I wanted to ask Dennis Mannion if he was ever scared when he was on the battle field. If so, what was going through his head as he held the gun in his hands? Did he regret being there? Also, I would have asked him what the greatest difficulty that he had to go through was. Ali P. Period 5
Ali: For your questions and the others, I will try to keep my answers short and to the point(s). Of course, I was scared some of the time -- combat does that to you. But most of the time I was not. Military operations can be boring and very unsuspenseful a lot of the time. The scariest times, believe it or not, was after an action was over. When it's quiet your minds really begins to relive all that you have seen/done and how close you might have come to being killed or badly hurt. It's not very scary when it ( combat and the gun in your hands ) is happening because you are too busy with your job and your responsibilities to be scared. No real regrets about how my life has turned out -- that is a point I will address to others because they have asked the same kind of Q -- as I tend to be a "front windshield" focus person rather than a "rear window" look back type. Greatest difficulty ( then and even now) is the sudden loss of friends back in 1967 & 1968. It still hurts today and I often wonder, "Why them and not me?"
I would have liked to ask Dennis Mannion what was going through his head to want to defy his father so much that he voluntarily went to war. Was he expecting it to be better than what his father had wanted for him? Did he know the real risks of going to war and just not care? Did he regret making that decision to voluntarily go to war?
Hey Morgan: No regrets ( see my response to Ali). I was not defying my dad so much as just a feeling of "wanting to get out of CT after flunking out of ND. I guess I could have joined the Peace Corps or Vista ( ask Ms. Baker), but I sort of felt pulled toward the war. I had been reading and hearing about Vietnam War since I was in high school, and I also had seen every movie and read just about every book about US troops in WW2 and Korea etc, and I felt I wanted to challenge myself/seek adventure, etc. I knew the risks then ( or thought I did) and as a foolish young man, I rolled the dice. Put my folks thru hell for 13 months and got myself into a world I knew nothing about and could easily have lost my life. Pretty stupid risk taking, I'd say.
Thank you so much Mr. Mannion for coming to visit! I really learned a lot about what it was like to go to war, even though just hearing about it probably doesn't compare to the actual horrors you had to face. One question I have is do you think the war changed your outlook on society today and how so? Also, is there anything from the war that still haunts you to this day? Anna Atkinson Period 1
Anna: Still haunted by the young men in my company ( 28 of them) who were killed. I went back to Hill 861 in 2000 JUST so I could say goodbye in a proper way. On the battlefield, if the action continues, you have no time to mourn or come to terms with the loss of others...even if that person happens to be your best friend. Even when it's quite afterward there are dozens of things you have to do ( if you want to survive ) that take precedence over grief & sadness. Things like cleaning your weapon, getting more ammo, food, water, digging new foxholes, stringing barbed wire, sleep etc... In the 77 days of fighting on 861, I NEVER had more than 2 consecutive hours of sleep in any night as I was always being asked to wake up to do this or that. I really can't say my outlook on society is any different except to say that WAR should be our last option...not one of the first.
Thank you for coming in and speaking to us/showing pictures of your experiences! I wanted to ask how did the war change you? Do you ever regret fighting this war? Was it hard talking about all your experiences and showing pictures of the war at first? Also is there anything you would change? Ayeshra A. Period 1
Ayeshra: Regrets: see above in my earlier answers. I never did openly talk about it till 10 years later when a teacher/coach at Choate asked me to come and speak. He was the one who asked me if I had any photos ( to help tell my story if I came back the following year ) and I made the call to my mom. :) War did change me in that I do understand the precious gift we all have in being alive. It can be taken away so senselessly and so quickly. I do everything I can to make good and healthy choices because I want to live a long time. Can't say I'd change much...I think one's life unfolds the way it does because of the decisions we make, and I am not one to "look back."
I wanted to ask Mr. Mannion one question. Mrs. Baker had said your son is going to be going into the marines. How do you feel about that? Are you supportive of him or do you not want him to go? Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
Becca: We have one daughter and three sons. The youngest (22) is the one who has applied to the USMC Officer Training Program. He has passed all the tests and is just waiting to hear if they take him. I have mixed feelings about this. He's of the age where he does make his own decisions, so in that sense, he's on his own. Still, it gives me pause because I know what being in harm's way is all about ( it's not a video game). My wife and I have always been supportive of our kids and recognize that they lead their own lives. Due to budget cuts and the winding down of the war -- can't be soon enough -- he may not get in. That would be OK with me and great for his mom.
Thank you so much for what you did for this country! I know it might not seem like the biggest deal but many people all over the United States are thinking about people that fight for us every day, including me. I thoroughly admired looking at your pictures because it gave me a better understanding of what it was like to be in Vietnam. I was wondering what advice you would give to someone interesting in joining the Marines or any other branches of the military? Thank you so much again for sharing your story with us, it had my attention the whole time and it was the coolest thing to see some of the items that you brought back from war.
Lizzy: Advice about the military: Get as much formal education as you can before you take that step. Talk to all branches of the service and see what THEY can offer you...schooling, training, length of contract, duty stations, etc...
If you have the opportunity, go to college first and get your degree and then apply as an officer. It's a world of difference from being enlisted.
I wanted to ask Mr. Mannion what kept him going during the war? The experiences he described to us sounded awful and I just want to know what his inspiration to keep him going was? I also want to thank him for fighting for our country and tell him he has my respect.
Kept me going? The knowledge that I volunteered for the Marines ( when I could have avoided military service altogether) and had no one to blame but myself. I was not like the main character (Tim) in the The Things They Carried who was drafted.
