Thursday, August 30, 2012

Period 5 August 30, 2012

1. Read the article. Consider the author's tone and your personal reaction.

2. Please add an intelligent comment (minimum 3 sentences) in response to the linked article from the NY Times. Be sure to reference specifics from the article.

3. Comment on a classmates post in a second post (minimum 3 sentences)
*Use only your first name, last initial and period of class to identify yourself.


  1. I agree with some points of this article and also disagree with some too. For example, I agree that women are "necessary" for human life to exist, as they are the ones that give birth to our children and carry them during their pregnancy. However, I do not agree that men are "unnecessary". If the women are going to be taking care of the children all the time, who is going to supply the family's money? I believe this is a major role that men have.

    Ali P. Period 5

    1. I completely agree with your post. Even though it is necessary for woman to exist in order for the human race to survive, but that doesn't mean that it isn't important to have a man as a part of the family. Like you alluded to, the mother can't do everything by herself. Having a father as well would be most beneficial for the family.

      Justin W. Period 5

  2. The tone Greg Hampikian had towards men was very condescending. He stated plainly that “fathers can be absent. They can be at work, at home, in prison or at war, living or dead.” While this statement is accurate, I believe that is cruel to fathers and underestimating their importance in their children’s lives. I know for a fact that without my dad I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Kids look up to their fathers without a doubt; they’re role models to their sons and heroes to their daughters. Although this is not always the case, it is still true a majority of the time. Along with this, I believe that listing all the protections that mothers unintentionally give to their children wasn’t fair to fathers. I’m sure that if fathers had the ability to pass on nutrients and energy and protective bacteria to their children, they wouldn’t hesitate. However, that’s not how biology works. That’s naturally what mothers do. So it’s not right to judge father’s on something that isn’t in their control. In conclusion, this article wasn’t accurate in describing the importance of a father’s role in a child’s life. I agree with Ali’s point of view. If women are taking care of their children 24/7, who will be there to supply an income to provide for the necessities of life? So not only are fathers reliable for care and love, but they’re also responsible for taking care of their families financially.

    Aaryne A.
    Period 5

    1. I agree 100% with your response. Especially the part about fathers being role models to their sons and heroes to their daughters. Sons need to have someone to look up to and learn from while daughters should have someone who can set a good example of what kind of man they should be looking for someday to possibly marry. I often read true stories of daughters who grow up and have a difficult time trusting men and such, because they did not have a father figure in their life to show them what a real man is.

    2. I completely agree with what you said. Fathers do have a huge role in a child's life. They take care of the whole family, and not just the child's every need. Even though they may not always be around, they have a major role and contribute to families greatly. I agree with you that the author did not accurately describe a father's importance, and he had a very biased and condescending tone. I don't think the world would survive very well without males, because they do contribute a lot, unlike the author said. They are crucial in giving life.

      Haley K. Period 5

  3. Hampikian made an excellent argument on whether or not men were a necessary part of mankind. I believe that the world could not continue to be populated without men. Even if all the men disappeared and frozen semen was used to repopulate, as Hampikian explained, I believe the men would still be necessary. The men had to have donated their semen at some point; therefore they would still be assisting in creating life after they are gone. Reproduction would need to completely revolve before men could disappear. As of now, men play a small but crucial role in the creation of life.
    Eden W
    p. 5

    1. I definitely agree with your statement that men would have to donate their semen at one point in their lives. Without this important donation, human life wouldn't exist. I believe it is just as important as the women carrying the babies during pregnancy and giving birth to them. Without either men or women, human time on Earth would disappear extremely quickly.

