Monday, May 05, 2008

"I Search": Blog #1

Directions: Click on "comment" below to leave a comment following the guidelines below.

I. My Topic: List your overall topic here.

II. What I Already Know: Please write one or two paragraphs, discussing what knowledge, experience, or background you already have about your topic, BEFORE having done any research on it.

I have included my post as a comment. I have also included a link to an excellent site with some good examples. It is a good idea to use MS WORD to complete this section, save your work, and then copy and paste it onto the blog.

Sample from Gallaudet University:


  1. I. My Topic: Cord Blood Banking Pros & Cons
    II. What I Know: I first became aware of the topic of Cord Blood Banking in 2004 prior to the birth of my daughter. There are several private companies that will store blood saved from a baby’s umbilical cord for future use. I recall reading several magazine articles about the topic and briefly looking into the cost. I do not recall exactly why, but at the time my husband and I decided not to store the cord blood. As I approach the birth of my second daughter, I would like to make an informed decision as to whether or not this would be an option for my family. From what I understand, cord blood stem cells can be used to treat life-threatening diseases. I believe that my doctor mentioned that people with a family history of certain rare diseases may want to consider this option. I have also heard that people with children that have life threatening diseases have conceived a child with the hopes that there would be a tissue match and then they could use the banked blood for a bone marrow transplant. I also understand that there is an option of donating your baby’s cord blood to a public bank.

    First Name Only , Period ________

  2. Topic: Marilyn Manson

    What I Know: Marilyn Manson is one of the most loved and hated Artist today. He first started out by reading poetry until one day someone told him he hade a nice voice and should start a band. So in 1989 Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids were born. Their manager told them their name was to long so the shortened it to just Marilyn Manson. Manson became friends with Anton Lavey, leader of the Satanic Church, founded in 1968. Lavey asked Manson to be a Priest of Church, he accepted. The church is not the kind of church you would think. The belief is that man is Satan. The version in which Satan is a demon is Luciferism. Manson’s real name is Brain Warner. He took the name of Marilyn Manson after Marilyn Monroe and Charley Manson the two extremes of his generation. His latest album, Eat Me, Drink Me, was written for his ex wife Dita Von Tesse and how she hurt him in their divorce.

    Steve Period 3

  3. my topic: child abuse and neglect.

    When i think about child abuse, the first thing that comes to my mind is 'what next'? After it is exposed that a child is being physically, emotionally abused, or neglected where do they go or what do they do? How are the parents treated? I know that there are children in this world who are effected by abuse every single day. Working at a day care, i have been trained to look for certain traits or physical evidence to look for. Things like bruises or injuries that a child has, and when you ask them, they stumble for words, as if they are coming up with an explination to keep their secret safe. Abuse can cause social issues, or sleep issues. When a child is abused, or neglected, they may have an abnormal sleep pattern, where they wake up every so minute, so that they know everything going on in the room they are sleeping in. Also, they will have nightmares or terrors often.
    You can't always tell if a child is being abused. A child will always love their parents no matter what, untill they get older. A child will try to cover up something their parents did to them, whether it was their parents not letting them watch a tv show, or their parents throwing them down the staircase. I also know that once a child gets older, he or she may began to immatate the actions shown in the house. Acting out, swearing, or other things may be evedent. I remember learning that someone who is abused as a child, is much more likely to treat their children, or other people the same way they were treated.
    sh p3

  4. The Safety of Plastic Bottles
    I don’t know much about my topic but I have herd some things about it so I thought it would b good to learn about it and get the facts. I have herd that plastic bottles have some type of chemical that can cause cancer or a harmful bacteria. Ive also herd that baby bottles have a chemical in it. When you are heating up a bottle it can give off a chemical to the baby so they are researching about it so babys and people will not be harmed by things people use daily.
    AB. PERiOd 3

  5. My Topic: Gas Prices
    It all started when i recieved driver's licnese. I thought I was going to be able just to drive where ever i wanted with no cost, but i was totally wrong. The day i saw my gas dial alomost reaching the E, I told myself it was time to go to the gas station. The prices were ridlicious. I've also noticed that about every month, the price keeps increasing, which doesnt help the situation. A 16 year old girl can not afford to be able to drive around with the prices that the stations are advertisting. Since the day i got mt licnese, ive always wondered why the prices keep increasing. Is it because there are many more cars on the roads to fill, or the gas is running low in the ground and they dont have enough anymore? Now, since the prices are so high, my car used to fill up on gas at 30 dollars, and now since the gas is almost four dollars a gallon, it only fills three quarters of the way through, which is costing me more money, and more trips to the gas station. All around town i hear that the has is ridlious from many different indiviuals. Honeslty, this blog is asking us to write what we know about the topic, but honeslty i have no idea why and what is causing this increase, so thats why for my final project i would like to introduce this topic upon myself so i do not have to ponder about it anymore, because its making life so much harder and all people inclcluing myself need transportaion from one place to another.

    Courtney Period 3

  6. 1.How Richard Evans Schultes discovered hallucinogenic plants in the amazon to cure deseases and desorders.
    2. I know that only 15% of plants in the amazon have been discovered and that they have curing properties. I understand that Schultes went on an expedition to the amazon and was the first outsider to live with a tribe. he was introduced to peyote. i know that he was introduced to a hallucinogenic plant that when taken if you are able to control the cheetah you can become a shamman. I am aware that in the early 60s a harvard proffesor tested LSD on some of his students. he concluded that LSD could cure Depression.
    Beatrix Period 3.

  7. Designer Babies

    Designer babies are babies whose features are chosen by their parents. The parents of the baby fertilize an egg in vitro, and then the zygote’s genes are altered to generate the desired traits. Some parents have a specific idea of how they want their child to look, so they alter its traits so it comes out they way they want. As of right now, this process is legal in the US. However, many people view it as immoral. To be able to chose the hair and eye color of children is a violation of nature. Some people, however, think that it’s not a big deal if they choose their babies features.
    Originally, the process which has evolved into designing babies was created in order to prevent genetic diseases. Zygotes of couples whom had a high chance of generating a diseased offspring were scanned to see if they had the disease. Then, the gene was altered in order to prevent the disease. This process has turned into screening the zygote to see all of its genes, and several genes being altered to produce different traits in babies.