In addition, in the rough times you have to endure for your buddies. They do the same for you. It's not for the politics, the generals, the military strategy or mission or even the flag/country. None of that matters at all. It's ONLY about the troops to your left and right and not wanting to let anyone down.
First of, thank you for coming in and speaking to us about your experience in the war. It was very interesting and I'm glad we all got the opportunity to hear your story. My main question is, "if you could go back in time, what would you change, be it your grades or the decision to go to Vietnam." Fatoumata Sylla Period 2
Fatuomata: Congrats on a question I have never been asked before. Answering to the best of my ability ( and I admit to being one who does not look back much and I do not engage in the "what if" game), I'd say that if I could go back I'd opt to go to the U of Vermont and play football.... skip the ND experience. And hopefully get better grades along the way. At ND I took 4 English courses ( one per semester) in my two years there and got A's. The rest of my grades were D's and F's....and maybe a C or two. At UConn ( after the Marines) I was on the Deans List every semester all three years. :)
Lesson? Work to the best of your abilities, not the least.
I first want to start off with saying, thank you so much for coming to speak with us! I really loved hearing your story and I honor you for going into the war. One question that I have for you, is do you regret anything? Do you wish that you worked harder in school or college, so going into the war wasn't and option?
Emma: As I have said to others, I try to see my life as an "in the moment" thing....an ongoing journey. I do not look back with regrets other than that I put my parents and a lot of others -- family, high school buddies and college roommates -- through a tough 13 months. If you ever get a chance, take a look at the book Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam ( possibly at BHS library) you will see in it a farewell letter that I wrote to my best high school friend -- Joe. I wrote it on 31Jan68 in the very worst of times on 861 when I really felt I was going to die up there. Joe said the letter -- which he thumb-tacked to the wall by his desk -- haunted him for months....even after I was home from Nam.
I really enjoyed your visit! I have never been able to hear a soldiers story of his life before the war and how he had gotten involved...I found it so interesting. I found your story fascinating and I enjoyed hearing it from your perspective. My question is about your relationships after war. Did you carry the bond you have with your fellow soldiers that you became friend with home? Was it a different kind of relationship and would you consider them brothers of a sort?!
Jade: For decades after Nam and my total USMC time, I remembered some of the veterans I served with but I kept in zero touch with any. Then, with the advent of the internet and email, that part of my life became more connected. There are 5 or 6 Marines ( and one corpsman) who I communicate with on a regular basis. None of them live in CT. I see some of them from time to time and for the last decade+ I have attended the annual reunion for Khe Sanh Veterans. I have gotten to know a number of those men very well even though I did not know them back in 1968. It's always a great 4 or 5 days to hang out with folks who have had many of the same experiences as me....like a small brotherhood. A number of the reunions are held in DC and my youngest brother ( who was a career Army officer after Nam ended) lives in DC. He'll always stop by but tells me that even he recognizes that there is something "unique and special" that links combat vets together.
It's possible that Facebook would open up that world of vets even more, but I will go on record here as saying what I have to said to family & friends for years: I will be the last person on earth with a Facebook account. :) :)
Without question the power of nature to create. Causing destruction is actually easy. Mother nature can just about overcome anything we as humans do. During the Siege of KS, that battlefield became the most heavily bombed and shelled piece of terrain on the face of the earth. In addition napalm was dropped everywhere as well as Agent Orange ( kills vegetation). 45 years later the flat land of KS as well as the hills are as green as Ireland. Tress and vegetation have made a total comeback. What doesn't ever grow back, however, are the people who have lost their lives. Mother nature cannot help there.
Thanks for coming to our school and telling us about your war experiences. It helped me further my understanding of the Vietnam War. In The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien, O'Brien seems to be deeply affected by the war and uses the novel to cope with the difficult experiences of the war. How have you dealt with the difficult experiences and memories of the war and how have they changed you? David
No question about Tim OB being affected by his war experiences. All combat vets are damaged goods even if they were never wounded physically. It's the nature of the beast. I was so glad to be coming home from Nam with all my parts (despite being wounded twice) that I really wanted to make a good thing out of the time I had left on earth. I did not know back then if that would be days, weeks, months, or years. As it turns out, it's been decades. I have been fortunate to be able to mentally put my demons in a smaller place in my head and to try to make as many days count as possible. Alcohol and drugs -- a way to medicate oneself -- have never been a temptation for me. I recognize that I have PTSD issues ( lousy sleep habits, acute startle reflex, not a lot of close friends, road rage if I am not vigilant, etc), but I also recognize that it's only a small part of me. Being able to speak to groups has helped. Not to tell "war stories" so much as to inform others about what happens when a country takes men and women down the road to war. My memories of that 13 months in Nam are clearer and more "right there" in my mind's eye than any other 13 months in my entire life ( 67 years). They are never going away; I know that and accept that.
My favorite part of the presentation was the variety of pictures and the stories that went along with them. I especially liked seeing the before and after pictures. I just had a couple of questions. First, did you have certain expectations of war before you went and how different was reality from them? Also, for the pictures that you said you didn't take, do you know the people who took them or did you just find the ones that would fit best with yours? Thank you for coming to share your experiences with us. -Amy Period 1
Amy: All photos you saw were mine or given to me by other vets who were at KS at the time I was.
Not sure that I had any expectations --more hopes, really -- about going to war other than to come home alive and also to come home with all the body parts I arrived with. Boot Camp does not prepare you for war ( nothing really can); it's really to put you through a "mental meat-grinder" to see how well you hold up under stress. It also teaches ( trains?) one to follow legitimate orders without hesitating. Hesitating on the battlefield can get you killed. The one thing that always took me by surprise was how loud it becomes on the battlefield. Watch the first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan and you will understand the noise part. The sudden loss of life near you is an experience that expectations cannot balance out. It is grim business...always has been; always will be. Maybe not from drones in the sky being operated by hand but up-close encounters. I hope this helps.