      Ali P. Period 5

    2. I agree with Eden in that men are essential for reproduction. Even though, as Hampikian said, semen is such a physically small part of reproduction, qualitatively it is extremely important. Genetics control how a child develops and if women started reproducing with random sperm, they might end up with seriously messed up kids. We are genetically programmed to find mates that will provide us with successful offspring and if we eliminated males from that process reproduction would have to be completely redesigned.
      Evan B, 5

  4. I found it interesting that the author of the article is a male considering that the perspective of the writing almost seems to be in a biased manner, which I would expect to be more from a female's view on this topic. Originally, I had the impression that it was, in fact, a woman who was writing it until I got to the part in the article where the author states his own personal experience as a father and that was a slight shock to me. The tone of the article sometimes seems to mock the role of a male's job in raising children, even though it does also briefly acknowledge that they are somewhat important in a son or daughter's life, and that comes off as a bit ignorant since he clearly knows what it's like for a father to raise children.

    - Sarah C, Period 5

    1. I strongly agree with what you said about how the author should know about the importance of a male figure in the raising of a child. If the mother of the family is the one who brings the most income to the house, it only makes sense that the father would be there to take care of the child instead of a nanny who can't make up for the lack of love that the absence of a father would leave. Being a father and son himself, he should think about what it would have been like without a father or what it would be like for child without him around.
      Brittany S, Period 5

  5. Even though women can have a child without a man actually being in the picture, I believe it is important to have one there. Women need support in raising a child, and it's essential to have more than one income in the house if you want your child to live a stable lifestyle. Even though women are making a statement and proving that they can be "above" men, there is only so much they can do by themselves. If a women had a baby boy, then what would the boy do without a father? As a women, you can only know so much about raising a boy. What would happen in terms of certain athletics, or just things that a father would normally teach his son? If though men aren't technically "needed", you would have a stronger family with two parents raising a child together in the ways they both know how to. Each parents contributes to the family positively in some way.

    -Cassie F-C, Period 5

    1. I agree with Cassie in that a family needs a father figure. If a woman has a son, how is she to know the stages of a boy's childhood and what his interests will be? A father may not be needed as much as the mother in the stages of reproduction, but it is obvious that he will be needed once the child grows up a little more. The mother will need to go out and work because she is the sole supporter of her child; what effect would that have on the relationship between her and her child if they cannot see each other often?

      Lianne Y, Per. 5

  6. Although I do agree with the central idea of this article, I think it is completely wrong to just get rid of all the males in terms of reproduction. I dont think many kids can grow up without a father in their life. Even though the only thing males are used for in reproduction is their sperm, they still need to be a part of their children's lives. The mother does grow the child inside her uterus and does give the baby all of its nutrients, but I still think that there should be a 50/50 ratio of time spent raising the child. The father should definitely not just disappear after the baby is born because all children need a father in their lives.

    Miriah V period 5

  7. Although Hampikian stands for a convincing argument, I do not fully agree with him. Men may not be as relevant as women in reproduction, but I think they are strongly needed in parenting. Sara S. McLanahan says that “poverty is what hurts children, not the number or gender of parents”. Yes, poverty is especially hard on children, but that does not mean that the absence of a father-figure is not equally as tough. Children may have a stronger biological tie with their mother, but a father figure is also crucial in the upbringing of children. Hampikian also states that fathers are “not necessary and sufficient” for reproduction, but I have to disagree. Yes, women are able to get frozen sperm, but now the child has a bond with someone that is not in his or her life. The father is necessary in completing that bond and making sure the child has someone else to depend on too; not just the mother.

    Lianne Y Per. 5

    1. I strongly agree with your response that the father is necessary to complete the bond. A child needs to know both his or her parental figures. Men are needed to support the family in terms of economics, affection, and having a connection with their child. Without the child knowing that there is someone else there for them, it's difficult for them to feel secure and confident with their life. If the child doesn't get to meet their father, they will always mourn and wonder what their life could have been like with both parents around. It would certainly be beneficial not to have this problem, and to have a mother and father from the start.

