1. Read the article. Consider the author's tone, structure of the article, validity of evidence, persuasive techniques, and your personal reaction.
2. Please add an intelligent comment (minimum 3 sentences) in response to the linked article from the NY Times. Be sure to reference specifics from the article.3. Optional: Comment on a classmates post in a second post (minimum 3 sentences)
*Use only your first name, last initial and class period.
George Hartlin P.7
ReplyDeleteI believe that the electronic cigarette companies shouldn't be blamed for the increase of e-cigarette smokers but, the sales people who don't take the time to check if these students are of age or not. By law every smoker is to be of 18 years or older to purchase any cigarettes or smoking devises. So we as people should ask are selves who is really to blame the company or the people or places that sell the e-cigarettes to these under age students without checking for ID? Maybe if more people took the time to find out if their local gas stations or corner stores were following the need laws to distribute the e-cigarette products just maybe we might stop this increasing problem. Everyone in this world is out to make money one way or another so in my opinion we need to look at the sales people of this product not the creators or distributors. In conclusion, we as a nation should take more time to see if our local establishments are following the legal rules of products distribution and age required for purchase.
Cassie Vaccaro-
DeleteGeorge I agree with you that the cigarette companies shouldn't be blamed for the use of e-cig smokers. I also think that you made some great points about e-cigarettes. I also agree with what you said about taking more time to see about our local establishments. Good work!!
Taylor Miller
ReplyDeletePeriod 7
In my opinion, I think that just because some teens smoke e cigarettes, doesn't mean that they will turn to regular cigarettes. There should be a age limit just like regular cigarettes if people are worried about lung cancer. In the article it states, "These products are not approved by the FDA as smoking cessation devices," said society spokesman Gary Ewart. Because they aren't approved, we don't know for sure if it can cause lung cancer. If people are so worried about teens having e cigarettes then there should be an age limit or something to restrict teenagers from having it. "Kids aren't supposed to be buying any tobacco product," Kiklas said. It is is for some people to get access of tobacco products but we should still put an age limit on e cigarettes. E cigarettes are just an upgraded version like the candy cigarettes everyone pretended to smoke as kids. If having e cigarettes is such a problem, then people should do something about it. Changing the age limit is an idea.
Conor Duffy-
DeleteTaylor I agree with you that e-cigarettes should have an age restriction. But I do disagree that you said,” I think that just because some teens smoke e cigarettes, doesn't mean that they will turn to regular cigarettes.” Depending on the person, it can go two ways. It could become a gateway leading students to do other things. The other way is that students can just stick with the e-cig and won’t do anything else. But I do think that there should be an age limit like you stated.
I believe that the FDA should gain jurisdiction over e cigarettes. Although it is said in the article that there isn't proof that smoking e cigarettes will lead all kids to smoking actual cigarettes, it is still a tobacco product which can be harmful to kids. If the FDA gained control over e cigarettes then it would reduce the amount of kids that become addicted to tobacco products along with the frequency that they are observed in school settings.
ReplyDeleteCasey R. Period 8
I personally do think that smoking e cigarettes may eventually lead to kids smoking actual cigarettes. If someone starts smoking an e cigarette, they might possibly like how it makes them feel or like the way it tastes. If they enjoy smoking the e cigarette, it could result in a person trying an actual cigarette in hopes that they feel the same way when they smoke the e cig. In the article it mentioned' "Electronic cigarettes contain the addictive chemical nicotine and traces of cancer-causing compounds called nitrosamines." If this is the case, both types of cigarettes cause danger to one and can be unhealthy.
ReplyDeleteMarissa per:8
I think that the FDA should take control of e cigarettes. Although I do not believe e cigarettes will cause kids to smoke regular cigarettes they still contain nicotine which is highly addictive. The article states that e cigarettes can cause problems with nicotine addiction later on in life. I also believe that retailers that sell e cigarettes should be more careful and make sure that the person they are selling to is over the age of 18. The article says that about 1.78 million kids use e cigarettes, so something should be done quickly to stop the problem from getting worse.
ReplyDeleteJulia k Per 8
I believe that electronic cigarettes should be regulated by the FDA before they become a bigger concern. In the article, it states, "Electronic cigarettes contain the addictive chemical nicotine and traces of cancer-causing compounds called nitrosamines." Although it is said that these devices have not been fully studied, e cigarettes should not be allowed to be used by kids and an age limit should be set to avoid the percentage of children using them to increase anymore than it already has. In conclusion, I do not believe that e cigarettes could cause someone to smoke regular cigarettes, however, they are still a concern and can cause harm to one's health.
ReplyDeleteHarjot B.Per 8
Stephanie Durso
Though the article does state that many teens are now using e cigarettes I don't think that means that it will lead them to start smoking regular cigarettes. I think if someone is going to smoke they will smoke regardless of using e cigarettes. Also in the article it explains how the market for e cigarettes are geared towards younger people. Stating that if you make flavors appealing then young people will try it. In my opinion though I think that the production and distribution of the e cigarettes should be monitored more. Though like anything they can not control completely who uses this product. But the company can't control what people do and how it affects them. One person could use e cigarettes and start smoking and another person can not it depends on the person. So it would be more effective if each person judged the odds of using the product.
I strongly disagree with what this article is saying. When buying an e cigarette, you are able to get an e cigarette without nicotine. With this option it takes away the concern of people who haven't smoked cigarettes before of of getting addicted to the nicotine in the e cigarettes. E cigarettes are mainly for people who want to quit smoking like it said in the article. If people want to get nicotine in their e cigs, and they aren't trying to quit smoking, they are the ones taking the risk of becoming addicted to nicotine. Overall I don't believe e cigarettes are bad however they are beneficial and may help save many lives.