First off, thank you Mr. Mannion for taking the time to speak to us. My question is: What part of "The Things They Carried" did you connect with the most?
Griffin: Connect to Things Carried: When I learned in 1996 that veterans had begun to go back to Nam, I inquired that if it was possible to go to certain hills ( like 861). At first it was strictly NO. It took about three years before the answer was yes. When I knew I was going to be able to go -- July 2000 -- I made some special arrangements. In my church on Palm Sunday in April, I took some extra pieces of blessed palm home and cut them into smaller pieces. On the yellow leaves I wrote out the names of those in my company who had died -- 28 of them -- and the dates of their deaths. When I was on 861 I said their names out loud...offered up a short prayer and let the wind carry away the 28 pieces (one at a time) into the air. It was my way of saying good bye and remembering them. Not much different than Tim in Things going (with his daughter who was clueless) back to the place Kiowa had been killed....to pay his respects and to honor his friend. Sort of the same thing for me.
By the way, a former student of mine at Sheehan High ( Class of '88) had heard about my trip back. He asked if he could go along ( there were 4 KS vets going and we all said OK), and while there he shot 23+ hours of digital video. He spent 3 years and a few thousand dollars of his own money to make a 55 minute documentary about the trip to Khe Sanh. It is entitled Khe Sanh: A Walk in the Clouds, and it has been on just about every Public TV station in the country. It has also been in many film festivals. He did a great job with it, and just this past year he released it to YouTube in 12-15 minute segments.
Go to YouTube and type Dennis Mannion and you can see parts or all of it.
Thank you very much Mr. Mannion for sharing your war story with us! I loved how you were very blunt and said it how it was when you were talking about your various experiences in Vietnam. I'd like to begin by asking, did you go to war because you wanted to rebel against your parents, or did you go because you thought the US really should be involved in the Vietnam War?
Cassidy: Neither. I wasn't rebelling and I never gave the question of "should we be there?" or "should we not be there?" a thought. That part didn't matter at all.
It looking back 4+decades ago, I was out of college and living at home after being away for two years. No friends around (all away at college) and I was bored, angry at myself, and angry at my parents for being angry and fed-up with me. I was looking for adventure and wanted out of CT. It seemed to be an adventure I signed on for...nothing else.
It was foolish, in retrospect, seeing all the good that has happened to me in my life ( family, home, job I loved -- teaching English and coaching football -- good health, travel, grand kids, etc). I could have lost it all.
Thank you very much for sharing your experience in the war! I wanted to ask you, now that you know what the war would be like, if you could go back in time to the day that you signed up, would you sign up again?
Carlye: This is my second "back in time" question. Again, not to repeat it too much, I am not a "looking-back" type person nor do I have that personality type.
I'd hate to have my kids ( or anyone I know have that combat experience) but if all things were equal, I guess yes would be my answer. But if I knew -- really KNEW -- ahead of time what it was gonna be like, I'd have found another way to move on in 1966.
I really enjoyed the war stories you shared with us. It was really interesting to listen to all of your experiences and how detailed you were able to tell them so many years later. The pictures added a lot to your stories and I was able to imagine much of what you were describing in your stories. I would like to ask if you could go back in time and relive those days, would you change anything/do any part of your life as a teenager differently? Katlyn G P2
Katlyn: My third "back in time" question! Must be a theme here. You can read my answers above. You did mention teenage years ( I am thinking high school here...not so much college ), so I can honestly say that I loved almost all of high school. My grades were never good and that drove my parents crazy, but it didn't seem to bother me. I got to play football and I had some very close buddies to hang around with. I did have to take 2 summer school courses every year ( and pay for them myself) and it was not much fun being in a hot classroom in June and July, but it was "normal" for me at the time. My best buddy Joe ( see his name in a response to Emma above) was with me for all these: Latin and Alg1 after freshman year; Latin and Geometry after soph year; and French and Alg2 after junior year....it was just our normal. :)
I hope this helps to answer your question a bit. Best, Dennis
Thank you so much for coming in and showing all of us your pictures. It really helped me to visualize what was going on in Vietnam during the time. I loved hearing about your background and your childhood and how exactly you decided to go into the war. One question I have for you is all in all, are you glad you made the decision to fight in the war or do you regret going? Miriah V Period 5
Miriah: Many of the questions on the blog ( about my presentation) deal with "If you could do it over" or "Do you regret?" I guess it's nice to speculate on "do-overs," but the reality is that we never can. Your life is your life...you just get to live it with personal choices, successes and even failures.
Regrets are not quite as simple. One can regret one's actions, words, deeds, etc, and hope to be able to learn and behave in such a way that what is regretted is not replicated. That being said, whatever an individual has done that is regrettable, the reality is that they cannot ever take away what was done in the first place.
Your question about being glad/regretting is the same. I am not happy or proud of what I put my parents ( and others) through. I took some risks that, now, in retrospect were very foolish. I was lucky...very much so. I tell my wife and kids all the time that they can buy as many Lotto tickets as they wish, but that I never will. I have used up all my "Big Time" luck in coming home from Vietnam 45 years ago essentially intact and I have them. So my luck is used up. :)
I mourn the loss of lives -- our side and theirs -- all those decades ago, and I do try to make every day a good and positive one, because you never know. I can't say I wouldn't do it all over again because that's only a hypothesis. It can never happen; as human beings we don't ever get that option. If "knowing all I know from my 13 months in Vietnam" is balanced with "would you do it over again" I'd say no. But I also understand that can never happen.
