Monday, May 19, 2008

Sample Interview Questions

*As discussed in class, your interview questions will differ from your "What I want to know" questions because they need to be tailored to the specific person you are interviewing. See below:

Dr. Lima Interview Questions:
1. What advice do you generally give your patients about cord blood banking?
2. If you don't mind me asking, what would you do if/when faced with making this decision?
3. Is there an option for public banking in CT? at Yale?
4. Do you recommend certain private banks over others?
5. Have you ever had a patient helped by a family member's cord blood?
6. Do you recommend CBB for patients that have a strong genetic predisposition to various diseases?
7. I read that I need to make this decision by 34 weeks. Should I alert the office to my decision?8. Have you done this procedure on a patient before? Is it a simple procedure?
9. What are your thoughts on CT starting its own public bank? Is it in the works?
10. Can patients donate cord blood to other states that have already started public banks?


  1. child abuse sample questions
    Were there any cases when you knew the child before they began to get abused? What kind of change did you see in them?
    What’s the most common evidence physically and emotionally you see in an abused child?
    Have you ever had experience with a child not recovering from such extreme abuse?
    Are children protective of their parents, even if the child is sent to the hospital due to injuries inflicted on them by their parents?
    Are some cases due to the mental condition of the parent?
    How are the majority of cases found out, teachers, severe incidents?
    Do you develop a close relationship with any of the kids that come in? Are they hesitant because you are an adult?
    How long is a child in therapy for before a change is obvious?
    On average how long will the child stay in therapy?
    Are there common long term effects?
    Are there organizations you promote at the hospital that are “anti-child abuse”?
    Are there references available to parents that they can use if they feel that they might go down the path of abuse, but don’t want to?

    sarah hilliard period 3

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  4. cool dude i finished
    Per. 5

  5. cool dude i finished
    Per. 5

  6. cool dude i finished
    Per. 5

  7. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Interview Questions

    1. What type of testing went into figuring out your diagnosis?
    2. How did you react to the news of having non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma? Were you depressed or optimistic to the effects of treatment?
    3. How did family members react to your diagnosis? Were they devastated for you or optimistic to the effects of treatment?
    4. What type of chemotherapy and radiation does your recovery process entail?
    5. How often do you have to have treatment and how extensive is it?
    6. What physical, mental and emotional aspects of your life have been affected by chemo/radiation? Side effects? Depression?
    7. How supportive are your family members and loved ones in helping you remain stable with your day-to-day life?
    8. Describe any differences between a normal day before and after being diagnosed and undergoing treatment, including daily routine, added regimens or being treated differently by family members or peers.
    9. How do you feel about the outcome of your treatment? Do you feel fearful of the future? Optimistic?
    10. How have your ideas and opinions about life changed since your diagnosis?

  8. 1. What got you into drugs in the first place?
    2. How has it affected the people you love and care for the most?
    3. Why havent you seeked help when there is so much available?
    4. On average how much money would you spend in a week on drugs?
    5. Why and if there is an answer, did you let yourself become addicted and dependent on drugs?
    6. If you don’t mind me asking do you believe the way you live is okay?
    7. If help was offered to you, would you take it?
    8. As a drug addict what stage were you? (Example: you would steal and pawn any possesions just as a way to get money for the drugs.)
    9. Whats your advice to teenagers/ adolscents that may or might be thinking of medling with drugs?
    10. If any what are the affects and downfalls being a drug addict brings? (Example: loss of friends, family, job, motivation, etc…)

    Amanda C , Period 5

  9. Sleepwalking interview questions
    1. What influenced you to become a sleep disorder doctor?
    2. What was one of your most interesting cases involving sleepwalking?
    3. About how many sleepwalking patients a year do you think your clinic sees?
    4. What do you think is the major cause for sleepwalking?
    5. What treatment do you think is the most successful for helping a patient to stop or reduce sleepwalking?
    6. Are the majority of the patients that you see in your clinic older or younger?
    7. How long have you been studying sleep disorders?
    8. In your opinion, do people usually grow out of sleepwalking?
    9. Do a lot of your patients get injured while sleepwalking?

    period 7

  10. Ryan K interveiw
    1) What is your deffiniton of a perfect illusion?
    2) Do you believe illusions are important in the real world.
    3) Why are illusions so intriguing to people?
    4) How do illusions work?
    5)Are there any illsuons in the real world that you are amaized by? If so why?
    6)Have you ever performed any illusions urself.
    7)What inspired you to research illusions?
    8)Whos your favorite illusionist? Why?
    9)Knowing how illusions work, is it hard to watch someone perform them without saying how they do it?
    10)Do you still find intrest in learning more about illusions?

  11. Cancer and its inheritance Interview Questions:
    1.What kinds of gene do we know that cause certain types of cancer?
    2.What are the chances of a mother passing on a cancerous gene?
    3.Is there anything a person could do to prevent the passing of these genes?
    4.What is it about the gene that causes cancer?
    5.What are some current beliefs that could cure cancer?
    6.What percentage of people actually take the test?
    7.What are the demographics of those types of people?
    8.If you were if that situation, would you choose to take the test?
    9.I’ve red a lot of issues with communication problems between families that have cancer, why is that?
    10.Both of my grandmothers had the same exact type of cancer and one actually passed away from it. What are the chances of my sister or myself developing that type of cancer?

