Thursday, May 17, 2012

"A Good Man is Hard to Find"- Flannery O'Connor


  1. "A Good Man is Hard to Find" is a rather chilling story. I feel like the grandmother's constant claims of how the past was so different and everyone was a lot friendlier seemed to amplify how gruesome the ending of the story was. The title is certainly true; a good man is hard to find, especially since times have changed and violence is becoming more and more prevalent in our society.

    Is The Misfit an accurate representation of someone in society today?

    Alessandra M.
    Per. 4

  2. I think that this story has a lot to do with the fact that things today are not what they had been in the past. Today, you can no longer have the trust and faith in others, which had been previously possible. An example of this would be when the man allows his customers to pay for gas on credit, yet he soon realizes they took advantage of him. Also, the grandmother glorifies the past and the old plantation, thus leading to the end of the whole family. She doesn't understand that with times places, people, and even society change as a whole. You can't control the changes because in today's world people aren't the honest and good souls like the man at the rest stop.

    What do you think the Misfit's true reasoning for killing the family is?

    Jessica Teulings
    Period 4

  3. This story is an examlpe of how things in society have changed. The mistrust in others in general is a coninuting theme throughout this story. Today you cant have the trust in someone like you could in the past. like in the story when the man says that he let the comstumers pay for gas on his credit, he thought he could trust them, but in the end he realized that he couldnt. violence in our society today is much more worse than it was in the past.

    Do you think the Misfit's attitude changed when the Grandmother told him to pray to God? How do you think he felt after killing the Grandmother?

    Erica Celentano
    Period 4

  4. I think this story was more interesting then some of the others read. The main point of the story, which is mentioned many times throughout the passage, is how much times have changed. Everything has and the grandmother doesn't realize that society has completely changed and is nothing like it was back then. The title exemplifies what the story is trying to show.In the world today people are less honest and reliable then before.

    Do you think there are a lot of people like "The Misfit" in the world today?

    Kayleen Kessler
    Period 4

  5. This was a morbid story. It was ironic how the grandmother had once said that, "a good man is hard to find," but ends up forcing herself to believe that there was some good left in the Misfit, in hopes that he would spare her life.

    Can a person's morality be simply black or white?

    Period 1

  6. This story, "A Good Man is Hard to Find", by Flannery O'Connor, focuses on the changes in society over time. In today's society, it is nearly impossible to find a single person you can put all your trust in. Environments evolve, along with the people in them. In this exerpt, the grandmother has not had experience in this new world. The author also does a nice job of incorporating irony into his story, as Sidney previously stated, the grandmother continually says, "A good man is hard to find" yet she believes there is still "good" in The Misfit.

    Mrs Baker are you trying to send us a message through these stories?

    Tyler King
    Period 1

  7. Ironically, the grandmother represented the innocence in this story. Back in her time, people could trust and be respectful of one another. There wasn’t a need for any hatred or suspicion. Even when she was worried about seeing The Misfit in the beginning of the story she took it lightly and continued to go with the family on their trip. She saw the best in people and wasn’t willing to accept that a person could be truly bad. While the story does carry the theme of how “a good man is hard to find,” it’s not entirely true if you put in some effort. Every human being has something in themselves that’s redeeming and good. A simple conversation can open up many new pathways into a person’s thinking and motivation. Everybody has a reason for being who they are, and whether it’s big or small, there is goodness in men.

    What is The Misfit’s motivation in killing people?

    Kelly Du
    Period 1

  8. I had difficulties reading this story as I felt I knew what was coming. The morbid outcome and ironic twists in this story were eerie and very telling of human nature.

    What did the grandmother mean by "You are one of my children?"

    Period 1

  9. This story was very depressing and forced me to face a harsh reality. Now, a good man is hard to find. You can not put as much trust in people as we could back in the day. This story also shows how naive people can be. The grandmother failed to see the bad in the Misfit. On the other hand, maybe the grandmother refused to see the bad in people and only wanted to see the good. Unfortunately, there are too many people in this society that take advantage of people like the grandmother in this story.

    Why do you think some people refuse to see the bad in some people?
    -Ashley Murphy
    Period 4

  10. I thought that it was very unlikely that the grandma warned the family of this criminal and then they all get killed by the same criminal. However it does bring up some good points about our society. I don't think that there werent some people like the Misfit in past generations, but I think that people are less trust worthy and kind. It seems people have become more self centered and want whats good for themselves.

    What did the misfit even get out of killing these innocent people? Was he just a psycho or was there more too it?

    emily mccoll
    period four

  11. The character of the Misfit captivated me as I read this short story. I have always been fascinated with characters who were once good, but have broken mentally due to serious corruption within their lives; the Misfit is a stellar example of someone who truly seemed to have been a normal and happy man before spiraling down the wrong path within and outside of his own grasp and becoming a ruthless, but ultimately confused, being. This short story emphasizes the idea of the permanent staining of a once-pure heart by lies, betrayals, false accusations, and the constant aggression of a merciless, unforgiving society.

    How much corruption, deception, and injustice can a human's mind and heart withstand before a he or she becomes a misanthrope ?

    - Zhanneta.
    Period 1.

