate and spread. Once a pathogen has mutated, the vaccine will no longer be effective and the general population will potentially be exposed to the disease. The consequences of such reckless exposure can be dire as "In 1977, Los Angeles County health officials had faced two measles deaths" from an outbreak. All other activities, such as drunk driving, heedlessly disposing of toxic waste, or other forms of improper conduct that cause death are placed under the law as negligent homicides and are punished severly, as not having a vaccinated child ought to be, although the punishment should be less severe as long as no one is harmed. By refusing to vaccinate a child or be vaccinated yourself, you are essentially recklessly allowing for chance to keep you from being infected and that is the same degree of irresponsibility that is displayed when someone dies as a direct consequence of your actions. It should be law that everyone needs to be vaccinated because having a child that is not vaccinated infect a multitude of other people, and having that infection result in death(s), is as good, or bad, as driving a car over those who die.


  4. A couple months ago, a case of measles broke out in Disneyland, California, infecting five employees and a good number of visitors. Since then, cases of it have spread throughout Orange County, California, and a number of other states. Measles is a virus that could easily be prevented by a vaccination administered during one’s childhood. However, many parents opt out of having their children receive said vaccination, for religious reasons or a personal preference. My personal belief is that while parents should definitely have the ability to opt out of their children receiving these shots, certain restrictions should be placed on them to ensure that this choice will not harm the health of others. Dr. Eric Handler, the Orange County Public Health officer, stated that in his town “‘If there is a case in the school and their child is not immunized, they will be removed from the school for 21 days.’” I think this is a smart idea because it will allow everyone involved to avoid catching the disease. I also agree with the statement made in a New York Times opinion essay that “ is shockingly irresponsible for [parents] to put other children and adults at risk of catching measles from their unvaccinated children.” While the wording of this may sound overly harsh, I definitely agree with the author’s point, which is that these parents are putting others at risk. Parents should have the option to refuse vaccination for their children, but if the situation arises, authorities should have the right to place certain restrictions on families who opt out.

  5. This article was very interesting. - A^2

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  6. Parents who are anti-vaccines tend to have flawed reasons as to why they aren’t vaccinating their children. The reports that were made about vaccines being possibly related to autism have been completely debunked. Parents also make the argument that the diseases have been completely eradicated so there is no need to put extra chemicals into their children. I see their point in this statement, but the truth is, measles was out of the United States for fifteen years, and it came back suddenly. There is no way of knowing what is truly extinct when it comes to diseases. When you outweigh the pros and cons of getting vaccinated versus falling ill with the disease, the side effects from the vaccine are much better. Measles can lead to pneumonia, brain infection, and even blindness. If the choice is to either give your child a vaccine, “that federal health officials deem 95 percent to 97 percent effective,”(NY Times) or to have your child be paralyzed for the rest of their lives, all of a sudden the vaccine doesn’t seem like such a bad option. Some parents opt out of giving their children vaccines because they want to demonstrate their rights to do whatever they want with their children. In principal, this shouldn’t hurt anyone, but in reality, there are people who cannot receive the vaccination because of illness or even age. With this measles situation in Disney, “Measles is so infectious — it spreads through the droplets from a sneeze or cough — that one sick person walking through a community of unvaccinated people can infect a dozen or more of them.”(Newsela)The anti-vaccine parents think that they are protecting their children, but they are putting those who can’t be vaccinated at a much greater risk of contracting the illness. I do understand that there are some people who have religious issues with vaccinations, and I agree with their choices. However, there should be some type of regulations made regarding vaccinations, especially when there is an outbreak as big as this current measles case.
    Ellie B. Period 5

  7. Although I have respect for those whose who wish to keep their children all natural and vaccine free, I think its quite selfish of them to refuse vaccinations. The decision to not vaccinate our child not only affects the child itself, but everyone else in the community. It may seem responsible to take control over your own child's health, however "it is shockingly irresponsible of them to put other children and adults at risk of catching measles from their unvaccinated children." Most people who refuse the vaccination,"believe, mistakenly, that it would cause autism or they believe, also mistakenly, that measles is a disease of the past so there is no real need to have their children vaccinated." These misguided beliefs are influencing many parents to reject the vaccine, putting their children even more at risk. We have the technology that allows us to be protected from an illness, and stop the outbreak forever, and it is,"hard to see a kid suffer for something that’s entirely preventable.” By allowing this illness to live on, we are putting others at high risk, especially babies. In young infants, "measles can transform into something much worse, like encephalitis, and can be deadly." With that being said, the decision to vaccinate your child may not have a big impact on him or her , but it certainly has an impact on the rest of the community.
    Erika M. Period 5

