Read the op-ed. Consider the author's tone, structure of the article, validity of evidence, persuasive techniques, and your personal reaction.
2. Please add an intelligent comment (minimum 5 sentences) in response to the linked articles from The New York Times. Be sure to use a minimum of one quote in your response.
3. Optional: Comment on a classmates post in a second post (minimum 3 sentences)
*Use only your first name, last initial and class period.
3. Optional: Comment on a classmates post in a second post (minimum 3 sentences)
*Use only your first name, last initial and class period.
The fact that global warming isn't accepted by EVERYONE rather than most people is absurd. It is apparent that we, as humans, are causing climate change through our emissions and pollution.This is frustrating due to the enormous effect climate change has/will have on us in the future, " caps are melting, sea ice in the Arctic is collapsing, water supplies are coming under stress, heat waves and heavy rains are intensifying, coral reefs are dying, and fish and many other creatures are migrating toward the poles or in some cases going extinct." These are only a few of many things that climate change is doing to our planet, some directly damaging humans such as the water supply problem. The rising waters are also a problem for coastal communities and especially islands who will be sunk under the ocean in the coming years. Aside from physical effects, there are also fiscal effects. As this continued change will harm food production, large countries will need to start shelling out approx. $100 billion of aid to foreign countries to feed their populations; this is necessary as these people did not cause the change but are being punished the most severely by it. It's time to start restoring the planet we've destroyed because where else will we go?
ReplyDeleteJared C.
Period: 2
As the human population continues to increase at an accelerated rate, new stresses are placed on our planet that could be potentially alter life as we know it forever. Because of our greenhouse emissions and degradation of the environment, human caused climate change is resulting in a cycle of problems, which we cannot afford to have. The greenhouse gas emissions from industry are causing UV ray light to get trapped in the atmosphere, causing the temperature to increase, and the polar ice caps to melt. Not only does this cycle cause potential flooding in northern countries, rising sea levels, and submerged islands, but it also messes up the delicate balance of our scarce remaining water supply. It is truly amazing how quickly humans are able to cause these problems and how humans from every walk of life is being affected by climate change as stated in the article “Nobody is going to be untouched by the impacts of climate change.” We as the human race only have two options here: fight with all our might or lay down and die. These problems are not going to go away without us making some drastic changes to our lifestyles. We have to act now in order to protect and preserve life as we know it for the present and future.
ReplyDeleteSkylar S.
Period 2
Many of the comments on the article affirm the perspective of the article. One comment gives us some actual in-sight to his viewing of Global Warming using facts such as the temperature without greenhouse gases as well as the change in ppm (Parts per notation). Most other comments added onto this by mentioning an increase in natural disasters and irregular weather patterns; they also blamed the government for it and felt sorry for our kids. While it is our government's fault, we need to look at and educate those who choose and elect those politicians.
ReplyDeleteJared C.
Period: 2
Caroline M.
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
The sea level rise is accelerating. The number of large wildfires is growing. Dangerous heat waves are becoming more common. Extreme storm events are increasing in many areas and more severe droughts are occurring in others. These are just some of the consequences of global warming, which are already having significant and harmful effects on our health, our environment, and our communities.
Unless we take immediate action to address global warming, these consequences will continue to intensify, grow ever more costly, and increasingly affect the entire planet, including you, your community, and your family. However, “There are those who say we can’t afford to act.” Our planet is worth fighting for. The planet's temperature is rising. The trend is clear and unmistakable. Every one of the past 37 years has been warmer than the 20th century average. 2012 was the hottest year ever recorded for the United States. We are overloading our atmosphere with carbon dioxide, which traps heat and steadily drives up the planet’s temperature. We can act now to reduce our carbon emissions, slow the pace of global warming, and pass on a safer, healthier world to our children. Or we can choose to do nothing, continue pumping massive amounts of carbon into an already overloaded atmosphere, and suffer the increasingly costly consequences.
Climate change has brought destruction and inconvenient change to the world that we know. The sea level rise is accelerating, large wildfires are becoming more popular. Extreme storm events are increasing in many areas like the northeast. Over the past few year the northeast alone has seen monumental storms that used to be one in every 100 years, but today it seems like it is one every year. We are starting to make changes to accept climate change into our daily lives, because their isn't much we can do to avoid it happening. We have made it so bad that it is very improbable to change the way it is currently going. The state of New York, "will raise flood walls, bury some vital equipment and conduct a study of whether emerging climate risks require even more changes. Other utilities in the state face similar requirements, and utility regulators across the United States are discussing whether to follow New York’s lead." Even in CT we are seeing changes to adapt towards climate change. CL&P has begun to take down trees along power lines and telephone poles to limit the damage if another large storm strikes this area. People who live by the water are now re-constructing and creating new sea walls, to better protect their homes from flooding. Change has already commenced throughout the area, but their hasn't been change to stopping climate change.
ReplyDeleteJake S.
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
Climate change is of utmost importance and has a significant impact on the world as a whole. Unless we take immediate action to address that the climate is changing, we will have to pay for it immensely in the long run. Secretary John Kerry stated, "There are those who say we can’t afford to act, but waiting is truly unaffordable. The costs of inaction are catastrophic.” I believe that the reason nothing has been done about global warming is because there are many other pressing issues in Washington that politicians feel are more important. However, I believe that acting now will have more benefits than if Washington acts later. We cannot continue to ignore climate change because according to Michel Jarraud, secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization, "We are at the point where there is so much information, so much evidence, that we can no longer plead ignorance."