      -Cassie F-C, Period 5

  8. I believe that the author has created a witty and revealing piece of journalism. The beginning of the article led me to believe that the author was a female, however as it progressed I found that a male was realizing the lack of necessity for men in the world. I agree with him, apart from the contribution of DNA men aren’t necessary for much after that. While men do play an important role in the lives of children, they are not necessary for growth or success of them, as the author said…men are “a far cry from “necessary and sufficient” for reproduction.” Women are more than capable of handling their children from pregnancy to adulthood. Women not only are vital in the process of creating and raising a child, they also offer a nurturing guidance that many men aren’t able to produce.
    In response to Ali, i disagree with you. While men can be counted on to bring the money to the family, many families live without men in their lives. Often, women find themselves abandoned by men, either by death or choice and they manage to raise their children and make money. In fact, the author in the article states that, "data for children raised by only females is encouraging." Women raising children alone has been happening for a long time, so why would it be any different now?
    Jade Y. Period 5

    1. I do not agree with your comment that men are "a far cry from 'necessary and sufficient' for reproduction." If it is possible for the human race to survive with only females, why were there two genders to begin with? While I do agree that a woman is most vital in the development of the fetus, both the father and mother play major parts in the child's upbringing. Each family unit is different but in all of them the male and female play equally important roles. In fact, fathers are often considered role models to their children. Furthermore, the argument that a man sometimes abandons his family is somewhat irrelevant as the mother might as often pass away and leave the father to raise the children, and in my opinion he is equally capable. It is not fair to remark that “woman are more capable of handling their children from pregnancy to adulthood” as there has been no research to back this statement up. Additionally, the tone of your comment is contemptuous as it shows a lack of respect to males.

  9. I disagree with this article. I believe that a father figure is very important for children to have, especially boys. Although scientifically men may not be necessary for reproduction if frozen sperm or cloning is used, they are an important part of a family. Without a father figure, sons would have no one to look up to as a role model. They would have no one to be an example of what it means to be a man. Although there are many families with single mothers who do a great job of raising kids on their own, I believe that having a father there to act as the leader of the family is beneficial.

  10. This article was written both scientifically and superficially. Every point that the author made was based on biological information and was correct. It is the case that with modern technology males aren’t necessary for reproduction, however males are still necessary for society to function. On an individual basis a woman can do almost anything a man can do, however in the vast majority of cases men are still necessary to provide for their family, especially when the females are needed to act as mothers and have children. Without men our society couldn’t function nearly as well as it does today.

    Evan B, 5

  11. The article was very informative and opinionated. I think the author's tone was curious, and also biased. I think the author was curious becuase he was wondering what the world would be like if there were no men, and if it would be better or not without men. It was biased because he was talking about how women are better, more intelligent, and the men are never there to take care of the children. He was saying that if the males went extinct, it would not make that much of a difference. The world would go on, because women can be independent. I though that the article was a little sexist. My reaction to the article was a little suprised, because the author is male, but he is sexist toward males in the article.

    Haley K. Period 5

  12. I thought what the author had to say was very interesting and intriguing. I found the fact that men are nearing being obsolete through the introduction of new research and introduction of "artificial cells" as a sign that maybe the age of heterosexual couples being the dominant type of couple is nearing a decline. This is also intriguing because throughout almost all of mankind's existence we have tended to go the route of what nature follows; and through the advancements in technology and social acceptance of all beliefs and lifestyles a different world could emerge. In a world that no longer requires us to follow the path that are animal friends have followed for as long as earth has exsisted,these new technologies are now a doorway into a new world that may not be so heavily controlled by just men, but by women as well.
    Steve Zocher
    period 5

    1. The author says something implying that only male sex cells can be created artificially, and that because of this women were more important and superior. He didn't recognize, however, that there's nothing stopping female sex cells from being created artificially. The technology just isn't there yet. This exemplifies the bias toward male importance the author holds.
      Steven K Per. 2

  13. Although this article says men are “unnecessary” for reproduction, I believe that after birth they are very necessary. Men provide for their families in more ways than one. They financially help their families, as well as offer protection and security to a family. In my own life, when my dad is on a business trip or out late, and I am at home, I feel more vulnerable and insecure than when he is there at home with me. Life without men is genetically possible, but life without men in reality is impossible.

    Anna B., period 5

    1. I disagree completely with what you said. To start , anyone with a parental figure that has provided for them and given them love all throughout life, should be adequate for you. Sure the feeling of having a dad around would be gone, but if you're surrounded with love and a good environment than ,shouldn't that be enough? Love and comfort from a parent/parents that love you should be enough whether a man is said figure or a women is.