    Gio Period 3

  8. My Topic: Nutrition and Physical Health/Fitness
    What I Know: In my family there are several unhealthy family members. I’ve seen the grueling struggle and unhealthy ways to live. I didn’t want to get caught up in that lifestyle and wanted to better myself. i got into athletics and then learned about different ways to work out. Whether it’s at a local gym or in an athletic sport. Being healthy in America is a struggle for most. So now i help others who need it. The best workout in my opinion is cardio. Cardio helps burn fat, build muscle, build endurance/ stamina; jump starts your metabolism, and strengthens your heart. I would recommend this to people if he/she wasn’t into the "work out" scene but wanted to get an easy workout and try to keep active then this is the perfect workout. One saying that i follow is “Arms before Cardio and Cardio before Abs". The significant of this saying is that your arm results respond better when your heart and body temperature is raised beyond its regular temperature and your abs muscles respond better when they are warmed up. Nutrition is a big part of being healthy. "You are hat you eat". That is a 100% true statement. If you feed your body fatty and non recognizable foods then you body is going to react in a bad way, otherwise known as weight gain. When you feed your body natural, organic, fatty acid, and UN refined foods -which your body can identify- then your body will react positively.

  9. Nuclear Arms: How often do you hear about nuclear arms on the news, radio, newspaper etc. From the volume of the negative attention it gets, why does nearly every developed country have them readily availible. The U.S. of course, is in the lead, with our estimated 3000 warheads. I ask, why do we even need 3000? 20 would destroy any country in this world, and 100 would be enough to secure a nuclear winter. So why do we have 3000? maybe because we're arrogant or maybe because we are crazy. What makes us more eligible to have warheads than say, Pakistan? Our government is just as corrupt as theirs, just more secretive about it. Why do countries need nuclear arms in the first place... are they planning to use them against each other? We all seem so worried about the dangers of these weapons, when our very own government carries the most in the world. These are some of the questions I will ask in my essay.

  10. my topic is autism
    i chose this topic because my little brother has a type of autism and i wanted to learn more about it. i don't know much more than that autism is a genetic disorder in the brain. there are different types of autism that could be fatal and other types that aren't as serious.
    doug period 5

  11. My topic: alzheimers
    What I know:I really dont know that much at all about this disease.One thing that i do know is that you slowly lose memory and things like that. Your brain slows down and your everyday functions become much harder than the average person.

  12. My topic: Alternatve Fuels

    The stuff I know about my topic is alternative fuels are very unpopular because we are really relient on gasoline and fossil fuels. Alternative fuels are like solar energy and windmills and water powered cars. There are a lot of different fuels but America has not really switched over to using those fuels yet. I know that fossil fuels are polluting the enviroment adn are bad. This is another reason to switch to alernative fuels. Some fuels are solar panels and underwater windmills and the Hoover Dam. There is also cornoil to power cars and algae to power cars.

    Riley Mann period 7

  13. My topic is sleepwalking.
    I don't know too much about sleepwalking, but it seems very interesting to me. I really would like to learn more about it. My dad sleepwalks alot. He will just get up in the middle of the night, and go in the kitchen, a different bedroom or even outside while he is asleep. He says that he doesn't even know that he is doing it when it happens. I heard that a lot of people get hurt by sleepwalking because they can fall down the stairs and stuff. There are many unanswered questions that I have, and would really like to learn, that's why I thought it would be good to choose this topic.

    period 7

  14. I. My Topic: Adult point of view of Dr. Seuss’s books

    II. What I Already Know: I already know that there are people out there that think Dr. Seuss has sexual innuendo. Also there are people who say that he was on drugs when he wrote his books. Some of my favorite books by Dr. Seuss is 1 Fish 2 Fish Red Blue Fish and The Cat and The Hat. When kids are at a young age they don’t pay attention to what is being said but more about the way the words sound together.

    Kristin, Period 7

  15. Topic: Cars
    Most people drive cars. Also most cars run using an internal combustion engine. To make those engines run, gasoline is used to get power the engine to be able to get from point A to point B. As we all know, gas process have been skyrocketing. With the gas prices rising and the amount of fossil fuels decreasing, it makes me wonder what cars are going to run off that is good for the environment, cheap, and have a lot of the source? There are fuel efficient cars, electric, and hybrid cars but those cars isn’t enough. There are a lot of people, including me who have old classic cars that run off of an internal combustion engines that people won’t let go of. So my other question is, when and if an alternative fuel source or engine is discovered, what are we going to do with the classical cars? Replace the engine?
    Brendan, Period 7

  16. I.My topic: Parkinson's Disease.
    II.What I know: My grandfather had Parkinson's Disease since he was 60. He had a stroke when he was 79 and because of having Parkinson's Disease, it was difficult to recover and he died. Parkinson's Disease is degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that effects the person's motor skills and speech, as well as other functions.

    Abby K, Period 7

  17. My Topic: is stem cell research. I picked this topic because I have always heard about it but never really understood what it was. Also some people have said that some of the cells may be able to help disabled people walk again. I am interested in this because it may potentially help out someone in my family. As well it is a very controversial issue because many people think that by researching on stem cells it is killing a baby’s life.

    jess per 7

  18. I. My topic: Studying abroad in Spain
    II. What I know: I don’t know too much information about the best place in Spain to stay to study abroad. What I do know is that I would be able to stay with a family or at a university and practice speaking Spanish. Spanish is one of my favorite subjects and I love speaking the language. I also know that staying in a populated area would give me an advantage to hear Spanish people speaking the language. While visiting Spain I also want to help and work with other students who may be trying to learn English. I could be like a translator.
    Heather, Period 7

  19. Topic: Golf
    My topic is contriverses in golf weitheir it is drug uses like steriods, or racism on the golf course. I want to learn about the contrievirses that occured with golf over the past 10 years the sport has been beening played.

    Greg Morgan
    Period 7

  20. Topic: The history to the search of “immortality”
    What I Know: I don’t know much about the people who have tried to search for immortality of “the fountain of youth” I’ve really only heard about it in movies and books. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of immortality is Harry Potter. The sorcerer’s stone let whoever owned it live forever. I know that’s not real life, but I think that may be why people are actually searching for it. I’ve heard that people in the past have been searching for it. I just don’t know much more about them, so I would like to look into that more and learn about what people have tried to do.

    Molly, Period 7

  21. The topic I chose to research is starting and owning a business. Lately I have been thinking a lot about my future. What college am I going to choose? What will my career be? I have decided I want to be my own boss and start my own company. The business field I am interested in is graphic designing. I would like to own an advertising company. The company will create billboards, shopping bags, pamphlets and more. My father has always been a business owner and recently opened up a new store. Helping and being involved with my father has opened my interest a lot more.

    Lindsey Helbling
    period 8

  22. I.My Topic: What it takes to be a baseball general manager.
    What I Know: you get a lot of money you also need to understand the game of baseball, and you need to know the good people that play baseball so that you can pick them to be on your team. The rest i will find on the internet.