Some people choose to ignore global warming as an issue around the globe, however it is very clear that the more people ignore it, the worse the problem gets. If global warming rates stay where they currently are without anyone taking the measures necessary to help reduce it as much as possible, it could potentially "...slow down economic growth, make poverty reduction more difficult, further erode food security, and prolong existing and create new poverty traps," according to the U.N. Climate Change Report. These problems are already becoming more and more prevalent in society, and to allow them to continue to get worse would just be irresponsible of everyone. We should all take measures to reduce our environmental impact to ensure that the problems previously mention do not become yet another struggle for that many governments in the world have to deal with. Also, the government should take more measures to encourage the general public to "go green" by installing policies that partially reimburse or give tax breaks to those who choose to run their homes using solar and wind power, and making the programs well known. By educating the public, we can also help solve this ever growing problem in the world.
Climate change is a developing issue, “and the problem is likely to grow substantially worse unless greenhouse emissions are brought under control.” Due to climate change, ice caps are melting, coral reefs are dying, ocean levels are rising, fish are migrating to the poles and some are even going extinct. Climate change is degrading our environment and will keep getting worse unless everyone comes together and agrees that there needs to be change. Climate change is caused by emissions from cars and power plants. As mentioned in the article, “worst is yet to come.” I think that it is scary to think that this problem is only getting worse. What will it be like for future generations if climate change continues to increase? I feel that this problem is brushed away because people don’t want to know the reality of what is actually happening. Society does not like change and people become accustom to their daily routines. The sad thing is that some people aren’t going to want to change their lifestyle to fix this problem. Rajendra K. Pachauri says, “Nobody on this planet is going to be untouched by the impacts of climate change.” We ignored climate change for too long and something needs to be done.
Climate change is a very pressing problem for our generation. As the article stated, " We can no longer plead ignorance," to the issue. Global warming is a real problem that needs to be addressed. The article points out many of the major problems that global warming can cause; it discusses the possibility of fighting over diminishing resources due to lack of water or land, discusses how raising sea levels are displacing numerous people, and points out how poor nations, who contribute little to the problem, are going to be the nations that suffer most. While many affluent countries are making progress in cutting down their emissions, there are also many who have very little regard for anyone but themselves. China and India are prime examples of this fact; they pump out green house gases with little care for the rest of the world, as long as they're seeing profit. This mindset needs to be changed globally, and we as a human race need to address and fix this monumental problem.
ReplyDeleteWhether an individual believes it's a byproduct of man's pollution or that it is just a natural shifting of weather patterns, there's no denying that climate change exists and is an international crisis. Considering how the recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has concluded, "... the risk of death or injury on a wide scale, probable damage to public health, displacement of people and potential mass migrations." Evidence to support the threats presented by climate change are more abundant than ever before, making it imperative for world leaders to accept climate change and take the initiative to combat it effectively.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, this is not the case. Countries such as China care more for a booming manufacturing industry than a cleaner planet, allowing for record breaking air pollution in their cities at the expense of their citizens.
This serves as a serious reminder for the people that until climate change is cemented into the general will of the people, the government will not take the drastic measures necessary to effectively combat the problem.
Daniel Lalor
p. 2
DeleteThis serves as a serious reminder for the world that until climate change is cemented into the general will of the people, the government will not take the drastic measures necessary to effectively combat the problem.
Daniel Lalor
p. 2
The world we know today is rapidly deteriorating. As the ice caps melt and the sea levels rise, scientists warn that " Nobody on this planet is going to be untouched by the impacts of climate change." The changes in the climate are predicted to cause humanity much distress. the rising sea levels are expected to engulf many water side communities that will consequently have to be relocated. The droughts brought on by the changes will compromise global food security particularly in countries that are already suffering from malnutrition and starvation. Water supplies will be put under stress. The lack of natural resources threatens to spark conflict between nations as they fight for said resources. Action needs to be taken. The global community needs to take further steps to reduce the amount of green house gases that are being produced by humans. Countries such as China and India who contribute an unacceptable percentage of pollution emitted by people, should be put under pressure to better regulate their industries. The issue isn't going to be resolved on its own.
ReplyDeleteIana West
The Global Warming controversy has been discussed for years. Everyone was Aware of the subject but it never really affected anyone until now. with the temperature on the rise and the amount of greenhouse gases building up in our atmosphere, our climate is increasing at an incredible pace. according to the article, the ice caps and glaciers are melting causing the ocean level to rise, and they find more and more pollution is getting into the water killing ocean sea life. but is there a solution to this problem? i think this problem is one that is too big for a solution. as the planet Earth all people would have to drive cars that barely omit any greenhouse gasses and everyone would have to recycle and take better care of the Earth. as of now there is too much damage done to the ozone layer and our atmosphere to try and repair it. it would cost trillions of dollars for everyone to go green and save the planet earth. but for the rest of our life span the earth will remain just fine and for many years afterwards, but eventually the whole earth as one must come together to stop the global warming climate changes.
ReplyDeleteRiley O
Alla M.
ReplyDeletePeriod: 2
Most people chose to ignore global warming or go out of there way to try and help it in ways they can. Like the government is trying to help lower the effects of global warming and help out with it but we do not have the money to pay the countries because it is way more than we pay now. Most people just don't realize how fast the water is rising and how much it can threaten some countries and animals. In the article it says, "The oceans are rising at a pace that threatens coastal communities and are becoming more acidic as they absorb some of the carbon dioxide given off by cars and power plants, which is killing some creatures or stunting their growth, the report found." This is not something good, and we should really do something about it, even though it will be a challenge. But we would need the help of other countries that are not as well off as us. They are using coal and other products in there factories that really pollute the earth. But Sadly they care more about being industrialized than really taking care of the planet, which stinks. They also don't really have the money to use cleaner products. Global warming is a huge problem that everyone really should work on.