Thank you very much for coming in and sharing your stories about the war with us. I really enjoyed it and found it fascinating. My question is, knowing what you know now, would you still have enlisted to go into war? Would you have been willing to endure it again? Thank you again for coming in.
Haley: I am not running out of things to say, but your question is exactly like some of the others. Just take a look at the comments & my responses to their questions on the same theme: Regrets, Do-overs, What I know Now, etc, and you will have a response/reaction to your inquiries.
I really enjoyed hearing about your experiences in the War, and how they affected you. It's much different hearing someone personally tell their story than hearing it in a book. My question is, is there any experience that remains in your head? Do you still think about it today? Thank you so much for coming in, and sharing!!!
Cassie: A fair amount remains in my head and the presentation is a by-product of that. What you heard in my remarks is not memorized or written down. Students who have heard it twice ( and that happens sometimes) will tell me they heard things the 2nd time around that they did not hear the year before. :)
Calender days/dates are locked in my head even after four and a half decades. I can remember just about every hour of Christmas Day 67, and yet I'd have a difficult time telling you with any accuracy what the day was like 4 months ago, let alone two, five, or twenty years back.
Easter Sunday is a moveable feast so the date varies from year to year. In 1968 it was the 14th of April, and on that day my company participated ( with three others) in a brutal, full fledged, all-out assault of an enemy held hill -- 881n. It was my company's last significant Khe Sanh engagement and a very close friend -- Lt. Steve Fordham -- was KIA along with his radio operator early on Easter Monday. I had been speaking with him 30 seconds before he was hit. Things like that never leave, so when I hear the word Easter, 881n, the NVA, our company losses and especially Lt. Fordham come to mind. I could not tell you the exact dates of any other Easter in my life, but I always know where I was on Easter Sunday in 1968.
I am not sure if I said it in my remarks last week, but when I show the slide of Hill 861 that I took when I first was in Vietnam -- and compared it to Omaha Beach, the Alamo, Bunker Hill, etc -- I usually end that slide by saying, "There has NOT been a day in 45 years since I was up on 861 that I haven't thought about that hill in one context or another." The stuff in my head never goes away.
Mention words like Valentines Day, St Patricks Day, New Years eve, Super Bowl, my birthday ( 4Feb), etc, and I know exactly where I was ( that bunker/hole in the ground) and how the day went. Crazy, huh? By the way, that was Super Bowl # 2.
Thank you so much for coming and sharing your war experience with me! It was really interesting to not only hear about what you endured, but to have the visual as well. The slideshow really helped me to get a feel of what it looked like while you were there. Usually when I hear people talk about their war experience I only get to hear what they have to say and not actually see it. So it was really neat to see your pictures and I'm really glad your mother kept them! My question is did your experience in the war change your views on anything? Again thank you so much!
Morgan: My views, I think, are pretty much the same. I am a real easy-going, live-and-let-live personality type, and I have always been that way. Nam shaped that view even more. I really don't sweat the small stuff and my wife will often say that I don't sweat the big stuff either. I try not to let little or big things in my life get to me because I always say to myself, "I've seen it worse." However, red traffic lights are an exception to this...they drive me crazy. I HATE waiting at red lights, and I'll often drive out of my way ( and further) just to avoid sitting at them.
Since the war (and because of it) I've become a firm believer in fate. We all have a fate "out in front of us." Just do the best you can as often as you can, is how I approach mine.
Mr. Mannion, thank you for coming to our school and sharing with us your life story. It was truly fascinating and what I loved about it was that you didn't sugar coat anything regarding your experiences in Vietnam. A question I have is: Did you ever think about going AWOL or tried to find a way to get back to the states before you would be sent back?
Justin: I enlisted for three years -- 3Jan67 to 12Dec69, and I was in Nam from 20Sept67 to 2Oct68. I only did one tour in Nam and unlike today's men and women who have done multiple tours, that's how the policy was in those days: a single tour with the Army, Air Force, and Navy doing 12 months and the Marines doing 13. Believe me, if the other branches of the service were doing 13, the Marines would have done 14. That's just the way they are!
The only way I could have gone back to Nam was if I volunteered to go back, and for me, there was zero chance of that.
In addition, I was offered a promotion in rank and some very good bonus money if I extended my enlistment for two more years. I had no intention of doing that ( 3 was enough), but I also knew that if I extended, I could have been sent back to Nam again. So, even if the promotion and cash were enticing, the chance I'd have to go back made it a moot offer.
While in Nam for those 13 months I can honestly say that I never gave a single thought to bugging out and going AWOL. Never entered my thinking. Nor did I know anyone else who left either.
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I wanted to ask Dennis Mannion if he was ever scared when he was on the battle field. If so, what was going through his head as he held the gun in his hands? Did he regret being there? Also, I would have asked him what the greatest difficulty that he had to go through was.
ReplyDeleteAli P.
Period 5
Ali: For your questions and the others, I will try to keep my answers short and to the point(s). Of course, I was scared some of the time -- combat does that to you. But most of the time I was not. Military operations can be boring and very unsuspenseful a lot of the time. The scariest times, believe it or not, was after an action was over. When it's quiet your minds really begins to relive all that you have seen/done and how close you might have come to being killed or badly hurt. It's not very scary when it ( combat and the gun in your hands ) is happening because you are too busy with your job and your responsibilities to be scared. No real regrets about how my life has turned out -- that is a point I will address to others because they have asked the same kind of Q -- as I tend to be a "front windshield" focus person rather than a "rear window" look back type. Greatest difficulty ( then and even now) is the sudden loss of friends back in 1967 & 1968. It still hurts today and I often wonder, "Why them and not me?"