  23. My Topic: Graffiti and its history
    What I Know: I know that graffiti started out in the early 70’s in New York City. Early graffiti was very simple just one or two colors. One of the first people to write graffiti on the streets of New York was a kid who wrote Taki 183. It took people some time before they figured out that it was someone doing graffiti. I know that graffiti in New York really took off in the early 70’s when writers started painting the subway trains. I know that there are many different styles of graffiti that change as you move towards the West Coast. I know that there are many different kinds of graffiti ranging from a simple tag to a piece, or a masterpiece which can take sometimes days to finish.
    Skyler P.8

  24. 1. My Topic: Gas Prices Affecting People and Places.
    2. What I Know: For the past 5 or 10 years, gas prices have gone up a lot. this is a huge problem and it has ben affecting every one and every thing. I personally am not worried about fuel dissapearing any time soon. and if we eevr run out of gas in the sand countries, then we can nuke them and drill into Alaska.
    First of all, every one in Branford drives cars. and they all have to spent most of their money on gas. so they have no free time and the economy is going down again. because of this, no one is going out to restaurants because they have no money. and no one is going on long trips because they can't aford gas.
    Gas prices have effected my life in many ways. my dad sells boats and boats use a lot of gas. but no one goes on their boats anymore because they can't afford the gas.

    austin period 8

  25. My Topic: Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

    What I Know: I don't know very much about MS but I would like to learn a lot about it since my dad has it. I know the experiences he's gone through since he was diagnosed and that he has to take a shot every other day to keep it from getting worse. Still, there is no guarantee that any medication will work and keep it from progressing. Some of the long term effects are being in a wheelchair, blindness, being paralyzed. I know that when a person has MS, the brain sends mixed signals to the body, causing the spine and brain to get attacked by your body. These are called lesions. A lesion on your spine can cause you to be in a wheelchair and a lesion on your brain can cause brain damage.

    Emily, period 8

  26. My topic: Pre Mature Babies
    I choose this topic because I was born 2 months pre mature when I was born. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to learn more about because I know that sometimes there are certain causes for babies being pre mature and sometimes it is just the way it happens. I don’t know why I was pre mature but I do know that there were no signs of me being pre mature while I was unborn. I would like to learn more information about this.
    Marissa period 8 =]

  27. Topic of I-Search: Magic
    What I know: I know that there are many techniques of magic. And I know there are many Magicians around the world that have perfected these techniques. David Blaine along with Chris Angle are two of the many who learned how to control this art. And now they live there lives holding these secrets in and entertaining the world with there skill. I myself have been interested in magic since I was about 8 and have learned a few tricks. But most things are just elusions, magicians make you see things they want you to see, but there is really something else going on behind closed doors.
    Ryan P/8

  28. my topic - Terri Schiavo and the Life Support Controversy

    I know that Terri Sciavo fell one day and suffered from severe brain damage. This damage lead to her survival thanks to the life support. Her husband, wanted to remeove the feeding tube that was keeping Terri alive. However, her parents argued that Terri was conscious and that one day she will wake up. This agrument lead to the court and laws and received many media attention.

    Michael Period 8

  29. I. My topic: Human Trafficking.

    II. What I already know: I don’t know much regarding this topic, human trafficking, but isn’t that the reason for this paper in the first place? I’ve only had a couple short encounters with this subject thanks to a movie on T.V. about a year ago. Although it’s not a great epidemic facing the world, it’s still a very serious matter. The only reason people don’t read about it in newspapers and such is because not everyone knows about it. And the people who actually do obtain information on it don’t like to spread it around incase someone is sensitive about it. I don’t blame them for not wanting t hear about human trafficking seeing how it’s a gruesome n some ways, or maybe it’s just because they fear it will happen to them? Who knows? My goal is to make people informed about this matter so that they have a little piece of what else is going on throughout the world.

    Brittany period 8

  30. The topic I choose for my I-Search paper is going to be yoga. I have recently gotten into the practice of yoga and how it affects peoples minds,bodies and spirits. Hopefully by writing this paper I will learn more about famous yogis and their contributions to this ancient art. In my paper I will be talking about the history of yoga, and how it has evolved over the years. I’ve learned that there are many types of yoga practiced all over the world. Also, I’m going to interview a yoga instructor on what made her want to become an instructor and how yoga has impacted her life. Even though yoga may not be for everyone, it still is a very interesting topic to study. There are many people who study yoga to relax their minds and bodies in this caotic world we live in today. -Cait, Period 8

  31. My topic is cancer- how it affects patients medically and how they were treated before and after being diagnosed.

    My grandfather was diagnosed with cancer about six months ago. He has stage 4 aggressive non-Hodgkins lymphoma in his bone marrow and spleen. I would like to find out more about the disease and what it does to the body. As of right now, I know his chemotherapy is very painful, and that the radiation therapy that is necessary caused him to lose all of his hair. He is sick for days at a time following therapy, and cannot get out of bed.
    Cancer makes people feel sympathetic for others, and loved ones who once thought of them as “normal” often treat those diagnosed with it differently. Many patients begin to think of themselves almost as being on display or as a spokes model for the disease. I want to be able to connect this disease to the way that Frankenstein was treated differently by his peers. I want to find more out specifically about my grandfather's type of cancer, how it affects him medically, and how differently he was treated by loved ones before and after his diagnosis.

    Period 5

  32. Topic: Women in Nepal
    What I already know: As far as I know, many women in Nepal are very unlucky. They don’t know how to read or write because they didn’t have education and some families are poor and cannot afford to send their kids to school. Nepalese women have to do all the house works, feed kids. Men don't do dishes and don't do laundry. Women also take care of husband's mother, brothers and sisters. Most of the time women works are never rewarded, everyone complains.

    Kriti, period 7

  33. My topic publishing a book
    What I know is that publishing a book is really quite difficult as it requires getting an editor and a publisher who is willing to publish it. publishing a book also requires money to make the actual copies and a copyright so that nobody can legally take any of the spesific info that is in your book. You also need to find somewhere willing to buy your book from you to sell. You also need to write a book that is somewhat origional (ex Harry Potter)to draw people to it and you can't try to make it totally orrigional because there is basically no such thing.
    jim 2

  34. I. My Topic: Modern Day interpretations of Christianity, and how Science has affected Religion in General.

    II. What I Already Know: Religion has been seen since the beginning of recorded history. There have been many theories, and philosophies why people seem to have the desire to connect with a higher being, person, or power. Both acts of horror and tragedy, and miraculous acts of selflessness and grace have both been preformed, by the name of the same God. Most religions, whether they have one, many, humanlike, or fantastic, have some sort of God, or God-like figure.
    Religion has often given people inspiration, to do completely different things. Many charities are set up by Religious groups to help others in less fortunate situations, because they felt it was the will of their God. But, sometimes, extremist of religions (although in some situations, even common followers of religions) can be driven to curse, beat, or even kill others because they thought they had the will of their God to do so.