  8. Before I read the articles regarding different outbreaks of diseases, I took the side that if you don't want to vaccinate your child then don't do it. Now I'm on the side that all children should be vaccinated. Diseases can spread very fast and especially when in an environment such as school. Kids are touching things all day and its bound to spread. Right now I can't think of a good reason not to get your child vaccinated. wouldn't you want them to remain healthy? It would be hard to control public areas like Disney Land or other places where there are lots of people interacting, but Vaccinations should be made mandatory unless you have a really good reason for your child to be exempt.
    Lexie E period 5

  9. So this article is about whether or not children should be getting vaccinations because of the recent measles outbreak. Lots of school systems and the government are saying that they should and it is only the safest thing to do for the children. The parents are fighting back by saying that they shouldn’t get vaccinated because it’s the parents own beliefs. Parents believe that these vaccinations can lead to autism so they won’t have their child get the vaccination at a young age. “Since 2002, fewer and fewer kindergartners have been starting elementary school with all their vaccinations. Some parents are suspicious of the shots, worrying that they cause autism, even though many scientific reports have thoroughly shown that they do not.” The vaccination is safe and the fact that it can cause autism has been proven to be false but some parents still do not believe this even though scientists have proved it. Parents are choosing to not give their children the vaccination which is putting more people at risk than the parents realize. The parents do have the right to make their own decisions and they have every right to choose to not vaccinate their children, because they are the parents, but i think that they should really be thoroughly educated about the vaccinations before deciding to not vaccinate their child. I also believe though, that the government should have stricter rules about going into school and making sure that the students are all caught up on their vaccinations. “Many parents of this generation have never seen children kept home from school because they were not caught up on their shots. Some public health experts say it’s time to do that again.” This is what i think should happen as well. I believe that even though the parents do have their own rights to what medications their children get, i think that for all of the childrens safety that the government should start to be more strict about the vaccinations that children get and the vaccinations they need to be in school.
    Shannon Finn Period 5

  10. What I see happening is that some parents, mostly in either very religious communities or rich ones, are deciding to not immunize their children based on notions. The two main ones are a concern about the chemicals overcrowding the bloodstream, or that it's unnatural and will give their kids autism. The government absolutely needs to take more extreme measures of dealing with this issue. I respect people who have religious beliefs against having vaccinations, but at the same time, I do not respect people who make that decision for their kids and then let them participate fully in things like school.' “They’re making a decision for their child that affects other children. I personally feel that if that’s your choice you should home-school your child,” Angus said.' To make this decision to not immunize children and then to send said children to school is completely irresponsible and ignorant of other parents' wishes. Vaccinations exist solely to protect us, and it has been proven that no vaccinations are linked to autism. If they also believe that "flooding our systems with chemicals" is exactly what happens, that is also wrong. Most vaccinations are dormant forms of the disease, and will force the body to develop a way to eradicate it immediately, leaving the person unscathed. If parents are going to make this decision that is not based on anything religious, then they absolutely must know exactly what they are talking about. I, in fact, personally believe that the parents better have a PhD in Pathology or something before they can make a decision like this that affects their kids' lives so much. I said that I respect the religious beliefs on this, but the government needs to make it clear that those people are allowed very limited access to various public facilities. “Public officials and pediatricians need to restrict where unvaccinated children are allowed to go if the parents refuse to do so.”-NYT. If a decision like this is being made, then the parents must be in control of how their child is equipped to traverse the world, and the government must set strict regulations on this. For example, non-vaccinated people would have to have something on them that identifies this. The first amendment gives us a right to practice any religion we choose, but once the practice interferes this strongly with public safety and health, I don't believe it applies any longer. This is the way to deal with people who will not listen to facts or reason. These parents, upon realizing that the vaccinations are vital, will be shocked at the core that they made a horrible decision for their kids’ lives that they won’t listen to logic or scientific proof and continue to tell themselves that they did actually make the right decision for their children. These parents, we must remind ourselves, are not doing this to endanger the general public, many of them really just aren’t educated enough to put aside some misgivings and make the right choice. I will not argue with the religious standpoint, especially since I myself am not educated enough to have that conversation.
    Cleo Kyriakides P5