DeleteRegards, Dennis
I would have liked to ask Dennis Mannion what was going through his head to want to defy his father so much that he voluntarily went to war. Was he expecting it to be better than what his father had wanted for him? Did he know the real risks of going to war and just not care? Did he regret making that decision to voluntarily go to war?
ReplyDeleteMorgan Reed
Period 1
Hey Morgan: No regrets ( see my response to Ali). I was not defying my dad so much as just a feeling of "wanting to get out of CT after flunking out of ND. I guess I could have joined the Peace Corps or Vista ( ask Ms. Baker), but I sort of felt pulled toward the war. I had been reading and hearing about Vietnam War since I was in high school, and I also had seen every movie and read just about every book about US troops in WW2 and Korea etc, and I felt I wanted to challenge myself/seek adventure, etc. I knew the risks then ( or thought I did) and as a foolish young man, I rolled the dice. Put my folks thru hell for 13 months and got myself into a world I knew nothing about and could easily have lost my life. Pretty stupid risk taking, I'd say.
DeleteBest, Dennis
Thank you so much Mr. Mannion for coming to visit! I really learned a lot about what it was like to go to war, even though just hearing about it probably doesn't compare to the actual horrors you had to face. One question I have is do you think the war changed your outlook on society today and how so? Also, is there anything from the war that still haunts you to this day?
ReplyDeleteAnna Atkinson
Period 1
Anna: Still haunted by the young men in my company ( 28 of them) who were killed. I went back to Hill 861 in 2000 JUST so I could say goodbye in a proper way. On the battlefield, if the action continues, you have no time to mourn or come to terms with the loss of others...even if that person happens to be your best friend. Even when it's quite afterward there are dozens of things you have to do ( if you want to survive ) that take precedence over grief & sadness. Things like cleaning your weapon, getting more ammo, food, water, digging new foxholes, stringing barbed wire, sleep etc... In the 77 days of fighting on 861, I NEVER had more than 2 consecutive hours of sleep in any night as I was always being asked to wake up to do this or that. I really can't say my outlook on society is any different except to say that WAR should be our last option...not one of the first.
DeleteBest, Dennis
Thank you for coming in and speaking to us/showing pictures of your experiences!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to ask how did the war change you? Do you ever regret fighting this war? Was it hard talking about all your experiences and showing pictures of the war at first? Also is there anything you would change?
Ayeshra A.
Period 1
Ayeshra: Regrets: see above in my earlier answers. I never did openly talk about it till 10 years later when a teacher/coach at Choate asked me to come and speak. He was the one who asked me if I had any photos ( to help tell my story if I came back the following year ) and I made the call to my mom. :) War did change me in that I do understand the precious gift we all have in being alive. It can be taken away so senselessly and so quickly. I do everything I can to make good and healthy choices because I want to live a long time. Can't say I'd change much...I think one's life unfolds the way it does because of the decisions we make, and I am not one to "look back."
DeleteRegards, Dennis
I wanted to ask Mr. Mannion one question. Mrs. Baker had said your son is going to be going into the marines. How do you feel about that? Are you supportive of him or do you not want him to go? Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
ReplyDeleteBecca Vitale
Per 6.
Becca: We have one daughter and three sons. The youngest (22) is the one who has applied to the USMC Officer Training Program. He has passed all the tests and is just waiting to hear if they take him. I have mixed feelings about this. He's of the age where he does make his own decisions, so in that sense, he's on his own. Still, it gives me pause because I know what being in harm's way is all about ( it's not a video game). My wife and I have always been supportive of our kids and recognize that they lead their own lives. Due to budget cuts and the winding down of the war -- can't be soon enough -- he may not get in. That would be OK with me and great for his mom.
DeleteBest, Dennis
Thank you so much for what you did for this country! I know it might not seem like the biggest deal but many people all over the United States are thinking about people that fight for us every day, including me. I thoroughly admired looking at your pictures because it gave me a better understanding of what it was like to be in Vietnam. I was wondering what advice you would give to someone interesting in joining the Marines or any other branches of the military? Thank you so much again for sharing your story with us, it had my attention the whole time and it was the coolest thing to see some of the items that you brought back from war.
ReplyDeleteLizzy Barthelemy
Period 1
Lizzy: Advice about the military: Get as much formal education as you can before you take that step. Talk to all branches of the service and see what THEY can offer you...schooling, training, length of contract, duty stations, etc...
DeleteIf you have the opportunity, go to college first and get your degree and then apply as an officer. It's a world of difference from being enlisted.
Regards, Dennis
I wanted to ask Mr. Mannion what kept him going during the war? The experiences he described to us sounded awful and I just want to know what his inspiration to keep him going was? I also want to thank him for fighting for our country and tell him he has my respect.
ReplyDeleteConor Smith Period 5
Kept me going? The knowledge that I volunteered for the Marines ( when I could have avoided military service altogether) and had no one to blame but myself. I was not like the main character (Tim) in the The Things They Carried who was drafted.
DeleteIn addition, in the rough times you have to endure for your buddies. They do the same for you. It's not for the politics, the generals, the military strategy or mission or even the flag/country. None of that matters at all. It's ONLY about the troops to your left and right and not wanting to let anyone down.