    Catherine Period 1

  12. Glaucoma Interview Questions:
    1)How would you treat a patient with glaucoma?
    2)How many patients have you cured/ treated with glaucoma?
    3)How you think in the near future, individuals will suffer through glaucoma than there are now?
    4)What suggestions would you give to prevent any chances of being diagnosed?
    5)What recommended places are there to go to?
    6)What are your interests for this disorder?
    7)For others around the world that are diagnosed with glaucoma, are they able t be treated with good care compared to treatments in America?
    8)How do you know which glaucoma treatment is the right one?
    9)What challenges do people suffer through with advanced glaucoma experience?
    10)Are there activities that I need to avoid if I have glaucoma?
    11)Are there specific foods that I need to avoid?
    12)Is it correct that marijuana decreases eye pressure?

    Brittany period 1

  13. Interview Questions: Prosthetic Limbs
    1. Do you believe the coverage of prosthetic limbs offered by insurance companies is fair?
    2. How would you change it to make it better or easier for amputees to afford?
    3. At what cost do you sell prostheses?
    4. From what private companies do you buy prosthetic limbs?
    5. Are their prices fair?
    6. What types of prosthetic limbs do you sell?
    7. Do you carry products that have different ranges of products?
    8. Why does one limb or type of limb cost more than another?
    9. How many prosthetic limbs do you carry at a time?
    10. Do you feel there is a high demand for prosthetic limbs?
    Kenny period 1

  14. 1.How would you feel if you were treated badly by your husband and your in-laws?
    2.How would the women feel most of the time when they are in that kind of situation?
    3.Why doesn’t the husband say anything to his mother for treating his wife badly?
    4.Why doesn’t anyone think that women can get better education and do great things?
    5.Do you know many women that have suffered from similar situation?
    6.How do you help those women who are suffering and make better for them?
    7.How might you think that kids react in this problem?
    8.Is the problem getting worse or is the number dropping?
    9.Why doesn’t the government do anything about it, even if they have the power?
    10.Why do people always separate boys and girls, when girls can do same thing as boys?

    period 7

  15. 1.) When did you first start having symptoms? What lead you to think you might have MS?
    2.) What tests did you go through until you found that you have MS?
    3.) What symptoms do you currently have?
    4.) What treatments/medicines are you taking to treat MS?
    5.) How often do you take this medication?
    6.) Is the medication you're taking help the symptoms at all?
    7.) Does anyone in your family have MS? Friends? Family?
    8.) Which form of MS do you currently have?
    9.) What would the hardest part of having MS be?
    10.) What advice would you give someone who had just found out they have MS?

    nicole h. - p.1

  16. 1. Why do you think there are so many different opinions on what does and what doesn’t cause cancer if all the experts base their opinion off of the same scientific information?
    2. What’s your opinion on cell phones causing cancer? Microwaves? Hair dye?
    3. So far iv found that cell phones, microwaves, plastics, deodorants, and hair dyes are among some of the things around us all of the time that can cause cancer. Do you know of anything else, or of any other myths?
    4. What type of cancer do you specialize in?
    5. Are you more likely to get, for example, breast cancer from using a cell phone that you would be to get lung cancer from using the cell phone. So, in other words, are certain objects connected with certain types of cancer?
    6. Do any of these every day objects have any one common part to them that could be causing the cancer?
    7. How is it that if radiation causes cancer, we can help get rid of it by giving someone radiation treatment?
    8. When someone has cancer, is it possible to tell what caused it?
    9. If you knew for sure what the causes of cancer were, would it be easier to cure it?
    10. Have there been any advancement in finding the cure for cancer since all of these ideas about cell phones and microwaves etc causing cancer have been discovered?

    lauren a, p1

  17. Interview Questions: Down syndrome

    1.)When do people first start showing symptoms of Down syndrome?
    2.)How can doctors determine whether or not a person is going to have a child with Down syndrome?
    3.)What are the most common other health problems that go along with Down syndrome?
    4.)Can Down syndrome be inherited from another family member?
    5.)Are there any ways of preventing someone from getting Down syndrome?
    6.)Have you ever had a patient with Down syndrome, if so what were they like?
    7.)When was Down syndrome first discovered?
    8.)How do kids behave with the disease when they are little?
    9.)Approximately how many people are born with Down syndrome?
    10.)What places can people go to get help for a child with Down syndrome?

    Heather, period 1

  18. Mia Livingston

    1. What is your personal opinion on the connection between teens treated for depression with medication and their suicidal tendencies?
    2. What causes depression?
    3. What exactly causes the drugs to have a negative effect on teens?
    4. Why do the drugs only effect teens negatively, as opposed to adults or children?
    5. Is depression genetic?
    6. What do antidepressants do to the brain? How do they work?
    7. What are the ingredients in antidepressants?
    8. Are there any specific medications one should stay away from?
    9. Are there any alternatives?
    10. For your patients, do you suggest medication before or after talk-therapy is administered?

