Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Period 3 Blog Post- Due Friday 2/6 (before class)

What do you think the role of government should be regarding mandatory vaccines?  What is your personal opinion? Support with quotes!

1. Choose one.  Newsela Class code: UFOFL  You will need to sign up for an account.  The articles are under the "Health" Category. These articles contain the same content, but the reading levels differ.: (Grade 12 reading level) (Grade 9 reading level)

2. Read both of the articles below.

3. Feel free to do your own additional research on this topic.  There is a lot of good video out there as well.

4. Write your response on the blog.  Summarize the vaccine debate, and take a position as to what the role of government and lawmakers should be regarding the vaccination of children.  What is your personal opinion?  Be sure to use a minimum of two quotes in your response.


  1. Lately there has been a lot of talk about whether or not people should have to get their children vaccinated or not. One side is saying that they should because the vaccine is highly effective and not getting it is irresponsible because it could be putting others at risk, not just yourself.”The tragedy is that there is a highly effective vaccine that federal health officials deem 95 percent to 97 percent effective, yet many parents refuse to use it either because they believe, mistakenly, that it would cause autism or they believe, also mistakenly, that measles is a disease of the past so there is no real need to have their children vaccinated.”(Reckless Rejection of the Measles Vaccine) On the other side people are saying that they shouldn't have to have their children vaccinated because it is their choice what to do with their child and some of them say they don't want to put that many toxins into their body.”Kelly McMenimen of Marin County, Calif., said she decided not to vaccinate her son Tobias, saying she did not want “so many toxins” entering his body.”(Vaccine Critics Turn Defensive Over Measles) I believe that the government shouldn't force people to have their children vaccinated because it is their choice what to do with their own child. But, I do believe that if they choose not to vaccinate their child the government should be allowed to restrict access to certain events or locations especially in a time of an outbreak. Personally, I believe that as of right now evidence shows that it is best to get you child vaccinated. So, if I had a child who I had to choose right now whether to have vaccinated or not I would choose to have them vaccinated. -Ryan M

  2. I do believe that parents should get there kids vaccinated. I do think it is the best way of preventing you child from getting sick and spreading it to others. Getting your child the vaccinations they need allows them to be protected and the children they go to school to be protected. “If there is a case in the school and their child is not immunized, they will be removed from the school for 21 days,” said Dr. Eric Handler, the Orange County public health officer. “From an epidemiological standpoint, in order to prevent spread of the disease, this is a necessary measure.” Parent are getting mad at schools because if there child doesn’t have the correct shots they are getting asked to leave school for 21 days as a safety rule so no one gets sick. I do think that parents should let their kids having a life without vaccinations because it’s unsafe and putting their children and others in harm. In order to stop the measles from spreading every kid should have the vaccination.


  3. The government shouldn't require the shot but I think that it should be recommended and tested more by the government. The children with the shot still have a chance of getting it and also the shot has some side effects. It is defiantly a good idea to get the shot but for some people the shot is against their beliefs. I don’t think that the government should have the right to make a law that goes against a person’s religion. For parents that think that there kids do not need the shot they shouldn't send their kids to a public school that they have a chance of spreading and catching the disease. It puts other kids and themselves in danger. “These parents are making a decision that could hurt other children, Angus said. “I personally feel that if that’s your choice you should home-school your child."

  4. I think that the government should have parents get their children vaccinated for the measles. In the article in battling measles, Orange County bars students without proof of shots stats that there was a high school that came to Disneyland a month ago. There were two dozen high school students that were without proof of the immunization to stay away from the campus because of the outbreak. Handler said, “The vaccine is safe and that we can prevent this disease if people get vaccinated.” In 1977, Los Angeles County health officials forced two measles deaths and three cases of the brain inflammation and numerous cases of pneumonia requiring hospitalization, according to an article in the journal Vaccine.
    Patty Chalmers

  5. This debate is about whether people should be allowed to opt out of vaccinations because of personal beliefs and if so, where are they allowed to go ? I belief that vaccines are a blessing and should be used by everyone. It prevents things like this measles outbreak and it is the fault of the parents who chose to opt out of this vaccination. As the first article stated, "The tragedy is that there is a highly effective vaccine that federal health officials deem 95 percent to 97 percent effective," which is nothing but beneficial. Health and safety should take priority in any situation. All children deserve the best health care that can be offered.When the choice to not vaccinate your children forces pediatricians to debate whether or not they should ban un-vaccinated children from their office, as Dr. Ball stated in the second article, “Our patients are really scared...Our nightmare would be for someone to show up at our door with the measles.”, that choice should be made by people who have the interests of more people in mind.
    Andrew S.

  6. Vaccines are nothing to joke about. They can save millions of lives, if used. The article was basically an argument on if people should get vaccinated for measles or not. People who are for it want it bc its safe for everybody if everyone gets it and people who are against it don't want it because they feel a certain way about them. "90% of people who are not immune will be infected if exposed to someone who has it". A large part of the debate is if schools should make it a law to get vaccinated. A unlikely effect of these vaccines is autism, which people don't want to take any chances with. Quochelle believes that" we can prevent the disease if we all get vaccinated". In my opinion, nobody should be able to force anybody to do anything and if they don't want there child to get a shot then they don't have to. Yes there is a larger risk of it spreading but thats the chance we have to take.----dominick corrao period 3

    From Dominick C

  7. Vaccines are nothing to joke about. They can save millions of lives, if used. The article was basically an argument on if people should get vaccinated for measles or not. People who are for it want it bc its safe for everybody if everyone gets it and people who are against it don't want it because they feel a certain way about them. "90% of people who are not immune will be infected if exposed to someone who has it". A large part of the debate is if schools should make it a law to get vaccinated. A unlikely effect of these vaccines is autism, which people don't want to take any chances with. Quochelle believes that" we can prevent the disease if we all get vaccinated". In my opinion, nobody should be able to force anybody to do anything and if they don't want there child to get a shot then they don't have to. Yes there is a larger risk of it spreading but thats the chance we have to take.----dominick corrao period 3

    From Dominick C

  8. Vaccination are very serious and could safe millions of people's lifes. The measles is an infection that mainly affects children, but can occur at any age. When I become a parent i will get my child vaccinated because i don't want to take any risks. But i think that no parent should be forced to have there children vaccinated. The Measles vaccination if 99% effective. After one dose 90% of children 8 to 9 months of age and 99% 11 to 12 months of age are immune. Nearly all of those who do not develop immunity after a single dose develop it after a second dose. But another reason why parents should get there children vaccinated because they could put other children in risk of getting this sickness. One of these articles is about how all people should get there child vaccinated no matter what because they don't want there child sick. The other article is about how nobody should be forced to get this vaccination for there child and i agree with that but it should always be a suggestion.