    Dan A, Period 1

  35. My Topic: The Causes of Down Syndrome

    What I Know: My best friend's cousin has down syndrome. They normally act differently than people without the disease. The lines on their hands are different than other people's hands, they only have one line and we have a lot. They sometimes walk differently than people without the disease. People with down syndrome have weaker muscles than people without the disease. They may have heart defects. The people with down syndrome have flatter faces. They have a more difficult time learning and talking than other people. After meeting my friend's cousin, I have wanted to know how people get down syndrome.

    Heather, period 1

  36. I. My Topic: The Sixth Sense

    II. What I Know: i have no previous knowledge of anything along the lines of psychology. i don't know how the brain works, why it works, or even why we have one. but as i searched my mind for topics this one happened to fall into my lap. i've always been a fan of mysteries of the mind but i've never had the push to satisfy my desire of fully understanding the human brain. my knowledge on the sixth sense is meager and i'm not even certain if it's true but anyways- everyone has a sixth sense, some people don't exercise it as much as others, some exercise it too much and claim to be fortune tellers. some examples of time when you've used your sixth sense is when you've experienced deja vu, felt someone watching you, or thought the same thing as another. (except it wasn't a coincidence)

    Alice Ni
    Period 7

  37. 1. Topic: different effects and cures for autism
    2. What I know: I don't know much about about autism, but I do know it occurs to many young children and babies. It's a very serious and scary disease, and is most recognizable in children from 6 months all the way to 3 years old. Some signs that occur with autism in babies and young children are not being able to answer to their own name, imitations of other children, not responding emotionally towards others or hitting themselves, and lack of interest in things, and late speech. Some doctor's believe my baby brother might have autism, because he shows some of those signs. There is no cure for autism, but you can go to intense therapy to help cope with it.
    hm per. 3

  38. M.S.= multiple sclerosis

    i know that M.S. is a serious disease that cant affect the way you live. affects central nervious system. eye sight will become affected, sometimes you will become numb. your limbs and movment is affected. there is four types of M.S.. my step. mother Maria has one of the four and she dosen't has the one where even if you take medicine it still will affect you. Maria has been diagnosed with it in August2007. she was evry ill for a month and did not go to work or even drove. my father had to take care of her for a month and did not work either. so we had a tuff time last year but she is doing better now then she was before. so i would like to find out more about M.S. so i could help my step. mother out if she needs anything if my dad is not around to help her.

    Edison Rodriguez Pr. 5

  39. for M.S. it can affect your life my mistake

    edison Pr.5

  40. My topic is M.S, or Multiple Sclerosis. I don't know much about, except it's where the immune system attacks the nervous system. I want to research this topic because my grandma helps out her friend who has this, and my best friend's dad also has this disease. I'm interested in learning more about this disease, what it does, how people get it, etc. and just genereally find out what these people are going through.

    Nicole, P.1

  41. I: My Topic: The Effects of Genetically Modified Foods
    II: I chose this topic because I am very interested in health and nutrition. I’m partially familiar with the subject of genetically modified foods. I know that they are foods that have had their genes manipulated or have had new genes implanted in them. They’re supposed to be able to now sustain undesirable conditions and/or create their own nature pesticides. It seems good in a sense to have these super foods to cut down on pesticide use and reduce the amount of dead, and therefore wasted, crop, however it seems there is much controversy with the genetically modified produce. I have heard in science classes about how these foods are actually said to be bad for your health. I’m not sure yet how or why they could be. It seems that they can cause disease and other negative side effects. I hope to research what these foods really are, what they are meant to do, and the effects they can cause both in a positive and negative sense.

    Alexa, Period 7

  42. My topic: prosthetic limbs.

    Prosthetic limbs are used to replace body parts such as arms and legs on amputees or people born without these appendages. They have made advances in this field and now these parts are created out of special lightweight materials and are designed to make it possible to make use of that body part in a normal way. However these parts are very expensive and many people who need them are unable to afford them. I know a man who sells these parts and other medical supplies to hospitals and I figured he would make a good source to interview and learn more on the topic.

    Kenny period 1

  43. My Topic: Should psychologists be able to give prescription drugs?
    I wasn't aware until recently that psychologists are not allowed to prescribe drugs to their patients, but psychiatrists are. I am not completly sure what the difference is between the two, other than psychiatrists have more education in the medical field than psychologists do. I am curious to see if the reason they are not allowed to prescribe drugs is because they may help the patient mentally, but are unsure of how the drugs would affect them physically. I also want to find out if psychologists were once allowed to prescribe drugs and then something went wrong, so then it was banned.

    Anja, Period 5

  44. My topic: Sickle Cell Anemia
    What I Know: I first became aware of this disease whenmy mother told me about it a few years ago. She told me that I carry the trait for it. So, if I were to marry someone who also carried the trait, I could give it to them. I do not know that much about this disease but I know my family is very familiar with it. I want to know more since I am associated with Sickle cell anemia. All I know is that the red blood cells get shaped into sickle cells and clog up. Many people die from this terrible disease and I don't believe there is a cure yet. Sickle cell is very common among African Americans and Hispanics.

    Kiana, Period 5

  45. My Topic: Evolution

    What I know: I don't know a lot about evolution, but in science it is very controversial. It's a controversial topic because people cannot decide whether or not we were here first or if evovled from monkeys. Evolution has shown its traces amongst many animals and even humans. People still argue to this day about evolution and if we really went thrugh it or not.
    Cameron P1

  46. I. MY Topic: The Effect of repeated concussions can have on football players.

    II: What I Know:
    Well, what i know already about this topic is basically this, studies conducted by NFL sponsored scientists show that professional football players exposed to repeated head trauma are more likely to develop conditions such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease , and other memory disorders.
    In fact from what I've read and seen on ESPN, tons of retired players who have had undiagnosed concussions have permanent brain damage because they played through the pain and took a few more shots to the dome. This is a major problem especially since this is a growing sport and one that if one were to succeed at could help them get into a good college that he or she wouldn't normally be accepted to. If we do not solve this problem, their could be an entire generation of Brain damaged football players with the mental capacity of a five year old not to mention the memory of 10 second Tom.