Best, Dennis
First of, thank you for coming in and speaking to us about your experience in the war. It was very interesting and I'm glad we all got the opportunity to hear your story. My main question is, "if you could go back in time, what would you change, be it your grades or the decision to go to Vietnam."
ReplyDeleteFatoumata Sylla
Period 2
Fatuomata: Congrats on a question I have never been asked before. Answering to the best of my ability ( and I admit to being one who does not look back much and I do not engage in the "what if" game), I'd say that if I could go back I'd opt to go to the U of Vermont and play football.... skip the ND experience. And hopefully get better grades along the way. At ND I took 4 English courses ( one per semester) in my two years there and got A's. The rest of my grades were D's and F's....and maybe a C or two. At UConn ( after the Marines) I was on the Deans List every semester all three years. :)
DeleteLesson? Work to the best of your abilities, not the least.
Regards, Dennis
I first want to start off with saying, thank you so much for coming to speak with us! I really loved hearing your story and I honor you for going into the war. One question that I have for you, is do you regret anything? Do you wish that you worked harder in school or college, so going into the war wasn't and option?
ReplyDeleteEmma Nwagboli
Period 5
Emma: As I have said to others, I try to see my life as an "in the moment" thing....an ongoing journey. I do not look back with regrets other than that I put my parents and a lot of others -- family, high school buddies and college roommates -- through a tough 13 months. If you ever get a chance, take a look at the book Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam ( possibly at BHS library) you will see in it a farewell letter that I wrote to my best high school friend -- Joe. I wrote it on 31Jan68 in the very worst of times on 861 when I really felt I was going to die up there. Joe said the letter -- which he thumb-tacked to the wall by his desk -- haunted him for months....even after I was home from Nam.
DeleteTake care, Dennis
I really enjoyed your visit! I have never been able to hear a soldiers story of his life before the war and how he had gotten involved...I found it so interesting. I found your story fascinating and I enjoyed hearing it from your perspective. My question is about your relationships after war. Did you carry the bond you have with your fellow soldiers that you became friend with home? Was it a different kind of relationship and would you consider them brothers of a sort?!
ReplyDeleteJade: For decades after Nam and my total USMC time, I remembered some of the veterans I served with but I kept in zero touch with any. Then, with the advent of the internet and email, that part of my life became more connected. There are 5 or 6 Marines ( and one corpsman) who I communicate with on a regular basis. None of them live in CT. I see some of them from time to time and for the last decade+ I have attended the annual reunion for Khe Sanh Veterans. I have gotten to know a number of those men very well even though I did not know them back in 1968. It's always a great 4 or 5 days to hang out with folks who have had many of the same experiences as me....like a small brotherhood. A number of the reunions are held in DC and my youngest brother ( who was a career Army officer after Nam ended) lives in DC. He'll always stop by but tells me that even he recognizes that there is something "unique and special" that links combat vets together.
DeleteIt's possible that Facebook would open up that world of vets even more, but I will go on record here as saying what I have to said to family & friends for years: I will be the last person on earth with a Facebook account. :) :)
Best, Dennis
What was more powerful to you; the power of nature to create and renew or the power of man to destroy?
ReplyDeleteSteve Zocher
Period 5
Without question the power of nature to create. Causing destruction is actually easy. Mother nature can just about overcome anything we as humans do. During the Siege of KS, that battlefield became the most heavily bombed and shelled piece of terrain on the face of the earth. In addition napalm was dropped everywhere as well as Agent Orange ( kills vegetation). 45 years later the flat land of KS as well as the hills are as green as Ireland. Tress and vegetation have made a total comeback. What doesn't ever grow back, however, are the people who have lost their lives. Mother nature cannot help there.
DeleteBest, Dennis
Thanks for coming to our school and telling us about your war experiences. It helped me further my understanding of the Vietnam War. In The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien, O'Brien seems to be deeply affected by the war and uses the novel to cope with the difficult experiences of the war. How have you dealt with the difficult experiences and memories of the war and how have they changed you?
No question about Tim OB being affected by his war experiences. All combat vets are damaged goods even if they were never wounded physically. It's the nature of the beast. I was so glad to be coming home from Nam with all my parts (despite being wounded twice) that I really wanted to make a good thing out of the time I had left on earth. I did not know back then if that would be days, weeks, months, or years. As it turns out, it's been decades. I have been fortunate to be able to mentally put my demons in a smaller place in my head and to try to make as many days count as possible. Alcohol and drugs -- a way to medicate oneself -- have never been a temptation for me. I recognize that I have PTSD issues ( lousy sleep habits, acute startle reflex, not a lot of close friends, road rage if I am not vigilant, etc), but I also recognize that it's only a small part of me. Being able to speak to groups has helped. Not to tell "war stories" so much as to inform others about what happens when a country takes men and women down the road to war. My memories of that 13 months in Nam are clearer and more "right there" in my mind's eye than any other 13 months in my entire life ( 67 years). They are never going away; I know that and accept that.
DeleteThanks for the question. Dennis
Thanks for your response. David
DeleteMy favorite part of the presentation was the variety of pictures and the stories that went along with them. I especially liked seeing the before and after pictures. I just had a couple of questions. First, did you have certain expectations of war before you went and how different was reality from them? Also, for the pictures that you said you didn't take, do you know the people who took them or did you just find the ones that would fit best with yours?
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming to share your experiences with us.
Period 1
Amy: All photos you saw were mine or given to me by other vets who were at KS at the time I was.