  12. I think the title speaks itself for the story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find”. Everyone thinks about their own, no one cares about other people, everyone is selfish in one way or other-some want to be rich, some wants to be powerful, in this story the misfits wanted to be free from the crime they never had committed by committing the crimes because they thought “…the crime don't matter. You can do one thing or you can do another, kill a man or take a tire off his car, because sooner or later you're going to forget what it was you done and just be punished for it." This line was very interesting, does this mean that every types of crime is equal is the eyes of law and they will be punished equally the level of their crime doesn’t matter at all? The Misfit wanted to know what was the real reason they went to the prison for, I’m also very curious about it. And why did the grandma said that they were good men, only because she wanted the Misfit’s to spare her and her families’ life, or did she really mean it that they were really good man?

    What is the definition of a good man? Was the Misfit innocent or guilty?

    Shila Rajbahak
    Per 1

  13. When I started reading this story I thought it was going to show how times has changed and children have become more disrespectful of their elders base on quotes like those "A good man is hard to find," Red Sammy said. "Everything is getting terrible. I remember the day you could go off and leave your screen door unlatched. Not no more.” But I was wrong. I don’t believe someone in their right mind could become as bad as the Misfit even if it was due to betrayals, false accusations, and the constant aggression of a merciless, unforgiving society. Being bad would be the were to take revenge on the people and this will show how wake heart they were from the beginning.
    So what is the point of the all story?

    sandrine amin

  14. To me I took this gut-wrenching story to be an example of how some people just aren't meant to fit in. The Misfit did not fit in with his brothers and sisters because as his daddy put it he asked questions. He is not someone who can just live their life not knowing. He is different. Even among his band of marauders he is not the same. Near the end of the story Bobby Lee expresses how fun it is to shoot somebody, however the Misfit disagrees saying that "It's no real pleasure in life." The Misfit had enough self-awareness to ask questions in life whereas a majority of people can go through life without seeking higher answers, that is the origin of his name. Despite his crimes it could serve us all well to ask a few deeper level questions, just as long as no one gets killed.

    Steve Perrotti
    Period 4

  15. This was a creepy and bone chilling story. The misfit reminds me of a person who became to smart for his own good. He asked to many of the wrong questions and ended up with a twisted and torn mind. There are certain certainties in life that are better left uncovered. The misfit got to lost in the demons of life and could no longer look at the goodness of mankind. I also believe the misfit is much different than his fellow criminals. While his friends have a much simpler view on killing and other sins. While the misfit has an almost philosophical view on his sins and even religion in general. The misfit is looking for his place in this world and answers to his twisted question.

    What/Who defines a good man?

    Daniel Borrus
    Period 4

  16. This was the most ridiculous essay that I have ever read. I can't believe what just happened, the story starts off so simple minded and so easy, however ends with a gruesome murder of an entire family. I mean I guess the story is good because of how original the idea is, and the one thing that I liked is the character of the Misfit. From the beginning when the grandmother mentions the name of the misfit, we as the reader can assume that it will play a bigger role in the story and eventually show up somewhere. I like how in the end, the Grandmother is so naive to what is really going on and kind of is living in denial. Then in the last scene or so she realizes that he is killing everyone she loves and there is no point of rationalizing with him, its rather comical. All and all, I enjoyed this story, but at the same time am a little concerned for Mrs. Baker's Health.

    Edgar Ortiz
    Period 1

  17. Why does the mother believe jesus will save her, when the misfit has clearly demonstrated jesus doesn't matter?

    Edgar Ortiz
    Period 1

  18. This was the weirdest story ever. I liked the the story in the beginning when it was all calm. But then in the end when the guy started killing a whole family it was very strange. I am starting to wonder the purpose of all these depressing short storied.

    Why did the guy snap and kill everyone?

    Kathryn Collins
    period 4

  19. The author Flannery O’Connor reveals a great deal about society in his short story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find.” Through the schemas of the Grandmother and the “Misfit” he is able to characterize the two individuals in a much more symbolic manner, as well as speak great truths about life. The story begins with a journey; in effect, a transition from one place to another both physical and metaphorical. Within this journey, O’Connor uncovers the problems of a changing society, and how people misinterpret people based upon outward appearance. It becomes evident within the text that the character of the Grandmother has well defined values that establish who she is as a person. Her emphasis on outward appearance is reflected in her determination to be perceived as a ‘lady’ in front of others. Conversely, she contrasts her lady-like persona and repeatedly deceives her family meanwhile lacking an understanding of the world around her. It is her delusion of the plantation in Georgia being one of her past in Tennessee that ultimately destroys the family. In midst of trying to save her own life she reconciles the Misfit as being a good man. In this instance, one can clearly see how fear influences thought and value. Declared as a religious fanatic, the Grandmother finds herself unable to capture the grace of God in her time of need. In facing death instead of looking towards the divinity of God, she absolves her belief and questions his power. The Grandmother in my mind represents a complete hypocrite. The Misfit on the other hand holds true to his values from the time he is first introduced to the end of the story. He sees punishment as a meager form of discipline and believes that no form of punishment reflects the crime committed. It is perhaps this mindset that allows him to kill the traveling family without remorse and adhere to his own belief systems.

    How does the quote, “no pleasure but meanness,” reflect the character of the Misfit?

    Alexander Borkowski Period 1

  20. This story shows that not all good deeds get rewarded. The grandmother was trying to see only the good in people, maybe because of guilt, and ended up being very wrong. Sometimes in life you need to learn that not everyone has a good heart, and there are a lot of messed up people in the world.

    Do you think people can really change?

    Marisa Period 4