    Brian - Period 7

  47. 1.My toopic i choose to reasearch on is Glaucoma. 2. What I know: I first become interested in this topic was when i found my grandmother has this order currently, and she has been operated on many times. I also so a movie called " The Eye" that was very similar to what I want to look into. By the movie I've seen that by this disorder you have a high chance of becoming blind. It is a very serious situation, and painful also. There is not to much detail of what I know about Glaucoma, but I want to find out more, and how serious it is.
    Brittany P3

  48. I. My Topic: Global Warming
    II. What I Know:
    I first found out about global warming in 7th grade geography class where Mrs. Brooks assigned us a project to find political cartoons on global warming and analyze them. It has obviously grown to be a controversial problem in the world. It is destroying animal habitats and species are slowly going extinct. Also, the weather has been slightly warmer all throughout the year. I believe that cars and their exhaust are the main reason for global warming. All the emissions have slowly deteriorated the o-zone layer allowing the heat from the sun to escape into the earth’s atmosphere, generally making it warmer. To reduce emissions from cars, alternative fuels may be used that do not pollute the air adding more and more the problem we face today. Global warming is very serious and I know that for a fact many adults are in denial and do not want to worry about it and want the next generation to be left to dealt with this ongoing problem. Many people can do little things to conserve energy and reduce more and more pollution that adds to global warming.

    Krista period 1

  49. Stem Cells
    The information I know about stem cells is very limited. The only information that I know is that these cells come from bone marrow and they are believed to be able to change into any type of cell. This is beneficial because if a person had a disease they could replace these bad cells with stem cells to possibly cure the disease. I want to research this because I feel this is a very interesting topic and I would love to find more information on stem cells.
    Taylor Period 1

  50. I. Underage Drinking
    II. What i know about underage drinking is that many teens in schools today have experimented with alcohol, but it is not an experiment anymore when your drinking every weekend. Many studies have said that when kids in their teens experiment with drinking could lead to them being alcoholics. Also alcoholism can be genetic. What i plan on doing in my research is in what way were teens influenced to start drinking. Whether it is being influenced by friends, family or genetics.

    Andrew p.1

  51. For my topic I have chosen hereditary diabetes. My cousin and uncle have it on my dads side and i know a lot of people who have it. many of my family members know a lot about it. there are many people i can ask about it and many articles on it on the internet and also i would like to learn more about it because it does run through my family and it is something i am a little worried about.
    -Jim period 1

  52. I. My Topic: Schizophrenia

    II. What I Know:
    I don’t know much about schizophrenia, other than that it is a psychiatric disorder characterized by several varying syndromes. I know that schizophrenics suffer from hallucinations or delusions in addition to having a misperception of reality. I also know that people often mistake schizophrenia for some kind of personality disorder, bipolar disorder in particular. There is controversy about schizophrenia because of the many syndromes that this disorder entails, and I want to clarify what those symptoms include. I wanted to research this topic because my sister-in-law’s brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and I’ve been curious as to what it really is, how it’s caused, and how it affects people’s lives overall.

    Haleema, Period 1

  53. I.My Topic: New Hydrogen Cars
    II.What I Know: I do not know much about this car. All i know that it runs on hydrogen, and with the prices of gas going up, these cars could lower the price, and ultimatly delete the gas use in the world. I also know that these cars have much less polution than regualr deisal and gas cars. I also know that these cars are just starting to come out on the market. I also know that6 hydrogen is a gas, that is highly flamable, and a key component in water.
    Jake Cudgiebear, Period 1

  54. 1.My Topic: Schwannoma Tumor; What causes it and What is it?
    2. What I Kno: A very short while go, my father went in for surgery to have a tumor removed from his spine. It was a Schwannoma Tumor, a benihgn tumor that develops in the spinal cord from the Schwann cells around the spinal cord. The tumor wrapped itself around his spinal cord and took the feeling out of his right arm and left leg. They had to take out 3 sections of his spinal cord and replaced them with a metal rod and a pasty substance that immatated bone. He will never have full movement of his neck again, but the pain and numbness he felt was immediately gone afterthe surgery. The doctor said that this type of tumor can reappear at any time.

  55. I.My topic is cancer and its ability to be passed through genetics. My mother's family has had a lot of relatives who had a form of cancer and passed away because of it. My grandmas on both side have had the same exact type and I want to know if there is a chance that me and my sister are at more risk of developing cancer because of this.
    II.What I know: Cancer is when abnormal cells start reproducing at a rapid pace, faster than normal healthy cells. It is obviously deadly and some cancers can be passed on to future generations. One example of this that is known is breast cancer. It is known that when a person in your family has a form of cancer, then you are more likely to develop cancer.
    There are also studies that have shown that cancer is caused by different things. Like a new recent study at Duke University research the effects of heating up plastic containers with food in them or drinking from water bottle in cars after being heated up.

    Catherine, Period 1

  56. I’ve chose to research cancer, and the everyday things that people say cause cancer. I don’t know too much about this subject; my mom had cancer a few years ago, so I know the things cancer patients have to go through, like radiation and chemo. She thinks she got cancer from the factory that she used to live next to when she was a kid, which would probably fall under the category of pollution causing cancer. Other things that I’ve heard of that may cause cancer are cell phones, microwaves, and certain types of plastics. It should be interesting to see which common things can really cause cancer, and which are just myths.

    lauren, period 1

  57. My Topic: Cerebral Polsy. What I know: Cerebral Polsy is a disease which handicaps children at birth. It is not contagious. I believe it's caused by small amounts of oxygen being sent to the brain during delivery which may or may not result in mild or harsh mental retardation. Cerebral Polsy may be the result of a mistake made by the doctor's themselves. For example, if a baby needs a Cesarian section, but is instead delivered normally, there can be a huge chance that the baby will get Cerebral Polsy. A baby coming out feet first is in need of a Cesarian section, but if they're not delivered that way, it can lead to less oxygen to the brain, and they can develop Cerebral Polsy. Cerebral Polsy can also cause a child to not be able to walk without some type of support such as crutches, a wheelchair, canes, or a walker. Cerebral Polsy puts the person effected at risk of dying at a young age, although there are some cases where some people live older than they're predicted to such as my brother, but the mental retardation gets more and more severe every passing year. It truly is a life-changing disease that not only effects the one with it, but also the family members because you'll always be thinking, "What if?"

    Camille, Period 1

  58. I. Underage Drinking

    II. What i know about underage drinking is that many teens especially highschoolers experiment with drinking. At what point does experimentation become into regularly drinking? In my research i plan to find out how many local teens have gotten into drinking underage. Whether it be influenced through friends and drinking every weekend or family, the theory that a drinking problem can be genetic and growing up in an enviroment with drinking.

    Andrew p.1

  59. I. My Topic. Breast Cancer

    II. What i know.
    i chose this topic because about 4 or 5 years ago my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Cancer occurs when a group of cells begin to grow uncontrollably and spread throughought the body. the cells form tumors, or they invade and destroy neighboring cells and tissues. what cancer somone has depends on the origin of the growth and the type of growth. breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer after lung cancer, In 2005, breast cancer caused 502,000 deaths worldwide.