DeleteNot sure that I had any expectations --more hopes, really -- about going to war other than to come home alive and also to come home with all the body parts I arrived with. Boot Camp does not prepare you for war ( nothing really can); it's really to put you through a "mental meat-grinder" to see how well you hold up under stress. It also teaches ( trains?) one to follow legitimate orders without hesitating. Hesitating on the battlefield can get you killed. The one thing that always took me by surprise was how loud it becomes on the battlefield. Watch the first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan and you will understand the noise part. The sudden loss of life near you is an experience that expectations cannot balance out. It is grim business...always has been; always will be. Maybe not from drones in the sky being operated by hand but up-close encounters. I hope this helps.
Best, Dennis
First off, thank you Mr. Mannion for taking the time to speak to us. My question is: What part of "The Things They Carried" did you connect with the most?
Griffin: Connect to Things Carried: When I learned in 1996 that veterans had begun to go back to Nam, I inquired that if it was possible to go to certain hills ( like 861). At first it was strictly NO. It took about three years before the answer was yes. When I knew I was going to be able to go -- July 2000 -- I made some special arrangements. In my church on Palm Sunday in April, I took some extra pieces of blessed palm home and cut them into smaller pieces. On the yellow leaves I wrote out the names of those in my company who had died -- 28 of them -- and the dates of their deaths. When I was on 861 I said their names out loud...offered up a short prayer and let the wind carry away the 28 pieces (one at a time) into the air. It was my way of saying good bye and remembering them. Not much different than Tim in Things going (with his daughter who was clueless) back to the place Kiowa had been killed....to pay his respects and to honor his friend. Sort of the same thing for me.
DeleteBy the way, a former student of mine at Sheehan High ( Class of '88) had heard about my trip back. He asked if he could go along ( there were 4 KS vets going and we all said OK), and while there he shot 23+ hours of digital video. He spent 3 years and a few thousand dollars of his own money to make a 55 minute documentary about the trip to Khe Sanh. It is entitled Khe Sanh: A Walk in the Clouds, and it has been on just about every Public TV station in the country. It has also been in many film festivals. He did a great job with it, and just this past year he released it to YouTube in 12-15 minute segments.
Go to YouTube and type Dennis Mannion and you can see parts or all of it.
Best, Dennis
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ReplyDeleteThank you very much Mr. Mannion for sharing your war story with us! I loved how you were very blunt and said it how it was when you were talking about your various experiences in Vietnam. I'd like to begin by asking, did you go to war because you wanted to rebel against your parents, or did you go because you thought the US really should be involved in the Vietnam War?
ReplyDeleteCassidy Murphy
Cassidy: Neither. I wasn't rebelling and I never gave the question of "should we be there?" or "should we not be there?" a thought. That part didn't matter at all.
DeleteIt looking back 4+decades ago, I was out of college and living at home after being away for two years. No friends around (all away at college) and I was bored, angry at myself, and angry at my parents for being angry and fed-up with me. I was looking for adventure and wanted out of CT. It seemed to be an adventure I signed on for...nothing else.
It was foolish, in retrospect, seeing all the good that has happened to me in my life ( family, home, job I loved -- teaching English and coaching football -- good health, travel, grand kids, etc). I could have lost it all.
Regards, Dennis
Thank you very much for sharing your experience in the war! I wanted to ask you, now that you know what the war would be like, if you could go back in time to the day that you signed up, would you sign up again?
ReplyDeleteCarlye M.
Period 5
Carlye: This is my second "back in time" question. Again, not to repeat it too much, I am not a "looking-back" type person nor do I have that personality type.
DeleteI'd hate to have my kids ( or anyone I know have that combat experience) but if all things were equal, I guess yes would be my answer. But if I knew -- really KNEW -- ahead of time what it was gonna be like, I'd have found another way to move on in 1966.
Best, Dennis
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ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the war stories you shared with us. It was really interesting to listen to all of your experiences and how detailed you were able to tell them so many years later. The pictures added a lot to your stories and I was able to imagine much of what you were describing in your stories. I would like to ask if you could go back in time and relive those days, would you change anything/do any part of your life as a teenager differently?
ReplyDeleteKatlyn G
Katlyn: My third "back in time" question! Must be a theme here. You can read my answers above. You did mention teenage years ( I am thinking high school here...not so much college ), so I can honestly say that I loved almost all of high school. My grades were never good and that drove my parents crazy, but it didn't seem to bother me. I got to play football and I had some very close buddies to hang around with. I did have to take 2 summer school courses every year ( and pay for them myself) and it was not much fun being in a hot classroom in June and July, but it was "normal" for me at the time. My best buddy Joe ( see his name in a response to Emma above) was with me for all these: Latin and Alg1 after freshman year; Latin and Geometry after soph year; and French and Alg2 after junior year....it was just our normal. :)
DeleteI hope this helps to answer your question a bit. Best, Dennis
Thank you so much for coming in and showing all of us your pictures. It really helped me to visualize what was going on in Vietnam during the time. I loved hearing about your background and your childhood and how exactly you decided to go into the war. One question I have for you is all in all, are you glad you made the decision to fight in the war or do you regret going?
ReplyDeleteMiriah V
Period 5
Miriah: Many of the questions on the blog ( about my presentation) deal with "If you could do it over" or "Do you regret?" I guess it's nice to speculate on "do-overs," but the reality is that we never can. Your life is your life...you just get to live it with personal choices, successes and even failures.
DeleteRegrets are not quite as simple. One can regret one's actions, words, deeds, etc, and hope to be able to learn and behave in such a way that what is regretted is not replicated. That being said, whatever an individual has done that is regrettable, the reality is that they cannot ever take away what was done in the first place.