  19. Mia Livingston

    1. What is your personal opinion on the connection between teens treated for depression with medication and their suicidal tendencies?
    2. What causes depression?
    3. What exactly causes the drugs to have a negative effect on teens?
    4. Why do the drugs only effect teens negatively, as opposed to adults or children?
    5. Is depression genetic?
    6. What do antidepressants do to the brain? How do they work?
    7. What are the ingredients in antidepressants?
    8. Are there any specific medications one should stay away from?
    9. Are there any alternatives?
    10. For your patients, do you suggest medication before or after talk-therapy is administered?

  20. Q: You've been through a lot this past year - a nasty divorce from Dita Von Teese, a highly reported relationship with Evan Rachel Wood and a 20 million dollar lawsuit filed against you by a former bandmate. How you been dealing with it all?
    A: It's been a tough one to get through. It's started with finishing my record and then by no accident my bad year turned the corner a year after I wrote "If I Was Your Vampire" on Christmas morning at 6 am. I happened to be with Evan and my best friend Rudy, who's a magician who lives with me and helps me with my stage design. I was also with Twiggy after not being with him for almost seven years. I just knew that the year to come was going to be all about change and transformation. It started a couple of days ago, having played on stage again with Twiggy.

    Q: What was that moment like for you?
    A: It was as if time went backwards. We're right where we left off. The fire is back and burning in a way that I can't remember it ever being. I've aligned myself with the people who really love me and believe in me the most. We're a team - all of us. Romance, the band - all of it combined together. Now is the time to keep moving forward and to make a new record and to get things back that we had taken from us.

    Q: What impact did the separation between you and Twiggy have on both your careers?
    A: I think the separation did have its downside, both professional and personally. I think he went on to make music with other groups and I made two records that I really love without him but I think sometimes you need that separation when you've been so close to somebody. But if you're able to get back together again without the awkwardness it's a good thing. We're back to being like brothers. That's the way we've always been. I've lived with him for half my life.

    Q: What brought you and Twiggy back together again?
    A: Things happen for a reason. I was lucky. I could have waited until the current tour is over to get back together with him. But I felt like life is too short. It was fate that we ran into each other, so I felt we had to capitalize on it.

    Q: What influence if any did Evan have on your decision to reach out to Twiggy?
    A: I think she had a big influence, besides the fate part. Like I said, things happen for a reason. If I would't have run into Twiggy before the holidays I don't think I would have just decided to call him and get things back together. It didn't really cross my mind how much I missed my best friend. Although I give Evan credit for holding my hand while I walked through hell this past year, at the same time I had to really appreciate the fact that Twiggy and both still love each other as friends. The music almost comes second to the fact that we both needed each other back in our lives. Something was missing without it.

    Q: I assume you're referring to your ex-keyboardist Stephen Gregory Bier Jr. who is suing you for 20 million dollars in back pay.
    A: I'll just say there are people who are bitter about me getting my stink back and being in charge of my life. So when I read about all the people who are suing me, it just sounds very pathetic to me. You can have everything that I have if that's what is going to make you happy. But you're going to lose the one thing you can't put a price on....

    Q: Which is?
    A: My friendship. I was sold out so he could look better in the public eye. He sold me out so he could take everything that I worked for.

    Q: Are you concerned that you could lose everything you worked for?
    A: Right now, I feel like nothing can stand in my way. I'm not worried about any of it. I never really gave a shit what people think, anyway. It became unfortunate that I started to worry about that. I think that was a real sing that I was not around the right people in my life. I'm not the person who is supposed to care what people think. I'm the one who is supposed to be making people think.

    Q: Let's talk about your breakup with Dita. What influence did that period of your life on you, creatively speaking?
    A: The last record (Eat Me, Drink Me) definitely has a lot of what I was going through with every single lyric you hear. But now, I'm passed that. I'm back to being a rock 'n' roll band. I'm back to having the spirit that I began with. There's more of a wide agenda for all of us in the band. Everyone in the band has gone through personal things this year. Mine was more publicized, but everybody has gone through a lot of stuff. This next record is going to be about taking back what people robbed us of.

    Q: What do you feel were robbed of?
    A: Whether it be time or kicking us when we're down. That's why the next record is going to be very ruthless and very heavy and very violent. ...And I'm excited to make it.

    Manson Interview
    Steve Period 3

  21. 1.How do you see the role of women in the ongoing peace process?
    2.Have the rights of women been strongly advocated in Nepal?
    3.Is the situation still dismal for women in Nepal?
    4.Why Nepalese women can’t do anything’s against their husbands? Why they are so helpless?
    5.Many raised voice against child marriage but who might have time to listen such matters?
    6.What is the role of parents over to their daughter? How do daughter respond to their interest?
    7.What steps is the Nepal government taking to provide free education for all Nepali orphan/ Girls children living in the southern districts?
    8.Have you ever discrimination between boys and girls when girls can do same things as boys?
    9.Do you believe that girls should marriage at the age of 12-16 why or why not?
    10.How do you help those women who are suffering from child marriage, trafficking and many others things? How do you make better for them?
    11.Do you know anything about other country where many women suffered from similar situation as Nepal women?