ReplyDeleteOwen K per 8
Conor Duffy-
ReplyDeleteI believe the e -cigarettes should have an age restriction, like 18. Students shouldn't be using them under the age. When your 18 you’re a legal adult so you can do whatever you want. But there is no reason that students should be doing it. Students do it because of peer pressure, there friends are doing it, and students technically think that it’s a cool thing to do. In my opinion, the e-cigarette can be a gateway drug. It says that if I can do an e- cigarette, then I can smoke a real cigarette or something else. So I truly believe that there should be an age restriction on the e-cigarette for younger students.
Electronic cigarettes are simply not a problem in our society as they pose little or no health problems. People say they are targeted towards children which is simply false, first of all you have to be 18 years of age and the flavors that are "for children" as described in a quote, are bought by the adults that are legally allowed to purchase e-cigs. Also, people that suffer from chronic cigarette smoking get relieved to be able to smoke something that satisfies their needs without killing themselves.
ReplyDeleteJonathan B
ReplyDeleteI believe e- cigarettes shouldn't be used by kids or teens. Like in the article, it said "In addition, e-cigarettes are sold with cartridges that give them enticing flavors such as mint or chocolate, and health advocates fear they have the potential to turn teens on to regular cigarettes." Teens and kids shouldn't be using e-cigs. They were made to help the actual people who smoke real cigarettes. Not for kids to be "cool".
I do not believe that teens in high school or in middle school should use the e-cigarettes. because they contain nicotine that can be very addicting and bad for the body. One of my friends has an e-cigarette with no nicotine to start out with then he started to have more and more nicotine put in the mixture and now he is addicted to the nicotine. I am worried that he will start using actual cigarettes so i am trying to get him to stop but the nicotine is so addicting that he cannot stop using the e-cigarettes.
ReplyDeleteCassie Vaccaro P;7
ReplyDeleteI don't think that teens in any high school or middle school should use e-cigarettes. But, at the same time i do. For example, what if you/ someone else in highschool is really addicted to smoking. Which, in this decade and society a lot of students get involved in all that junk. I believe that if they seriously have an addiction, that they should be able to have it, but i believe in a way your doctor should advise you to get a e-cig. A lot of students say they want them really bad, because they have "flavor" but you shouldn't get them just to have them, you should only use them if you really NEED them, not for play use. For example, in the article; it says; "e-cigarettes are sold with cartridges that give them enticing flavors such as mint or chocolate, and health advocates fear they have the potential to turn teens on to regular cigarettes." This quote is wrong i think because, it is a fact that e-cig's don't all have nicotine in them, and they can have only water vapor. Like i said before, you should ONLY use e-cigarettes if you have a real issue and addiction to smoking regular cigarettes. It is also a fact that they don't cause any health problems. I am on the fence about this, I am some what for it, but some what against it, and i agree with some parts of the article, and some i don't agree with. Once you're hooked on smoking, what can you really do for yourself? E-cig's can help you quit. But, one thing i don't think should allowed is smoking them in school, that could be a hazard for other students i believe.
Richard Pietruszka
ReplyDeletePeriod 7
Now i can careless wheather or not people smoke it doesnt matter to me but, I understand why people use the "E-Cigs" its to overcome smoking real cigarettes because they give cancer and attack your lungs. But E-Cigs arent the greatest thing for your body either. They aren't exactley good for you because they contain nicotine. Another thing i come to notice about E-Cigs is that people use them as an accessory which i find annoying. I find it annoying because the kids are using E-Cigs that contain nicotine because they thinks its ''Cool". But overall i think E-cigs if used the right way was a good invention and good contributor to the families of heavy smokers who want to stay healthy because of the bad choice they made.
I believe that the FDA should have better control over E cigarettes. Because this product is so new, we don't know the harmful things it can contain. Many high school and even middle school kids are using them and it could be hazardous. Kids shouldn't even be smoking until they're 18. I've heard that people are using them in place of regular cigarettes because they're "not as bad". But we don't really know that. Most of them still contain nicotine. The companies shouldn't be blamed for kids using them, but somehow kids are getting hold of these e cigs and it needs to be controlled.
ReplyDeleteAmy Borkowski- period 8
I dont think that this is such an issue because e ciggaretes are a much better alternative to ciggaretes. Not only do they leave out all the carcinogens, but they also provide with an option of adding nicotine to the vapor or not. What could be bad about it if theres no nicotine. Probably nothing but they should do further research on it to ensure the safety of our youth
ReplyDeleteJack Murray Period 8
I think that the FDA should have more control of e cigarettes. Although there is an age restriction on them minors are still getting a hold of them so some businesses or stores must be selling them to young teens. Also, we still don't know all of the harmful effects that can be in the e cigarettes. I think more research should be done so we know all of the effects, harmful or not, then they can be judged more accurately. The e cigarettes also come without nicotine so its not like of someone gets an e cigarette that it automatically comes with nicotine. The teens have a choice, But, overall i think the FDA should have more control over the e cigarettes.
ReplyDeleteNick T. Per 8
I think that the FDA should have more control of the e cigarettes. I think this because there are already a bunch of people smoking e cigarettes and that sooner or later they will start to smoke real cigarettes. Even though there is an age restriction, the minors are still capable to get hold of them, so I think the FDA should be more strict on the businesses and stores they hand them out to. Because sooner or later these minors will be smoking actual cigarettes instead of e cigarettes.
ReplyDeleteKarisma Patel
Period 7