  11. Some people have very valid reasons as to why they choose not to vaccinate themselves or their children. It may be because of a certain religious belief they follow, or possibly a disease they already have which makes them ineligible to get one, which are rights that the government cannot infringe upon. However, there are way too many people out there who simply refuse to get vaccinations. They use excuses such as the fear of their child getting the vaccination and then later developing autism or another disease because of it. Neither of those are good reasons to put our country at risk of an outbreak which actually has already happened. It is people without vaccinations that are to blame, and we must do something to stop the lack of inoculation. There should then be strict rules placed upon those who have valid reasoning against it such as restrictions to parts of the public. Without a vaccination, a person is vulnerable to any infectious disease out there that may not be known about, which is something that the United States should prevent.
    Paige MacNeil Period 5

  12. Currently, in the United States, as a newborn, an individual is recommended to receive the vaccine for Hep B, and in the first few months of life, the child should receive the vaccines for RV, DTaP, Hib, PCV, and IPV. Many people in the anti-vaccinations movement argue that at such a young age, rushing the young body with "toxins" is very bad for the weak immune system. Also, many people opt out of receiving these vaccinations due to religious reasons. Recently, there has been an outbreak of Measles in Orange County California, and there is a very high population of young children who are not vaccinated with the Measles vaccine. The parents of these children are mislead to believe terrible things that are most definitely not true. In the first New York Times article, the author states, "The tragedy is that there is a highly effective vaccine that federal health officials deem 95 percent to 97 percent effective, yet many parents refuse to use it either because they believe, mistakenly, that it would cause autism or they believe, also mistakenly, that measles is a disease of the past so there is no real need to have their children vaccinated." In 1998, the year most of the students in this class were born, there was a study published about how the measles vaccine could make children autistic, so many parents opted out of this vaccine, as well as many others. However, for sixteen years, there has been glaring evidence proving that that is not correct. And, of course, every vaccine will not be 100% effective. Kids can and still will get measles whether or not they got the vaccine. However, there is an incredibly small chance that the children vaccinated will get measles. Another vaccine many parents don't want their children to get is the vaccine for pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough. Many studies have stated that there are side effects from this vaccine, but there is a one in ten million chance of having side effects from the vaccine, but a one in three thousand chance of getting this disease, and these poor children are at a very high risk of death. Sadly, stated in the second New York Times article, Tobias was the one of the three thousand children not vaccinated to contract pertussis. His mother states, "Tobias has endured chickenpox and whooping cough, though Ms. McMenimen said the latter seemed more like a common cold. She considered a tetanus shot after he cut himself on a wire fence but decided against it: 'He has such a strong immune system.'" He did survive, but had he had the pertussis vaccine, he might not have ever had pertussis. Personally, I think that schools should require all students to have certain vaccinations, and if the student does not have a vaccination, then he or she would not be allowed to attend that school, because not only are the parents letting their own children be much more susceptible to preventable viruses, it also affects other children who don't have the vaccinations either, and that simply isn't morally right.

  13. Within our country today many children, teens and adults do not receive the measles vaccine. There are many different reasons why which are discussed in the three articles I read each with the underlying message that to be safest everyone should receive the measles vaccine. I do agree that the safest and best thing for our country is to make it mandatory that everyone gets the vaccine however based on the opinions and reasoning's many people have making vaccines mandatory would cause great tension in our country. In the article "Vaccine Critics Turn Defensive Over Measles" it discusses how many people have either religious reasons behind not vaccinating their children or they want to carve an "all natural" diet for their child and getting a vaccine would be adding unnecessary toxins to their bodies. "... Amish, who have religious objections to vaccines. Then there is a particular subculture of largely wealthy and well-educated families, many living in palmy enclaves around Los Angeles and San Francisco, who are trying to carve out “all-natural” lives for their children."(Jack Healy) No one can change how someone else thinks, they can try to persuade these people to vaccine their children however you cannot force anyone to do something. Although I agree making vaccines mandatory would be the best for our country I do not think it's worth the conflict it will create.
    Abby A