  60. My topic is Alcoholism, and I dont know when I foud out about this topic. It has been something that my family has been living with for a long time. There are many different reasons why I want to do this topic, one of them being that I want to know why he has this, and if I and my two sisters have it. A lot of problems came my way because of alcoholism and I want more information about it.
    Emmett P.1

  61. I.My Topic: Becoming a Police Officer Pros & Cons. II. What I Know: I first became interested in becoming a police officer my freshman year. I remember when I was younger and I went to my uncles house he let me plays with the sirens on his car. Now that he is the chief of police in Woodbridge and two of my cousins are police officers I am more interested. Since I’m almost half way through high school I have bee starting to think about what I probably want to do when I’m older. I’ve thought about trying to get into the professional athlete field, but realized if that didn’t happen I would like to become a police officer. My uncle and cousins tell me that they enjoy being on the force and they tell me that it is a good and fun learning experience. Also I remember my uncle took me to work one day, I had a lot of fun watching what he did and I also learned a lot about being a police officer. Alec,Period 1

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. I. The History of Steroid Use in Baseball
    II. What I Already Know (1-2 paragraphs)
    I think that baseball players use steroids so that they can be better than everybody else. They want to hit more homeruns and they want to be a better hitter. Jose Canseco used steroid and he wrote a book about how baseball players used steroids. Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire both used steroids when they played baseball. After they used steroids everybody found out and no body wants them any more. There were like 60 people in baseball that used steroids. Since 2003 the MLB started to test the baseball players to see if they used steroids. Joe Period 3

  64. 1. My Topic: Global Warming
    2. What I Know: Since it keeps getting hotter the ice in Antarctica keeps melting and all the water from the ice keeps melting and it mixes with the ocean water and the more the ice melts the more the ocean water causing the sea level to rise and all the places near the water will be under water. Then there will be less land and people would need new houses.

    Gurjinder Per. 3

  65. Use of Marijuana for Medical Purposes

    Can the illegal drug ‘’marijuana’’ actually be used for medical purposes? I have heard before how marijuana can be used as medicine, but what kind of medicinal value can this drug really have? After all, it is all natural just like tea, and many other common herbs used in the kitchen like basil, parsley, or other herbs with healing effects. I’ve heard that it can be used to treat cancer patients, I think by reducing the negative effects of chemotherapy. I’ve herd other reasons too but I don’t really know enough about them and I’m curious as to what kind of controversy is occurring with this type of drug.

  66. I. My Topic: Underage Drinking
    II. What I Know: What i know about underage drinking is that it is very popular all over the world and kid from all different ages are doing it. Kids are starting drinking at a very young age and getting into accidents from drikning and driving. Almost all teens have drank before and will keep on drinking.

  67. My topic is prostitution. I think it is absurd that something this common, and something that a lot of powerful men in our country secretly support is so taboo and rarely talked about. I undestand humans have been engaging in this behavior since the beginning of time. I would just like to enlightnen people, including myself, on the facts of the prostitution business. neighborhood versus High Class Venues, gigolos et cetera. Im curious to find out what goe on in someone's head whilst they are being degraded in the worst manner possible.
    -Coral Serrano Bennitt 5

  68. My topic is prostitution. I think it is absurd that something this common, and something that a lot of powerful men in our country secretly support is so taboo and rarely talked about. I undestand humans have been engaging in this behavior since the beginning of time. I would just like to enlightnen people, including myself, on the facts of the prostitution business. neighborhood versus High Class Venues, gigolos et cetera. Im curious to find out what goe on in someone's head whilst they are being degraded in the worst manner possible.
    -Coral Serrano Bennitt 5

  69. My Topic: Hang Gliding and the extension of human capability / devices vs engineering

    What I Know: I have been researching hang gliding recently, using resources such as the USHGA (US Hang Gliding Association) as well as reading material by glider manufacturers and instructors. I am drawn to hang gliding for many reasons, including, of course, the ancestral dream to fly. I am also drawn by the idea of "pushing the limits" of human experience and being able to experience, using nothing but sailcloth wings, what most people only do inside a jumbo jet.

    The "essential nature" of hang gliding presents something of a paradox. While it is considered a very elemental sport, such as swimming or running (as opposed to planned team sports such as basketball), it requires more advanced equipment than almost any other sport. We find, then, that to fulfill the dream of ancient man, we must call upon first-rate science.

    It is, in some senses, an apt analogy for the creation of life. To create life, all we need is attraction and an opportune moment, just as birds born to do so need only wings to fly. However, to recreate life in the lab has proved not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

    As with hang gliding, a few brave men have had to risk life and limb - or at least reputation - to bring new methods and improvements to the field. It goes without saying that, in either case, jumping off a building is not the answer. We must take it slow, and watch carefully where we tread (not least because of the enormous social implications of test-tube life). However, given time, the ancestral dream must and will be achieved.

  70. My Topic: Arthritis

    I am researching the topic of Arthritis because my younger sister has it and I would like to learn more about it. I know that there are different types of Arthritis and that youth can get it. I am more so going to research the type that youth get because most people believe that Arthritis is a disease that older people get, but what they don't know is that there are types that children get and unfortunetly have all their life until a cure is found. They still have not found a cure for Arthriis. I plan on interviewing either my sister's doctor, a worker at the Arthritis foundation, or a occupational/physical therapist at my mom's work.

    Bridget per.5

  71. My Topic: Gas Prices
    What I know..
    I know that gas prices are very expensive, and they raise nearly once a week. I don't know too much about this topic, that is why I chose to research it. The only thing I can think to ask is why? Why are gas prices so high?! Over the years gas prices have increased tremendiously. I feel like everytime I go to the gas staion, I pay more money to get a full tank. There are more teen drivers on the road, who can't afford to fill up thier tank, some adults are even struggling to get a full tank. I think a lot of people will enjo hearing my final project, why are gas prices are so high, and how can we lower them?

  72. I. My Topic: A paper on The Things They Carried and how the themes of the book relate to the Vietnam War (with literary criticism/research on Vietnam included).
    II. What I Already Know: The Things They Carried is a novel that is based upon some of Tim O’Brien’s experiences, as well as some fiction. It is a collection of stories about a platoon of soldiers situated in Vietnam. As for the other section of this paper, I already know some history as well. The war – known in Vietnam as the “American War” – occurred from 1959 to 1975. The war was fought between the communist Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and its communist allies and the US-supported Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam). The war ended when the capital of South Vietnam, Saigon, fell to the communist forces of North Vietnam, effectively ending the Vietnam War.

