Sunday, December 02, 2012

Extra Credit-Post your comments after viewing the play this Thursday, Friday or Saturday!

DARK OF THE MOON is a fantasy that takes place in Appalachia -- the Smoky Mountains.  It is kind of an American "ROMEO AND JULIET.  John is a witch who falls in love with a human girl, Barbara Allen, and gets changed into a human so he can marry her.  The Townspeople are suspicious of his powers and jealous of the couple's happiness; a former lover of Barbara is especially hateful, and ultimately he and the Townspeople succeed in destroying them.

Poem(s) of the Week

This weeks poems are Ballads. A ballad is a lively storytelling form of poetry. The most basic ballad stanza consists of alternating 4-beat and 3-beat lines, with the second line rhyming with the fourth. In Scarlet Town, where I was born, There was a fair maid dwellin' Made every lad cry wellaway, And her name was Barbara Allen. The traditional ballad stanza has four lines, alternating between four iambic beats (da-DUM, da-DUM, da-DUM, da-DUM), and three beats (da-DUM, da-DUM, da-DUM) per line. The second and fourth lines rhyme. (In older English, "Allen" was pronounced "Ellen," so the second and fourth lines of the first example would have rhymed for the original singers. Many poets utilize variations of this format. The Fall Play (this Thursday, Friday and Saturday) makes use of several ballads: The actors will be are singing "Barbara Allen," "Omie Wise," and "Smoky Mountain Gal," as well as several old favorite hymns from the American tradition. "Barbara Allen": "Omie Wise": Think of current events to write historical ballads or consider real-life drama to write a "tabloid ballad."Please post your poem by Friday.