  14. Personally, I feel that not vaccinating your kids is very irresponsible, not only as a parent, but also as a member of society. A virus like the measles is highly contagious and highly effective. When a parent decides not to vaccinate their child for personal beliefs, they put their child into danger. If a child, who's unvaccinated, goes to school or a playground with other children, they are putting all of those children at risk. Should their be consequences for this? If an unvaccinated measles patient spreads the disease "90 percent of the people who are not immune to the disease will become infected if exposed to a measles carrier". This includes those who are most susceptible, pregnant woman, who may suffer miscarriage or birth defects, and babies ,who are too young to get immunized, becoming infected and developing encephalitis and most likely, death. Is it fair to allow parents to make these decisions if it means potentially causing the death of other children?
    Also, it seems that many 'anti-vaccine parents' are not very educated on vaccines or the vaccination process. One parent said she doesn't want "so many toxins" entering his body. Another anti-vaccine parent said that she doesn't want to put "chemicals" into her child's body. Many anti-vaccine advocates believe that vaccines lead to autism. However, this theory was proven false years ago. What these parents seem to be lacking is the knowledge to vaccinations. According to wiki, "A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe...stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as foreign, destroy it, and keep a record of it, so that the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it later encounters." There are no "unatural chemicals used. Basically a vaccination is the same thing that happens in nature: catching a virus and your body making antibodies to fight the disease off if ever encountered again..but without the symptoms and harsh weakening of immune system. The MMR vaccination is an attenuated vaccine(Immune Globulin), witch means that it is still a "living" virus. According to the CDC, "the measles virus [is taken] from the throat of an infected person and [grows] in chick embryo cells in a laboratory...virus becomes better able to grow in the chick embryo cells...becomes less able to grow in a child’s skin or lungs ...[then] given to a child it replicates only a little before it is eliminated from the body...causes the body to develop an immunity that, in 95% of children, lasts for a lifetime."
    It's important to fully understand the consequences of not vaccinating.

    Remi S.
    Period 5

  15. With the recent outbreak last January, "...some 102 people in 14 states were reported to have measles, of which 56 are part of a large, multistate outbreak linked to Disneyland in California. ..." (Reckless Rejection of the Measles). This has prompted a debate on whether unvaccinated children should have the rights to interact in public. While it is the personal choice of the parent(s) to vaccinate their child or not, unvaccinated people can be a public health concern. For me, this whole debate boils down to individual vs group rights. Individuals have every right to practice religious beliefs, promote veganism, etc. I look at the big picture, though. Anyone who an unvaccinated person comes into contact with has a higher chance of catching a disease. Everyone should be vaccinated. Vaccines, while they are not 100% effective,"... the C.D.C. says the vaccine is more than 95 percent effective." (Vaccine Critics Turn Defense Over Measles). Vaccines help and greatly reduce the chances of getting disease. I think Dr.Ball says it best: "It’s very frustrating. It’s hard to see a kid suffer for something that’s entirely preventable.”
    Meredith J. Period 5