    Period. 3

  22. 1. How many cases of PGD have occurred at your hospital?
    2. What specific diseases have you prevented through PGD?
    3. How do people’s ethic/religious beliefs influence their decision on PGD?
    4. Do you see PGD developing into “designer babies” in the near future?
    5. What are your opinions on the use of PGD to screen embryos for genetic disease?
    6. Have your personal religious beliefs ever influenced your decision on whether or not to do a procedure?
    7. Have you personally or Yale made any contributions to advanced fertilization techniques?
    8. Have you ever seen people protesting PGD?
    9. For what purposes have your patients used PGD?
    10. If PGD evolves into the selection of particular traits, how will you feel about it?

    Gio Per 3

  23. 1.What landmarks will we visit?
    2.What level of Spanish is required?
    3.Where will we live? In an apartment, at the University, or with a home stay family?
    4.About how many people will be going on the trip?
    5.What are the requirements to be considered for this program?
    6.What do you have to do to apply?
    7.Will there be a placement test that I have to take?
    8.How does this program compare to programs at other universities?
    9.What is there to gain from this experience?
    10.Do you hear a lot of positive feedback from students who have gone on these trips before?
    Heather, Period 7

  24. Science Behind Psychology Sample Questions

    1. Can reality be a form of consciousness?
    2. How do emotions affect our decision making?
    3. What exactly does the "hard problem" for understanding consciousness entail?
    4. Are we conscious when we dream?
    5. Can dreams be linked to the location of consciousness?
    6. Can we mentally control the emotins of others with enough understanding of how people react?
    7. Is mind control really possible?
    8. Can emotions be artificially engineered?
    9. Can you cause people to aquire memory loss?
    10. Can severe memory loss be regained with enough probing?

    James, period 5

  25. Interview questions for .." What does it mean to build Green?
    A Close look at the New Home of Yale’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies."

    Interview Questions
    1. What input have you had in the design of the Kroon Building?
    2. Have any students or other faculty members had any input with the planning?
    3. Was special permission from Yale needed to begin this project?
    4. Why is this building so important to Yale?
    5. Can you explain what makes Kroon a ”sustainable building".
    6. It is said that this new building will connect students, faculty, staff, and visitors with the natural world - why is this important and how does it differ from the design of other buildings?
    7. Why was the decision made to choose Hopkins as the lead architects rather then use a more local company such as Centerbrook?
    8. I noticed on the school’s website that the goal for the building was to reach platinum LEED rating, was the building able to reach its goal?
    9. Where were materials for this project purchased? Were they more expensive?
    10. Will the maintenance staff for this building need special training (i.e. plumbing, heating, cleaning products etc)
    11. Will this building become included in the Yale Walking Tour?
    12. The water feature appears to be a very unique system, where did the inspiration come from?
    13. Not everyone has the opportunity to reconstruct their workplace, school, home etc. to meet LEED standards, but what can one do to help the environment?
    14. What is your personal favorite feature of this particular building?

  26. 1. Do you think the drinking age show be highered or lowered?
    2. Did binge drinking affect you?
    3. Does binge drinking affect not only you but your peers?
    4. What does binge drinking cause in the future?
    5. How does binge drinking affect the brain?
    6. Does advertisment of beer increase drinking?
    7. What are thoughts on teens binge drinking?
    8. Have you ever taught at binge drinking classes, like AA classes?
    9. How can you tell when you are a serious binge drinker?
    10. Have you or Duke made any contributions for binge drinking?

    T, Period 5

  27. 10 interview Questions
    1.What is your personal opinion on the consumption of G E foods?
    2.What got you interested on the engineering of foods?
    3.Do you try to stay away from G E foods when you’re shopping at your local supermarket?
    4.How can we try to teach produce consumers the affects of G E foods?
    5.What do you think about the affects of the G E farming?
    6.Have you visited any farms that produce mass amounts of G E foods?
    7.Do you think many farmers of GE food realize their harming of the environment?
    8.Do you think that hormones should be given to beef cows to bulk up?
    9.Which type of food alteration is the most harmful and why?
    10.Do you have any other important points relating to G E foods or raising livestock that you would like to touch on?

  28. QUESTIONS for Jenny-my-mom's-friend =)

    I'm sure you're used to answering this one: what led you to become an organic farmer?

    I see you (do/do not) have a frame house in which to start young seedlings. Do you continue to use it throughout the summer (OR) Why have you decided not to invest in a frame house?

    Why did you decide to raise these varieties of hens? What attracted you about each breed?

    Let's talk about vegetables. What is the most needy vegetable on your farm? What's the most rugged?

    As a farmer, you are at the mercy of the weather. Do you ever get discouraged by early frost or too much rain? Have you ever thought about throwing in the towel? What keeps you going?

    About how many customers buy produce shares each summer? In your opinion, why is produce sharing such a beneficial system?

    Most organic farmers agree that it would benefit society if we were to go "back to the land:" that is, end the separation of cooked food and its growing process. Do you? Do you think agriculture ed. in schools is a good idea? Should it be mandatory?

    What is your opinion of the most recent Green Revolution? If oil prices go down, will we go back to our old habits, or do you think this new earth-consciousness is here to stay?