      Steve Zocher
      period 5

  14. I believe that the author was correct in the sense that women are necessary for the survival of the human race. What the author failed to point out in the article is that having a male as well as a female taking care of a child would be most beneficial. A male would be able to balance the responsibilities of what it takes to care for a child. A man may not be “necessary”, but preferable to having one parent. Also, if one parent works, the other can take care of the child. However, I believe the tone of the article was informative of the possibility that men are not needed and matter-of-fact.

    Justin W. period 5

  15. My reaction to this author's article was disbelief because of the fact that the author is a man and he is putting down his own sex. This article is very sexist and in my eyes the author is ignorant if he thinks woman can function and take care of all the things that need to be taken care of without men. I do respect that this author realizes the importance of females but his ideas are not reasonable.
    Brittany S Period 5

    1. I definitely agree with the way you feel towards the author and the voice of the article as whole. Just as you said, I can see where the author was coming from in his point of view, but it came off in a way that was bitter and even a bit insulting to the male population all together. It is true that a child could grow up in a single-parent household and be perfectly happy and well, but it's also been shown in society that children who grow up with both parents tend to be more successful and well-rounded in the sense that each parent provides different things for the family. Family units rely on each person for separate things and without any fathers, the balance would be thrown off.

      - Sarah C, Period 5

  16. I agree with what Aaryne said about a father’s role in a child’s life. Children often need a father figure in their life. Fathers play the most important role in their child’s life by being there for them. Being a parent is just as important to the child’s development as the creation of the child. If a father has the ability or opportunity to be present in their child’s life, then they should be there.
    Eden W.
    p. 5

  17. I disagree with the article because I don’t believe it is fair for the child to never know their father. Although it is unfair for children whose fathers are no longer with them because of death or they abandoned the family, they have no control over that situation. This situation is obviously the mother’s choice and she can control whether their child has a father or not. The child would feel different or left out because they have no idea who their father is. They only know that half their DNA comes from a sperm donor. I also agree with Anna T. that children need a father figure in their life. Particularly for boys because then they will never get to play catch with their dad or go fishing together, or any other father-son activity.
    Carlye M. Period 5

  18. The author makes several interesting points in the article about men being “unnecessary and insufficient” for reproduction; however, this idea has a few flaws. The author goes to an extreme in questioning whether mankind really need men He comments that men are unneeded as a woman can easily use frozen sperm to become pregnant and just care for the child without a man. Nonetheless, it is unfair that the author considers the development of a child more important than the child’s upbringing when in fact they are equally significant. While I do agree that men aren’t as important in the development of the baby as they don’t birth it or breast feed it, they are definitely important in providing money and in the child’s upbringing. In a world without men, how can a woman provide food and other necessities for her family when caring for her child occupies the majority of her time? Moreover, it is difficult to imagine someone growing up without a male figure, especially if the child is a boy. There are some things that a boy needs his father for and therefore a world without men would have negative psychological effects on children.
    David E. Period 5

    1. (addition to above comment) The tone is condescending as it regards men as “unnecessary and insufficient” for reproduction. In other words, they aren't as important as woman and thus deserve less respect, according to the article and its tone.
      David E. Period 5

  19. The tone that this author is giving in this article is mainly one sided and opinionated. He basically had one idea and that was that women can just survive without the male population but i would disagree. I believe that even though the women are the ones who carry the child they aren't the only ones who do the work. How would women survive if they didn't have that male figure in there lives or didn't have help form someone else. I believe that men make a great difference in you life and i know for sure that i would be different if i didn't have my dad. I agree with what Aaryne was saying that if men could give there child the nutrients and the protection of being inside them they would but genetically they are not built that way. In addition,i agree that is not right to judge fathers on something that they can not control and that even though women could survive on frozen sperm, if men where not here then where would we keep getting the frozen sperm because without men there wouldn't be any.It always takes to in order to reproduce.
    Emma N. Period 5