  16. The United States is suffering from an outbreak of measles, a disease “America declared vanquished 15 years ago before a statistically significant number of parents started refusing to vaccinate their children.’’There has been an anti-vaccine movement in America since 1998, when a report came out linking the getting vaccines to autism. This report has steered parents away from getting their children vaccinated to this day even though it “was later proved fraudulent and retracted.” The Amish, on religious purposes, don’t vaccinate their children. Another movement has rose in California, involving rich families to try and provide an all natural life for their children, this includes natural foods, no processed food, essential oils and no vaccines. Early last year, measles was introduced back into the country, starting in Disneyland, spreading rapidly to more than 15 states and over 100 infected.
    Now state officials and many people who believe that all children should get vaccinated want regulations made banning non-vaccinated children from public areas and or creating regulations enforcing vaccination. They do not want their children becoming sick. This controversy is now about whether public safety should go before a person’s personal freedoms.
    In my opinion, I believe the role of government and lawmakers in this matter is to help promote public health and stop this outbreak. To stop this outbreak, these kids need to be vaccinated. So, the government needs to put in effect a mandate that requires children to be vaccinated. The government has not been in shy in other cases in history to put public safety over personal rights. There are some children in this country who can’t get vaccinated because of a disease they have like leukemia, now these kids are at risk of getting not just measles but other diseases like chickenpox. Not to mention, the children too young to be vaccinated who are at a greater risk of contracting measles. I would go as far as agreeing a ban not allowing un-vaccinated children from going to public school. Tiffany Magee, a mother of three who has vaccinated them says “I also strongly believe other parents have the right to choose not to get their children vaccinated due to religion or health reasons.” I believe in personal rights but when interfering with our nations health it must be outweighed. The intro paragraph to Reckless Rejection of the Measles Vaccine sums up my feelings on the matter with saying “It is bad enough that many misguided parents are endangering their own children by refusing to let them be vaccinated against measles and other contagious diseases. But it is shockingly irresponsible of them to put other children and adults at risk of catching measles from their unvaccinated children.” Our government needs to inform the nation of the safeness of vaccines and to start enforcing vaccination.

    Owen Boyle

  17. The reason that many parents feel that they can get away with not vaccinating their kids is that everyone else's kids are vaccinated, so there's no way their kids will get the disease. The problem is that when enough people start thinking like that, that veil of protection disappears. I respect parents' rights to make decisions for their children, but they don't have a right to infect other people, especially people who are already ill or unvaccinated babies. Before reading these articles, I thought that measles was similar to chickenpox- annoying but not extremely harmful. Now that I've learned how dangerous it can be, I can't believe these parents are being so irresponsible. I think some people have valid religious concerns about vaccines, but most others are just misinformed or jumping on a "natural, healthy" bandwagon. In one of the articles, it mentioned a woman who chose not to vaccinate her children but, "when the school sent her home with a letter, Ms. McDonald’s daughter was so concerned about missing two weeks of Advanced Placement classes that she suggested simply getting a measles inoculation.
    “I said, ‘No, absolutely not,’ “ Ms. McDonald said. “I said, ‘I’d rather you miss an entire semester than you get the shot.’" This makes absolutely no sense to me. How can she not see that she is hurting her daughter with her own inability to change her mind and see past her clouded views? One of the comments on a NY Times article spoke about how some people believe they know more than doctors because they read for a few hours online, something that my dad (an ER doctor) experiences all the time. As a country, we need to start being more accepting of the facts that scientists and doctors are telling us, because these facts have been found through years of research and experience. In just this one instance, maybe we just have to come to terms with the fact that mother doesn't know best.

  18. According to Vaccine Critics Turn Defensive Over Measles, “Since Jan. 1, the C.D.C. has confirmed 84 measles cases in 14 states. California’s health agency, which is updating a measles count more frequently, has reported 91 cases, with the biggest number, 27, here in Orange County.” It is clear that this outbreak, especially in the Californian region, is becoming a more severe and significant problem day by day. Recently many parents are along board with the anti-vaccination movement and are extremely skeptical to allow their child to get the shot due to the slight probability of illness or other theories of side effects. In fact, “…79 percent of the cases of measles in the unvaccinated in the United States were connected to personal-belief exemptions.” However, many of these parents do not realize truly how irresponsible this decision is. Measles is a very contagious disease; 90% of the people not immune to the disease will become infected after exposed to a measles carrier. This not only endangers the child unvaccinated, but is also puts other adults and children at risk of contracting the illness from the untreated person. Parents need to realize the potential damage and health risks they pose to their community and other families if they choose to not vaccinate and, “…the tragedy is that there is a highly effective vaccine that federal health officials deem 95 percent to 97 percent effective, yet many parents refuse to use it either because they believe, mistakenly, that it would cause autism…” These misconceptions have been a large fear factor, but his 1998 report in a medical journal that linked vaccines to autism was later to be proved fraudulent and was retracted! I believe people need to be more alert and educated on the subject of disease, prevention, and risks. Therefore, I think communities or schools should hold a mandatory meeting for parents to attend regarding safety of vaccinations and the hazards associated with choosing not to do so. I feel that many doubts and worries linked with vaccination is the fact that parents are unaware. If there were information sessions covering the topic of the measles vaccine and recent epidemic that explained how contagious and widespread this disease could be grow to be along with the known safety of the shot, parents may begin to comprehend the threat of not allowing their child to be treated.
    Carolyn Caminear