    What about the craze for organic foods? Many large companies are beginning to cash in on their popularity; some, no doubt, cut corners and obey the letter of the law while violating the spirit. Have you suffered any setbacks because of the cheaper organic produce now appearing on shelves?

    Critics of organic food often cite its price tag and its lower per-acre yields. Do you find this claim to be true? It's quality that counts, but can decentralized organic farms produce the same quantity of food as Big Agribusiness?

  29. Operating system interview questions:

    1.What operating system do you run at home?
    2.What is your opinion on Vista?
    3.What do you think is the best OS?
    4.Will you ever upgrade to Vista?
    5.Have you worked with Vista? If so, how was it?
    6.Have you worked with Linux? If so, how was it?
    7.Have you worked with Mac? If so, how was it?
    8.If you are forced to upgrade to Vista, what would you do?
    9.What do you recommend to do if people don't want Vista?
    10.What do you think is going to happen to Microsoft?

    Brendan, Period 7

  30. Azheimers questions:
    1.How does it fel to have alzheimers?
    2.Before you were diagnosed did you feel as if somehthing was wrong?
    3.Have you ever had any physical pain due to this disease?
    4. DO you feel as if it is getting worse day by day?
    5.What were the first few symptoms you expirienced?
    6.Were you ever in denial of havibng the disease?
    7.What medication do you take to slow down the disease?
    8.are there a lot of things that you struggle to remember?
    9. What else besides memory id affected?
    10.Was your in heritance of this genetic?

    andrew period 7

  31. Golf Controversies –Greg Morgan Period 7

    1. Do you believe that there is racism on some Golf Country Clubs around the U.S.?
    2. Have you ever witnessed racism on the golf course with your own eyes?
    3. Do you believe that some players in the PGA Tour have used performing enhancing drugs?
    4. Do you think that these drugs would give the golfers an edge on the sport?
    5. Do you think the PGA Tour should do random drug screening like a lot of other professional sports?
    6. Do you think that some Country Clubs show sexism to woman and do not let them become members?
    7. Do you think that many men think it as a hassle to be stuck behind woman n the golf course?
    8. Have you ever witnessed sexism to woman on the golf course?
    9. What to you think are the most common golf injuries?
    10. Have you encountered any golf injuries?

  32. 1.What is the general cost of having your baby designed?
    2.What genetic defects of the baby do you know of?
    3.What traits/characteristics can you choose for you baby?
    4.Is there a good chance that your baby would come out how you want?
    5.What’s your opinion on this issue? Do you believe it is ethical? What have other doctor’s said?
    6.What is the exact process of this?
    7.How much research has been put into this? What still needs to be searched?
    8.How many parents do you know of that have gone through this experience?
    9.Is this safe for the mother?
    10.Can this be done in your hospital/practice? If not where can this be done?
    11.Are there any long term affects for the mother or the new born?

    Ally, Period 7

  33. 1. When you were a teen how much did you drink?
    2. What type of drinking was done when you were in school?
    3. When did you realize that you were an alcoholic?
    4. What did you do to get help?
    5. What advice could you give to other young alcoholics?
    6. Do you think that teen drinking in other countries should be allowed in the US?
    7. Do you think that the drinking age should be lowered? Why or why not.
    8. Do you know of any success in AA programs?
    9. How many teen drinkers do you think become alcoholics?
    10. About how many people would you say do not return to drinking alcohol after they have become sober?
    Kelsey Durato period 7

  34. 1. When did you first learn about free running?
    2. Do you encourage other people to do it?
    3. What is your definition of free running?
    4. Do you believe free running is very dangerous?
    5. Do you know anybody who does it in the United States?
    6. How do you recommend getting started in free running?
    7. Where did you first experience free running first hand?
    8. What’s your favorite thing to do while free running?
    9. How often do you do it?
    10. What type of surroundings do you prefer to do it in?

  35. 1.Are you directly affected by the high prices of fuel?
    2.How often you buy gas at the gas station?
    3.About how much money do you spend on gas a year?
    4.Have you changed your lifestyle at all since gas has been so expensive?
    5.What aspects have you changed in you life because of high gas prices?
    6.Did you ever expect such a huge increase in gas prices?
    7.Do you ever think that gas prices will get lower?
    8.Do you think we will ever drill into Alaska? When will we?
    9.Do you know how much oil is buried under Alaska?
    10.Have you ever been affected by the stupid amount of tax put on diesel fuel?

    austin p.8

  36. 1. How many percent of the elderly go on life support?
    2. Why do so many elders go on life support?
    3. How does it feel like being on life support, do you feel anything?
    4. What is the most common reason people go on life support?
    5. Is there a special feild that doctors study to become specialists in tube feeding?
    6. Are there different types of states of living when people are on life support?
    7. Why was Terri Schavio's tube feeding taken to court?
    8. What is the average time that someone goes living on the tube feeding?
    9. What type of food is given to the patients?
    10. How do patients stay in shape while they are on the life support?

  37. Pam D. - Interview Questions:
    1. What advice is given to patients that are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease?
    2. What are symptoms in the first year with the disease?
    3. What is there for treatments to help the symptoms of the disease?
    4. What are the symptoms once a few years have passed with the disease?
    5. What Causes Parkinson's disease?
    6. Is the disease hereditary, if so how?
    7. How the patients deal with the stress?
    8. How many people a year are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease?
    9. What is the cost for treatment and etc. for PD?
    10. Why is it so hard for doctors to find a cure for this disease?