Your question about being glad/regretting is the same. I am not happy or proud of what I put my parents ( and others) through. I took some risks that, now, in retrospect were very foolish. I was lucky...very much so. I tell my wife and kids all the time that they can buy as many Lotto tickets as they wish, but that I never will. I have used up all my "Big Time" luck in coming home from Vietnam 45 years ago essentially intact and I have them. So my luck is used up. :)
I mourn the loss of lives -- our side and theirs -- all those decades ago, and I do try to make every day a good and positive one, because you never know. I can't say I wouldn't do it all over again because that's only a hypothesis. It can never happen; as human beings we don't ever get that option. If "knowing all I know from my 13 months in Vietnam" is balanced with "would you do it over again" I'd say no. But I also understand that can never happen.
I hope I've made some sense here.
Best, Dennis
Thank you very much for coming in and sharing your stories about the war with us. I really enjoyed it and found it fascinating. My question is, knowing what you know now, would you still have enlisted to go into war? Would you have been willing to endure it again? Thank you again for coming in.
ReplyDeleteHaley K.
Period 5
Haley: I am not running out of things to say, but your question is exactly like some of the others. Just take a look at the comments & my responses to their questions on the same theme: Regrets, Do-overs, What I know Now, etc, and you will have a response/reaction to your inquiries.
DeleteTake care. Dennis
I really enjoyed hearing about your experiences in the War, and how they affected you. It's much different hearing someone personally tell their story than hearing it in a book. My question is, is there any experience that remains in your head? Do you still think about it today? Thank you so much for coming in, and sharing!!!
ReplyDeleteCassie F-C
Period 5
Cassie: A fair amount remains in my head and the presentation is a by-product of that. What you heard in my remarks is not memorized or written down. Students who have heard it twice ( and that happens sometimes) will tell me they heard things the 2nd time around that they did not hear the year before. :)
DeleteCalender days/dates are locked in my head even after four and a half decades. I can remember just about every hour of Christmas Day 67, and yet I'd have a difficult time telling you with any accuracy what the day was like 4 months ago, let alone two, five, or twenty years back.
Easter Sunday is a moveable feast so the date varies from year to year. In 1968 it was the 14th of April, and on that day my company participated ( with three others) in a brutal, full fledged, all-out assault of an enemy held hill -- 881n. It was my company's last significant Khe Sanh engagement and a very close friend -- Lt. Steve Fordham -- was KIA along with his radio operator early on Easter Monday. I had been speaking with him 30 seconds before he was hit. Things like that never leave, so when I hear the word Easter, 881n, the NVA, our company losses and especially Lt. Fordham come to mind. I could not tell you the exact dates of any other Easter in my life, but I always know where I was on Easter Sunday in 1968.
I am not sure if I said it in my remarks last week, but when I show the slide of Hill 861 that I took when I first was in Vietnam -- and compared it to Omaha Beach, the Alamo, Bunker Hill, etc -- I usually end that slide by saying, "There has NOT been a day in 45 years since I was up on 861 that I haven't thought about that hill in one context or another." The stuff in my head never goes away.
Mention words like Valentines Day, St Patricks Day, New Years eve, Super Bowl, my birthday ( 4Feb), etc, and I know exactly where I was ( that bunker/hole in the ground) and how the day went. Crazy, huh? By the way, that was Super Bowl # 2.
Best, Dennis
Thank you so much for coming and sharing your war experience with me! It was really interesting to not only hear about what you endured, but to have the visual as well. The slideshow really helped me to get a feel of what it looked like while you were there. Usually when I hear people talk about their war experience I only get to hear what they have to say and not actually see it. So it was really neat to see your pictures and I'm really glad your mother kept them! My question is did your experience in the war change your views on anything? Again thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteMorgan L P.2
Morgan: My views, I think, are pretty much the same. I am a real easy-going, live-and-let-live personality type, and I have always been that way. Nam shaped that view even more. I really don't sweat the small stuff and my wife will often say that I don't sweat the big stuff either. I try not to let little or big things in my life get to me because I always say to myself, "I've seen it worse." However, red traffic lights are an exception to this...they drive me crazy. I HATE waiting at red lights, and I'll often drive out of my way ( and further) just to avoid sitting at them.
DeleteSince the war (and because of it) I've become a firm believer in fate. We all have a fate "out in front of us." Just do the best you can as often as you can, is how I approach mine.
Best, Dennis
Mr. Mannion, thank you for coming to our school and sharing with us your life story. It was truly fascinating and what I loved about it was that you didn't sugar coat anything regarding your experiences in Vietnam. A question I have is: Did you ever think about going AWOL or tried to find a way to get back to the states before you would be sent back?
ReplyDeleteJustin W. Period 5
Justin: I enlisted for three years -- 3Jan67 to 12Dec69, and I was in Nam from 20Sept67 to 2Oct68. I only did one tour in Nam and unlike today's men and women who have done multiple tours, that's how the policy was in those days: a single tour with the Army, Air Force, and Navy doing 12 months and the Marines doing 13. Believe me, if the other branches of the service were doing 13, the Marines would have done 14. That's just the way they are!
DeleteThe only way I could have gone back to Nam was if I volunteered to go back, and for me, there was zero chance of that.
In addition, I was offered a promotion in rank and some very good bonus money if I extended my enlistment for two more years. I had no intention of doing that ( 3 was enough), but I also knew that if I extended, I could have been sent back to Nam again. So, even if the promotion and cash were enticing, the chance I'd have to go back made it a moot offer.
While in Nam for those 13 months I can honestly say that I never gave a single thought to bugging out and going AWOL. Never entered my thinking. Nor did I know anyone else who left either.
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