  19. Amanda D'Aniello period 5Friday, February 06, 2015 10:17:00 AM

    I think it is wildly irresponsible, selfish, and stubbornly obtuse of anyone to refuse to vaccinate their children. They put immuno-deficient people at risk of dying. Immuno deficiency is not only a product of AIDS/HIV but many other conditions and is often times hereditary.They are allowing their own children"suffer for something that’s entirely preventable.” out of fear of "toxins" and other chemicals they are not familiar with. The parents who dont believe in vaccines want "to carve out an all natural" lifestyle for their children but in doing so, they're harming the community as a whole. We are so many generations removed from epidemics of measles, flu, chicken pox, mumps and other serious illness that we have forgotten what measles deaths look like. Women in developing countries walk for days with their small children to get them vaccinated because they understand the horrors that disease brings to a community.
    As far as the government is concerned, there should not be laws requiring vaccinations. That would only increase the fear and hesitation many of the non-vaccinating parents feel. However, if parents choose this lifestyle for their children, schools should not be forced to admit them. The children should be home schooled for their own safety as well as the safety of others. There should be full disclosure for the rest of their lives when applying to jobs and colleges as well and then it should be left up to the institutions if they will be admitted or not. This shouldn't be protected by confidentiality laws, because it does not only affect the child.

  20. Arguably, a parent should have the right to choose what medicinal aid their child receives. The government should not mandate a decision about a person's body and health, it should be up to a parent to make a choice for the future of their child. This choice could be influenced by religious preferences or personal preferences. The government cannot force a person to get a vaccine, or they would be infringing on the First Amendment. But, as it is a parent's choice to not have their child vaccinated, they would also have to face any consequences that prevail. Because "...Unvaccinated children are, for example, 22% to 35% more likely to contract measles than those kids who are vaccinated against it." ( Due to this obvious danger, it would not be unreasonable for a school to prevent the enrollment of a child who was without their vaccination to fatal diseases or lysogenic viruses, which cause long-term effects on the body. So a parent would have to make a choice: choose to have a vaccine administrated to their child or choose to have their child remain unvaccinated and prone to viruses to such diseases. One of the results of not being vaccinated is that it could not meet the standards of public or private schools, therefore they are more likely to have to settle for homeschooling as a form of education. '“They’re making a decision for their child that affects other children. I personally feel that if that’s your choice you should home-school your child,” Angus said.' ( While I personally think that it is in everyone's best interest to be vaccinated from deadly diseases, I respect that someone may refrain from receiving such help despite the risks due to personal preference.
    Shannon Halloran

  21. In recent times, there has been a large outbreak of the contagious and deadly virus, measles. California has been hit extraordinarily hard with measles. 5 Disneyland employees were confirmed to have the virus and nationwide, there has been over 100 cases. "Measles is so contagious that 90 percent of the people who are not immune to the disease will become infected if exposed to a measles carrier. Even after an infected person leaves the room, the virus can hang around and infect people for a couple of hours." As stated, this is a serious disease that needs to be addressed by everyone. I think that parents who don't choose to give their children the vaccine are still addressing the issue, they are just being silly about it. However, this being said, they have the right to their decision. I, myself, know the benefits of the vaccine and if I was a parent I would definitely want my children to get vaccinated. In the "Reckless Rejection of the Measles Vaccine" article, they reported that "Young infants, pregnant women, children suffering from leukemia, and people with weak immune systems, among others, can’t take the vaccine and could suffer great harm from measles, including encephalitis and even death.", and that "The tragedy is that there is a highly effective vaccine that federal health officials deem 95 percent to 97 percent effective". All the facts point to the obvious decision that children should be vaccinated, so why don't I force the vaccine on everyone? This may be unpopular opinion but I think that we should stop sticking our noses into everyone's business if it isn't hurting us. I did some further research on the vaccine, "Measles is a terrific vaccine. If you get two doses, it's predicted to protect 99.99 percent of people for life.". This means that someone like myself, who has been vaccinated, has nothing to worry about from other people who haven't been vaccinated. We all have a choice, some many choose to take that opportunity, others may choose to leave it alone. If that decision doesn't directly impact you in a harmful way, then you shouldn't try and tell someone how to live their life.