    Julie DeLucia
    Period 1

  38. 1.How long have you been researching stem cells?
    2.What made you interested in research them?
    3.What type of test do you run on stem cells?
    4.How many people have you treated?
    5.Can stem cells cure Spina Bifida?
    6.Have you had any cases of patients with Spina Bifida?
    7.Working with them what are your beliefs on using an embryo?
    8.Do you get frustrated that the government gives stem cells a bad name?
    9.Is it expensive to use stem cells?
    10.What do you think stem cells can be capable of in the future?

    Jessica per 7

  39. 1. Since you are a teacher and you cannot really put your own sincere opinions into teaching, how would you go about teaching Evolution versus Intelligent Design?
    2. If you could teach in whichever way you wanted, would there be a different way you look at Intelligent Design and Evolution.
    3. What are your feelings on Evolution?
    4. What are your feelings on Intelligent Design?
    5. How do you feel these two subjects should be taught in school? Should they teach one and not the other? Or should they just completely go around the subject?
    6. If the Scopes Monkey Trial hadn’t happened, would that have an impact on evolution and its findings?
    7. Evolution has been proved more than Intelligent Design, do you think that means that Intelligent Design never occurred? Does evolution conclude that there is no God?
    8. How do evolution and religion collide?
    9. In your opinion, how do you think someone could prove that Intelligent Design really had happened?
    10. Do you think Charles Darwin and his theories are legitimate, or can there be any proof that all of his findings are incorrect and evolution had never happened?

    C. Modica p1

  40. Interview Questions:
    1.How did you come to your decision on becoming a police officer?
    2.What is the hardest part of your job?
    3.What are the differences in city police officers and town police officers? ie: woodbridge
    4.Was there somthing else you wanted to do in life?
    5.Who influenced you in deciding on becoming a police officer?
    6.Would you rather work in a city as a police officer?
    7.What do you enjoy most about your job?
    8.What do you fell is the most dangerous part of your job?
    9.Do you think police officers should be trained for more self controll in the streets?
    10.What was you experience like in becoming a polce officer?
    Alec period-1

  41. Interview questions for immortality

    1.What made you interested in immortality?
    2.When did you start to study it?
    3.What was the reaction of the people who found out that you were studying this?
    4.Did anyone in your family study it before you? Dad? Mom?
    5.What was your motivation behind finding immortality?
    6.What do you still need and want to figure out about it?
    7.Is your whole life devoted to your research?
    8.How much research have you done?
    9.Do you wish you could have immortality yourself?
    10. Do you work with a whole team of people researching?

    molly, period 7

  42. Interview Questions:

    1) Who is responsible for the price of oil?
    2) Why are the prices over 4 dollars a gallon now a days when they used to be about 2 dollars a gallon?
    3) Do we in the US have any control over the gas prices?
    4) How is flexi fuel used?
    5) What is a hybrid car and how are the prices with them, is it better than a gas car?
    6) Has gas usage go on due to the prices being soo high?
    7) How long will this trend last?
    8)Have we exhausted all of our gas improting options?
    9) When was the last time gas prices were this high in history, or if ever?
    10) Has mass transportion increased?

    Courtney Period 3

  43. Global warming questions

    1. What do you believe the status of global warming is today?
    2. What is the main cause of global warming, and can we eliminate this cause?
    3. In what ways can people help decrease global warming?
    4. What do you think will happen in the next ten years if global warming continues?
    5. Will there be massive amounts of natural disaster if nothing is done to intervene global warming?
    6. How can more people become informed about global warming?
    7. Why do some people believe it is not real or happening now?
    8. Do the continuously rising gas prices link to global warming in anyway?
    9. What special vehicles are being made to reduce emissions, and why are they so expensive if they are helping the environment?
    10. How are environmental agencies taking action in the fight against global warming?

    Krista per. 1

  44. Interviewing someone of “traditional” Christian Faith:
    1. When/how where you first introduced to your religion, did you join it immediately? Or was there some deliberation?
    2. What do you feel made you join your religion?
    3. What are your views on modern day issues that many people associate the Christian Religion to be prohibiting advancement? Examples: Abortion, Stem Cell Research, Gay Marriage.
    4a. (If the answers are pro). In that case, do you feel that the idea that Christians, and Christianity prohibiting advancement is a bias?
    4b. (if the answers are against). Do you feel that Christians are prohibiting advancement then?
    5. Do you feel it is necessary to take everything the bible says literally?
    6. Where would you rank Religion in your life?
    7. Have you ever gotten into an argument about your faith with someone not of religion? With who? What about?
    8. Do you feel you should impose your religious beliefs on others?
    9. Why or why not?
    10. Have you ever doubted the accuracy of your religion or whether you’re right about God?