    Corey Wells
    Period 7

  73. I. Drug and Alcohol Abuse
    II. What I already know: Many people in my family are addicted to drugs and I have noticed that the members of my family that have the worst addictions have parents that were or are still addicted to drugs. I know that people can pass down these traits through their genes. I wonder why certain people in my family don’t have these problems while others struggle with it. Many of the people in my family have been in and out of rehabs and most are fine with dealing with their issue until they have a breakdown causing them to turn back to the drugs or alcohol. For some of them these breakdowns happen right after rehab while others it may take months. I want to research more on how drugs and alcohol can make people feel better about themselves.

    abby u, per. 7

  74. I. My Topic: The Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Purposes.

    II. For centuries marijuana has been used as a medicine to treat various ailments.I’ve heard that it can be used to treat cancer patients, by reducing the negative effects of chemotherapy.States such as Oregon have already legalized Marijuana use for medical causes, in Oregon physicians have the authority to recommend the use, but not to prescribe it. This recommendation grants the patient and care-giver protection against any prosecution. I am very interested in learning more about the two different sides of this controversial issue.

    andiee period 7

  75. 1. How N.A.F.T.A affects lives of North American citizens, large companies, and other countries.

    2. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) was designed to dwindle tax between the U.S.A., Mexico and Canada. Since the early 1990s, major corporations are hiring workers in poor countries for very little pay. This is making the corporations richer, the workers in foreign countries with almost no pay, and many of the North American citizens jobless.

    Ryan Viglione
    Period 1

  76. 1. My topic is the Pros and Cons of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine
    2. What I know: There are many controversies surrounding the Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine that babies get when they are very young. Some parents choose not to immunize their child because they do not agree with putting poison in a young child’s body. Other parents have learned that some part in the vaccine may cause Autism at a young age. Recently the one part of the vaccine that seemed to cause Autism was taken out of the vaccine, but some parents still don’t immunize their children. Over the years there were zero cases of Measles in the United States. Over the past year there has been cases popping up all over the country. Measles, if not treated correctly, can become an epidemic.

    Julie, Period 3

  77. 1. My Topic: Gambling In Sports
    2. What I Know: I know that a referee in the NBA got caught betting on games and he bet on big games he was a referee. The NBA looked at games he refereed in and saw that he refereed playoff games. Pete Rose also got banned from baseball because he was betting on games and games he played in. He also is not in the Baseball Hall of Fame because of that. He had over 4000 hits in his career. There also was a college basketball played called Steve Smith who got caught point saving.

    Gurjinder Per.3

  78. My topic: status on foster homes
    What I know about foster homes is that it runs through a program called DCF (Department of Children and Families). Children are put into foster homes when their family is temporarily unable to care for them. It can because of neglect, abuse, or the child’s behavior. Others are put in foster homes by the juvenile justice system. But not all kids are put into foster homes with a family.

    What I Know: From my experience, I know that you can be sent to residential treatment facilities or even shelters. I have first hand experience because I have been in shelters and foster homes. My brothers are also in the DCF system, but one of them lives in a residential while the others live in foster homes.

  79. My Topic: What drives a person to become a drug addict and what are the outcomes of someone who suffers from being a drug addict. This topic has always been an interest of mine for various reasons, the biggest one is that this topic truly hits home i have family members who are and have been drug addicts. I have seen what being a drug addict can do to a person and how it affects not only them but the people around them that love and care for them most. I know that people dont necessarily fall into drugs because they want to, but that there are sometimes reasons or factors that lead them to drugs. Its not an easy habit to kick, so i wonder why let yourself become addicted?

    Amanda Period 5

  80. My topic is mirror neurons. I know that mirror neurons are in our brains. They accept information we get from watching someone or something performing a task. They tell us how to do it ourselves. It enables us to mirror the action we just saw being performed. They have just recently discovered mirror neurons in the past twenty years. Scientists suspect that defects in mirror neurons could be the cause of autism. Mirror neurons are in certain animals like monkeys. Animals without mirror neurons don’t have a feeling of self being, they’re not aware of themselves.

  81. The kroon building, is going to be one of the worlds most environemntal friendly buildings in the world. This building is being built to for the staff and students at the School of forestry and environmetnal studies at yale university. Through the buiding being built, awareness will be brought to the world etc. about recycling, global warming, and saving our environment. Although this project is costing millions of dollars, It is predicted that it will start a trend amongst other colleges in our contry; and eventually affect the world. In the long run, this building will bring us one step clooser to making our environment a better place.

  82. My Topic: Designer Babies

    What I Know: I don’t know much about designer babies. I know that you can choose your babies hair color, eye color, gender, and more. I don’t believe that people should be able to choose how their babies will look. I also believe that there could be some genetic defects. However, I think that if there was a legitament reason why a family would choose a specific feature of their child they should. For example, some hereditary diseases show up more often in boys than girls, so if the family had a girl then there would be less of a chance that the baby would contract the disease.

    Ally, Period 7

  83. I. My Topic: Increasing injuries in competitive cheerleading.

    II. What I Know: From experience, I have found in my first year of participating, that cheerleading is much more dangerous than people make it out to be. Yes, it is a lot of jumping around and yelling but there is much more. From the amount of skill and effort it takes to put people in the air to performing stunts that one may think is impossible to do before actually doing it. I have gotten punched and kicked on accident many times in practices and even during competitions. I have not however gotten seriously injured to the point where I needed aid of a doctor. Teamates of mine have. One with a torn ACL, one a spranged arm, and another a spranged ankle. The amount of injuries in the sport is unbelieveable and some have yet to consider the activity an actual sport.

    Amy, Period 7

  84. I decided to do eating disorders. I chose to do this topic because I have always found this topic interesting, and I don’t know too much about it. I know that is when people either want to lose weight because they are conscious of the way their bodies look like, or also they may feel like they have no control of anything in their life and food is the only thing. Also sometimes they think food is an enemy and even if they know they are harming themselves they can’t stop. I have always been interested in researching more about this topic because I have seen a lot of documentaries about peoples life struggle with this disorder.
    Diana period:8

  85. I. My topic is: Cancer and if it can be passed through genetics
    II. What I Know: Cancer is what causes the cell to multiply too much at an uncontrollable rate. There is no cure yet for cancer but there have been some survivors. The earlier you find out if you have it the better it is to get treatment sooner. Chemotherapy is treatment using chemicals. A person can choose to do chemotherapy if they want to live longer. On my moms side of the family many of my relatives have had cancer or have died of cancer.