  22. "Only a few short months ago a case of measles broke out in Disney land employees in California, since then there are “more then 70 patients diagnosed with measles.” Measles is a highly contagious virus that causes rash and fever, although can be treated if you are vaccinated. No problem right? Wrong, many parents of young kids don’t want there kids to be vaccinated for a various number of reasons primarily being its against religious beliefs and person preferences. I think that people obviously have the right to make their own choices, and if it is going against their own personal beliefs its more then understanding they wouldn’t want their children receiving this vaccination. Although, much of their opinions can be commonly linked with misinformation and misinterpreted information that this vaccination will cause autism. Like I said it is understandable that a parent would not want their children to receive this, but if their own beliefs are putting other children and even adults in the risk of serious health hazard it’s not worth one persons happiness over numerous amounts of peoples health. I think the author makes a good point of saying that parents are putting others in a very bad position. I think that if you are a parent refusing to get proper vaccinations to things like the measles there should be restrictions regarding the interaction of kids who are susceptible of the virus."

  23. After researching the articles, I am convinced, as are many of you, that it is essential that we receive the measles vaccination. However, many people do not share these same beliefs. They may be opposed to the vaccination for a variety of personal views, including religious affiliations. Additionally, they may be victims of invalid information- such as the rumor that it may cause autism, (which has been deemed untrue.) Unfortunately, the actions of these parents have a direct impact of the health of thousands of children worldwide. As the New York Times article wrote, "From Jan. 1 to Jan. 30 this year, some 102 people in 14 states were reported to have measles, of which 56 are part of a large, multistate outbreak linked to Disneyland in California. It is believed that someone infected abroad carried the virus to Disneyland in December and, in the crowded conditions there, spread it to children without immunity." Therefore, a multitude of cases may have been easily prevented as a result of the vaccine. The article also points out, "The tragedy is that there is a highly effective vaccine that federal health officials deem 95 percent to 97 percent effective." Consequently, I believe that it the job of both the government as well as school administrations to educate and encourage caretakers to have their children vaccinated. I also believe that it is ethical for schools to deny enrollment of those who refuse to do so. These protestors may be forced to other methods of education, including home bound schooling. Also, I believe that state governments should follow California's lead. Last year, California intended to make it more difficult for parents to opt out, by requiring that their personal-belief requests be signed by a doctor.
    Raissi B- period 5

  24. All parents should vaccinate their children for the benefit of not only themselves but also those around them. The children who don't receive the vaccinations endanger those who are unable to have vaccines, like cancer patients and newborns. People are concerned with the chemicals in the vaccines, thinking they could cause disorders such as autism. One parent living in California said she "doesn't want so many chemicals" in her child. However, medical professionals have time and time again disproved the claims against vaccinations. However, some are still skeptical saying "I wanted to be informed and not trust what medical professionals said". It's concerning to see a child be raised by someone so skeptical of the medical professionals that aim to keep their children safe . In order to combat this ignorance, we need to place government regulations regarding vaccines by ensuring that all students enrolled in public school are vaccinated, and punishing those schools who do not follow this process. This will in turn make the public schools more restrictive of these non vaccinated pupils, barring them from schools until they are caught up on vaccinations. Also, doctors should contribute to this movement by refusing to treat those who pose a threat to other patients. It is truly unfair for those children whose parents are so ignorant to medical care, and we must do what we can to get those children treated. We simply must protect those who are vulnerable to viruses without the option to be vaccinated. Vaccines have been successful in eliminating several viruses, and will continue to work. As one doctor said, “It’s very frustrating. It’s hard to see a kid suffer for something that’s entirely preventable.”