    ~Dan A Period 1

  45. 1. What are the advanatages of hydrogen cars?
    2. Are there any negatives to hydrogen cars?
    3. When are hydrgoen cars going to be on the market?
    4. Are hydrogen cars the cars of the future?
    5. How much is the hydrogen going to be to fill the car?
    6. How many hydrogen cars are on the road now?
    7. How long before hydrogen cars take over gasoline powered cars?
    8. Will these cars reduce the price of gasoline?
    9. Are hydrogen cars hard to produce?
    10. Are hydrogen cars going to be expensive?

    Jake Cudgma, Period 1

  46. Interview Questions:

    1. Have you ever diagnosed a patient/ patients with an eating disorder? If so how did you go about beginning treatment? Did the patient recover?
    2. Why do most insurance companies only cover rehabilitation for a short period of time?
    3. About how much is rehabilitation after insurance stops coverage?
    4. Are there many rehabilitation facilities in Connecticut? Branford?
    5. What are the long-term medical and emotional consequences?
    6. Is an eating disorder hereditary?
    7. Why can such a serious illness go unnoticed by parents, friends, and teachers?
    8. Are there support groups that people with this problem could go to?

    danielle p.1

  47. Interview Questions
    1. What advice do you generally give patients about Cerebral Palsy?
    2. Have you ever done surgery on a person who has had cerebral palsy? What happened? What did you do it for? Is it a simple procedure?
    3. What kind of research are you doing on cerebral palsy? How do you think this research will lower the risk of the lives of people diagnosed with cerebral palsy?
    4. Does blood type play a huge role in people diagnosed with cerebral palsy? If so, is it possible for someone within the same family tree who is not diagnosed to give blood? Will it help lower the risk of that person’s life?
    5. Is it possible for a person diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy to have children? If so, will the baby develop cerebral palsy? What other health risks does the baby have, if any?
    6. As you know, Cerebral Palsy is a life-changing disease. When diagnosing a patient, infant or adult, what are some of the reactions you’ve seen from upset parents or family members?
    7. If you don’t mind me asking, have you ever been faced with a situation where a friend or a family member has been diagnosed? If so, how did that affect you? What were your feelings, and if you haven’t been faced with a situation like this, then what would you do?
    8. Even though there is no cure (yet) for Cerebral Palsy, what other conditions of cerebral palsy occurs that are curable?
    9. How do doctors diagnose patients with Cerebral Palsy? What tests take place?
    10. What drugs can be used to treat cerebral palsy for patients with severe CB? Patients with mild CB?

    Camille Lavache, Period 1

  48. Interview Questions
    1. What is the average age when underage drinking starts?
    2. How do you think teens get into underage drinking
    3. Can it be genetic like alcoholism?
    4. What are the chances that in the future excessive underage drinking can lead to alcoholism?
    5. Why do you believe binge drinking is the most common amongst underage drinkers?
    6. What it your opinion on why teens start drinking so young?
    7. Does the transition to highschool have an effect on whether someone chooses to drink or wait til they are 21?
    8. Since drinking effects your bain, judgement etc. does it have an effect on their academics?
    9. In your opinion, do you think it is wrong that teens may have one drink with a meal?
    10. Why do teens believe everything is better if your drunk?

  49. 1) Does the war have a major effect on our gas prices?
    2) What are some things people of the community can do to lower gas prices, if anything.
    3) How do you feel about gas prices?
    4) Is your company considering anything that may lower the prices of gas?
    5) Does competition between gas stations have any effect on prices of gas? Are we being ripped off?
    6) Are Hybrid cars really better on gas?
    7) With summer approaching, how will the nice weather and more traveling effect gas prices?
    8) From your experience, do you notice that President Bush has anything to do with this major increase?
    9) Why do gas prices differ from region to region or state to state?
    10) Is their relief in the future!? Will gas prices ever go down?
    Sarah Period 5

  50. 10 Interview Questions:
    1) How did you first become interested in researching mirror neurons?
    2) Do you think that in the future, scientists will figure out how to use mirror neurons to help the a mass amount of people to learn languages, would we need to be with people who speak that language to see them, and understand their motions and lifestyle, or will they make it so you can learn by yourself?
    3) Do you think mirror neurons should be manipulated to be used in human intelligence?
    4) Do you think that mirror neurons are the missing link in creating robots, that with them, they will be able to catch on to our actions and learn without humans, if so do you agree with this, would you want that for future generations?
    5) What scientists if any have you worked with in researching mirror neurons?
    6) Have you personally researched someone with autism whose mirror neurons didn’t work correctly?
    7) Do you think in the future scientists will learn to manipulate mirror neurons or use information about them to help socially challenged people learn how to interact with the rest of the population?
    8) Do you think recent technology, television, cell phones, computers are affecting our mirror neurons; do we get so distracted by make believe emotions, or acted emotions on television, that we forget how to interact with the people right in front of us?
    9) Do you believe learning all the components of mirror neurons will help or hurt human nature and our social lives?
    10) Would you use your research to help people with autism, how would you use information about them to find a cure for autism?
    11) Do you think how children are brought up by their families have a big effect on mirror neurons, if children are taught to listen to what others really say rather than ignore someone and show greater respect and empathy, or is it in our genetics? Are we just respectful by nature or our brains just can’t stand to listen to someone for too long, they can’t concentrate, can you train someone who seems non sympathetic to show empathy?
    Rachael p-5