    Jordyn Period 8

  86. I. Gas Prices
    II. What I know about my topic is that they have continually increased through the years. I also know that gas prices aren’t all the same everywhere. I want to get a better understanding of why gas prices keep increasing and why it is different prices in different places.

    A.P. Period 8

  87. My topic for the research project has to do with all the sciences and theories behind psychology. No one really understands how the brain truly works; scientists have been trying to figure it out for centuries. So what really triggers our emotions? Are they actual impulses that we react upon or are they just something to explain the unexplainable? Can humans really enter a state of unconsciousness? When someone says they are conscious about doing something, what exactly do they mean? Does your conscious even exist? These are only some of the questions that researchers and scientist have been trying to answer for countless years. We wish to understand why a human brain is more advanced and more complex than that of animals’. What makes us different? The knowledge can expand our current technology to almost limitless potential. If we understood every aspect of human intelligence (memory retention, emotion, consciousness) then we would be able to artificially engineer all of those things. Imagine robots that could think and feel like real humans. A car that could memorize a route you took and take that route on its own at any given time. We are held back by the lack of knowledge regarding the inner workings of our minds. If we could just understand everything about the brain, then we could use that knowledge to advance our own lives. We could literally create our own form of artificial intelligence; but the intelligence would be as real as we are.

    James, Period 5

  88. The topic that I am researching is if genetically engineered foods link to obesity in America. I do know that scientists are currently doing research about this topic. I heard them discussing it on WNPR. Beef and the certian things they give to the cows to beef them up are going into our food and may be affecting us in similar ways to the cows. Scientist believe that the additives in these foods can be causing people to eat more than they used to do a few generations ago. I know that most of the produce that is sold at our supermarkets are genetically engineered and that people are better off buying their produce from their local farm markets. I also know that people shouldn't eat the genetically engineered foods especially when it's not in season.

  89. I have a different overall question:

    Are any treatments for Multiple Sclerosis that are controversial in the medical field? If so, what are they and why are they so controversial?

    Emily, period 8

  90. Cancer is a disease where cells have uncontrolled growth and sometimes metastisis where the cancer can spread througout the body. Doctors have been using many different methods to combat the many different types of cancer. The most common Is kemotherapy which uses rdiation to try and kill the cancer cells and any other cells in the area of the cell. There are also different surgiries that can be used to remove the infected cells.


  91. I. Topic: Eating Disorders

    What I Know: Self image is very important among teenagers, especially girls. This being true, it’s no surprise the extents that young girls and boys go to in order to achieve an image they’re comfortable with. Anorexia and bulimia are two very serious disorders that are common among mostly teens but also adults too. I know that bulimia is when you binge eat, and then force yourself to throw up. Anorexia is when you refrain from eating anything at all. I know that most insurance carriers only cover 30 days of rehabilitation for the disorders. I also know that if the disorder gets too serious, it could end in a fatality. There isn’t really much I know about the subject but I hope that by researching this topic that I can learn more.

    danielle p1

  92. I.My Topic: Free Running
    II. I first became aware of free running when watching the last James Bond film. In the movie James Bond is chasing a bad guy and the bad guy uses parkour, which is similar to free running, to try to get away from James Bond. I watched the making of the movie and learned that what the guy was doing was parkour and that he made a short movie about free running which is similar but has a different point to it different than getting away. Free running is all about fun and style. It was started by Sebastian Foucan. I hear it is mainly done in Europe but am certain that it is also done in the U.S. Online there are many videos involving free running.

  93. Effective Autism Treatment

    I know a lot about autism because my younger brother has a diagnosis of autism. Autism has pervaded my family's life for 6 years, beginning when my youngest brother was diagnosed at the age of 2. I am acutely aware of the symptoms, the various treatments put forth by the scientific and educational communities, as well as the effect that autism has on families. I know that autism is a neurological disability with a genetic predisposition that affects a persons behavior, communication, and socialization. I know this first hand because of my younger brother, who attends a special school for children with autism. I also know about the difficulties associated with having a family member with autism. Early intervention is the key to progress with regard to a young child diagnosed with autism. Without doing any research, I know that the most scientifically validated treatment method for autism is applied behavioral analisis, or ABA therapy, because my brother has had this kind of treatment since he was two years old and I have witnessed the porgess that can occur with this kind of early intervention.

    Carter Period 7

  94. I. My topic is BASE jumping.
    II. BASE jumping is one of the most dangerous extreme sports in the world. BASE jumping is a sport involving the use of a parachute or the sequenced use of a wingsuit and parachute to jump from fixed objects. BASE is an acronym for Building, Antenna, Span, and Earth. Although the act of base jumping is not illegal, many of the things that go along with it are. For example, the objects being jumped from are private property, therefore the jumper can be charged for trespassing, reckless endangerment, and numerous other charges. The base jumps that popularized the sport were made from El Capitan in Yosemite National Park.

  95. 1. operating systems
    2. I know that there are three main operating systems: Windows, Linux, and mac. Windows is used mostly of the three. Also i have experienced and heard problems with Vista and how xp is better. I too prefer xp over vita. Linux i know is free and is also pretty popular. I have used Linux and have to say that its pretty easy to use and is nice that it's free. I know that eventually xp will be gone and you'll have no choice but to upgrade to vista. Lastly i know that mac is very popular to the user friendly interface. Each operating system are different in their own ways and all have advantages and disadvantages.
    Brendan period 7

  96. 1. My Topic: Steroids in Baseball

    2. What I know: Players have been using steroids since around the mid to late 80s. Jose Canseco is widely known as "The Godfather of Steroids." They call him this because he was the first player to seriously use steroids in baseball, and distribute it to other players. Since the late 80s, more and more players have been using steroids. Recently, former senator George Mitchell made a report on all of the players who have taken steroids or other performance enhancing drugs. There were lots of big names in the report, the biddest probably being Roger Clemens. Before this report was released, Clemens was known as a first ballot hall of famer, and one of the greatest pitchers of all time. Whether he took steroids or not(there's still no hard evidence that he did), his repputation is ruined forever. It is my opinion that steroids need to be taken out of baseball.

  97. I. My Topic: Deciding with job to pick between Nursing and Counseling.

    II. What I Know: I know that my aunt is a nurse at Yale New Haven Hospital and I have been interested in becoming a nurse just like her. I have always been interesting in helping people all my life and because of that I also couldn't pick which job to pick because counseling is also helping people. I have been to a counselor before so I know a little bit about how it works. They try to help people with different problems that they have and how to make things better for them. Right now I am drawn between which of the two jobs to pick along the way.

    Kristin, Period 7

  98. my topic is underground edinburgh, which is basically the older history of edinburgh, scotland. i found it incredably interesting when i was there this april. i only remember the brief things that i heard during tours
    -madeline period 7

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