  51. Golf Controversies 2 –Greg Morgan Period 7
    1. Do you believe that there is racism on some Golf Country Clubs around the U.S.?
    2. Have you ever witnessed racism on the golf course with your own eyes?
    3. Do you believe that some players in the PGA Tour have used performing enhancing drugs?
    4. Do you think that these drugs would give the golfers an edge on the sport?
    5. Do you think the PGA Tour should do random drug screening like a lot of other professional sports?
    6. Do you think that some Country Clubs show sexism to woman and do not let them become members?
    7. Do you think that many men think it as a hassle to be stuck behind woman n the golf course?
    8. Have you ever witnessed sexism to woman on the golf course?
    9. Do you believe that a simple prescription pill could really shave strokes off you golf game?
    10. If they pill is proven to make you more calm and shave strokes off your golf game, do you think the PGA TOUR Should allow it?

  52. 1. What does it take to be a general manager?
    2 How long do you need to train to be a General Manager?
    3 Do you need to train for this job as a general manager?
    4 Did you need to play baseball in order to be a manager?
    5 Who picks the General Manager for baseball?
    6 How much do you get paid?
    7 When do you get paid weekly, monthly, or yearly?
    8 How long to you have to be at the field for?
    9. Do you have to go every where the team goes?
    10 What is your name and did you ever play baseball?

  53. Skyler P.8
    1.) Is there any spots around new haven or branford that i can legally paint graffiti?
    2.) How much will all of the paint i need to use cost?
    3.) How much paint will i need to buy?
    4.) What are the steps to painting a good peice?
    5.) What are the best caps to use for a peice?
    6.) How big should i make the peice?
    7.) What are the best colors to blend together to make it stand out?
    8.) What are the consequences of being caught painting illegal graffiti?
    9.) What inspired you to start painting graffiti?
    10.) What is your favorite aspect of painting graffiti?

  54. Genetically Modified Foods
    Questions for the Hain Celestial Group:
    1. Why did you decide to advertise on your product the fact that it is made with no genetically engineered ingredients?
    2. Do you feel this initiative has affected your sales?
    3. Do you feel this has affected your production costs?
    4. Where did the idea of not using genetically modified ingredients stem from?
    5. What are your company's personal beliefs on the subject?
    6. Do you feel the foods are harmful to the environment or pose health concerns?
    7. How do you regulate the process of keeping your foods GM free?
    8. Do you conduct tests on the foods to ensure the suppliers are providing GM free crop?
    9. Do you grow any crop yourself or is it just supplied through independent farmers?
    10. Would you ever in the future consider using genetically modified ingredients if it became any only option or if it was deemed more safe?

    -Alexa Sanna, Period 7

  55. Interview Questions for my Coach

    1. Have you seen a big difference over the years in the number of injuries occurring?
    2. When you had your accident, what came to mind?
    3. What did the people around you do to help you at that moment?
    4. Have you experienced someone on your own squad get severely injured?
    5. What is the best thing you can do to help if something goes wrong while you are present?
    6. How much more competitive has the sport become since you were on a squad?
    7. What do you think is the most common injury that occurs in cheerleading?
    8. Why do you think cheerleading has become so much more dangerous?
    9. Are there any stunts that you have us do now that weren’t done about 10 years ago?
    10. Are you ever nervous about what can go wrong when we try elite stunts?

    Amy Rustemeyer
    Period 7

  56. Parkinson's Disease Interview Questions:

    1. At what age is it common to be diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease?
    2. Why Is this disease more common in males than females?
    3. When was this disease discovered?
    4. Was the disease first found in a male or a female?
    5. How much medicine do you have to take everyday if diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease?
    6. What type of medication do you have to take for Parkinson’s disease?
    7. How much does the medicine cost?
    8. How fast does this disease get worse?
    9. What signs show you that you may have this disease?
    10. Have a lot of scientists tried to find a cure?

    Abby K. per.7

  57. Interview Questions for my Coach

    1. Have you seen a big difference over the years in the number of injuries occurring?
    2. When you had your accident, what came to mind?
    3. What did the people around you do to help you at that moment?
    4. Have you experienced someone on your own squad get severely injured?
    5. What is the best thing you can do to help if something goes wrong while you are present?
    6. How much more competitive has the sport become since you were on a squad?
    7. What do you think is the most common injury that occurs in cheerleading?
    8. Why do you think cheerleading has become so much more dangerous?
    9. Are there any stunts that you have us do now that weren’t done about 10 years ago?
    10. Are you ever nervous about what can go wrong when we try elite stunts?

    Period 7

  58. 1) What are other names for the sixth sense?
    2) Who was the first scientist that researched this and when was it?
    3) Is there such thing as a sixth sense? what are some evidence for and against it?
    4) Does everyone have a sixth sense?
    5) Are we born with it or do you develop one later in life?
    6) Can you exercise your sixth sense? how?
    7) Why do we have a sixth sense?
    8) What are some significant experiments that scientists have done that make them believe that there is such a sense?
    9) Should the sixth sense be considered as a liability or an asset?
    10) How many reports have there been about people thinking that they used their sixth sense?

    Period 7
